
I can't wear a pectoral cross. Pectoral cross. Where did the tradition of wearing crosses come from and why wear it? You can not wear someone else's cross

I have been a Christian for about 10 years now.

And of course, over these ten years I have faced a million different questions on the topic "Can you drink?", "Do you have candles in church?", "Do you go to church in jeans too?" are you different from the Orthodox Church? " etc.

But this post will specifically focus on one question, "Why don't I wear a cross."

Once upon a time I went with a friend to the USA, and somehow friends there asked me to sit with their children while they were leaving somewhere. And, here's the scene: my friend is sitting with a child in her arms, and the child asks a question, seeing a cross on her friend's neck:

- Anna, why are you wearing a cross?

Anna looks at me in panic and exclaims:

- Lena! What to say?!

I turn to them and say to the little girl sitting on my friend's lap:

- Hopey (this is the girl's name), do you know what the cross means?

- Yes!!! it cross, where Jesus died for our sins!

- Yes that's right. A the cross on the neck is a reminder that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

I believe that the cross is the perfect symbol of Christianity. And wearing a cross is really the most vivid reminder of what Christ did. The problem is that most of the people who now wear it do not put this meaning into the cross anymore.

Now this is just the performance of a certain ritual:

1) either it is mandatory to wear it after baptism in the temple;

2) either put into it a certain function of a talisman or omulet.

3) or (which is similar to the above) - suddenly helps? (what is just not clear).

In my opinion, there are two options.

If you don’t believe in Christ as God, you don’t have any special idea either about Christian God or about Christianity in principle - only vaguely somewhere, sort of like hearsay, then a cross on your neck does not make you a Christian or a believer by default... And it does not save from evil spirits either.

If you are a believer, acknowledge Christ as your Lord and Savior, you know that the first commandment is not “Thou shalt not kill,” but “I am the Lord, your God ... may you have no other gods before my face,” you visit church not only on holidays "for the sake of a tick", but this is, in principle, part of the way of your life, if you are not scared at the word "Bible", then a cross on your neck doesn't make you a better Christian or a believer... At the same time, he does not expel evil spirits either. If you are a Christian in essence, then you are a Christian with or without a cross. .

Why don't I wear a cross, despite the fact that I consider the cross to be an ideal symbol?

I have a list again.

Well, first of all, it's not fundamentally important - if you essentially christian , then additional accessories will not add anything to this.

Secondly, the cross as a symbol has already become blurry. I don’t know how rude it sounds. The bottom line is that now the presence of a cross on a person's neck does not at all mean that he belongs to Christianity. It can be just a decoration. Or as a tradition. Neither one nor the other applies to the confession of faith in the heart. In this regard, I preferred to wear the symbol for many years " fish": in Greek the word" fish "sounds like" ichthys". Christians used this word as an abbreviation" Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior of the world. "About such a decoding was known to the insider circle of people who were" in the subject. "Especially this symbol helped during the severe persecution in the Roman Empire." Cross "was too a prominent symbol, therefore a fish was used.

Now I don't wear a cross or a fish. Although I have them. I have a silver cross at home, so I want to put it on somehow. But not because I put any special meaning into it. And because I like it. He is so cute. Small. Not pretentious and without any special embellishment. And, well, there was still a wooden one before. I liked him too. But a friend took it technically and began to wear it herself. They are such friends ... as they wish for their neighbor, that's all. Gone.

Do you wear a cross? Why? Or what for? Do you still believe in Christ? With all my soul? ...

Hello, Alexander.
Actually, you came to church, then you came to GOD OF LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST, this is his house, those who were behind you, they also came to GOD, they are not masters here, but it looks like they dug something into you with their actions, and this is already means that GOD allowed, you see, those who were behind you, they are like you, and you probably thought that they were the masters, because you thought that you had no place among them. You see, you left, from the host's guests, and they are the same as you. Therefore, you have a place in the church, and you are the awaited and called, the candle has gone out, you need to light it again, and there are no problems. Christians know that the enemy can do it badly, but the cross does not belong to the enemy. but to CHRIST. Therefore, put on a GRATEFUL cross, and you felt bad, you see, there is a disorder in the heart, which means that there is an enemy in sins in the heart, this is no longer GOD, and this is the enemy who is already dealing with you in your heart, because here you have to do the correct conclusion, which means that your heart is a sick heart, and you already have to go to church, like to a hospital, and you need to heal your heart the way Christians do it. You see what a cunning enemy, he blamed the cross for all your poor health, which means that GOD is already to blame, not the enemy. And as an enemy, he can get into the heart, and then like this, the enemy is he who steals peace in the heart and joy, creates a bad state of health, and the enemy gets into the heart when the commandments and laws of GOD are violated, when we betray GOD OF LOVE by deed with word and thought , here they are the gates through which the enemy can enter the heart, and when the enemy gets into the heart through sins, the enemy will not leave himself without work, the enemy must start stealing something, because after losses, the enemy has our frustrations, our torments, our hell on earth and in heaven, this is his harvest. You see, you already have peace in your heart and joy is not counted, which means the enemy has stolen. Look, it happens that we live, and if, since you do not lead a Christian saving way of life, do not follow the state of the heart, then the enemy enters through sins into the heart, and this is how he accumulates strength in many sins, and is already trying to apply these forces, but it happens that you find out that there is an enemy in your heart, a sick heart or not sick, it happens that you need to offend, you see, here you come to church, and now they laughed at you, and here they are your thoughts, you made the wrong conclusion, just you took it and got offended and became dissatisfied with their actions, that's all, here it is, a disorder in the heart manifested itself, therefore, the enemy took you away from the church, from the hospital, and why the same came to church, probably for help, then they came to church , and you do not know what to do, but you see, this is how GOD allowed you to offend, you passed the analysis, and now he is the enemy in your grievances and discontent manifested himself, vidide you passed the analysis for heart disease, and since you were in church, in a spiritual hospital, then it was already necessary to begin to heal the heart, and you on the contrary mouth escaped from the hospital. came home, and began to self-medicate, and now you have a desire to hang a cross, a GRATEFUL cross was hung, and now he is an enemy, since there is in his heart, he again showed himself in your mood, here he is the enemy activated his forces, SO ENEMY WANTS YOU TO REMOVE THE CROSS, and now if you even remove the cross, then the enemy is in the heart, and the enemy he got into the heart through sins, through disobedience to GOD, somewhere you violated the commandments of GOD. You see where it is already necessary to dig, you see the presence of a cross on your neck is not connected with the fact that you feel bad from the cross, on the contrary, you MUST BECOME GOOD, BUT THE GRACE OF GOD CANNOT GO IN YOUR HEART, BECAUSE IT IS TAKEN BY THE ENEMY THAT SINKED THROUGH THE HEART it's just that GOD through the cross began with his GRACE to act on the enemy, who through sins entered the heart, and this is how the enemy began to torment and upset you. You see, as it were, the cross, his power, GRATEFUL bound the enemy, and the cross showed what power the enemy has accumulated in the heart, YOU'RE BAD, and if you remove the cross, then the enemy is already in your heart, then the enemy can already inflict more serious blows on you, YOU CAN ALREADY BE BAD, IF YOU GET SICK, your health is already in the hands of the enemy, already your finances, your relations with your neighbors, and then the enemy can use his forces, you see what the enemy's strength is in your heart, and you will no longer be able to cope, and meanwhile, the strength of the enemy, it can be seen in your mood, but if you remove the cross, then the enemy's hands will be untied, and already the enemy he can throw his forces, knit together in sins, on your other affairs, health, etc. You know, like in war, this is how it happens that with some kind of small force, they pin the enemy on themselves, and you can see what kind of enemy he has, and you can already see what needs to be done, and how and with what forces it is necessary to defeat the enemy, then so same, you see the cross, he chained all the enemy forces on himself, GOD through the cross forced the enemy to show his strength, on your mood, and now it is the enemy's strength manifested, and GLORY TO GOD you are healthy, and you have no other losses, and so far it is in your mood is reflected, because the enemy could have already attacked you stronger than you, and you could already have suffered great losses, but you see the cross does not allow the enemy to turn around, and the enemy has so far only managed to deprive you of peace and joy, and your health, your deeds, relationships yours are not yet destroyed. You see here it is a cross, and like this, through the cross, the enemy has already shown himself and his strength in you, what are you doing, you write that you are reading prayers, you see you are moving in the right direction, you have already begun to use another medicine for the treatment of the heart, how if you start adding Christian works, and this is GLORY TO GOD, but you see it does not help, since it does not become easier for you, then the enemy in the heart does not lose strength, then the enemy is in sins in the heart, AND WHILE YOU DO NOT KNOW THESE SINS, and it is already necessary find your sins, somewhere with your behavior you hold the enemy in your heart, MAYBE WHERE DOES NOT REFUSE HIS SERVICES, AND THE ENEMY IS WHAT GOD FORBIDDES, THEN THE ENEMY GIVES, you see somewhere maybe you have grievances on your neighbors, and you do not want to forgive, you see prayers you read, but you still have to forgive, and if you have offended someone from your loved ones and loved ones, you have to go and ask for forgiveness, you see others already need your actions, you already need to find an enemy in your heart in sins, and it is necessary to submit to its light, AND THE ENEMY HE IS AFRAID OF THE LIGHT, in You see, you are already ready to do everything to make it easier for you, but you need to find sins, and you must refuse to serve the enemy with sins. You see, you can no longer do it with the help of the GRACE, and through prayers to change the state of your heart, so you have to go to church, like to a hospital, because it already turns out that your heart is seriously ill, and you already need other help, and another medicine, because you would need to find a spiritual father for yourself, a priest who would have already helped you change the state of your heart, you see, you cannot recognize the enemy, in what sins he is in your heart, and since the enemy was not recognized, did not deprive the enemy his strength is in your heart, it means that prayers are useless, you need to look for your sins, maybe you have some sinful habits, and you need to look for them. You see, you need to reduce the enemy in your heart, and by GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST you need to grow, and this already needs to be done differently from how you do it at home, you already need a specialist who would help you change the state of your heart, and a specialist confessor is a priest, he is just and is in a church where you don't want to go. All the gifts of GOD must be found in the church, GOD whose name is LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST he said WHO DRINKS MY BLOOD AND EATS MY FLESH IN WHAT I AM, and it is Christians who have communion, HERE THIS TABLET OF GOD, GRACE TO GOD and you need to start taking from your discomfort, but first you need to cleanse your heart from sins, from the enemy in confession and repentance, you see in confession and repentance with the help of a priest's confessor, and you need to give light to all your sins, you already need to open your heart, and a specialist will help you recognize sins, but in the sins of the enemy, and if you find where they disobeyed CHRIST. if you find what commandments you have violated, then you can already say that you have found the reason for the loss of peace and joy in your heart, then already the LORD FORMATE, you see GOD needs your repentance, and you also need to refuse to serve sins on the enemy, in confession and repentance the heart is cleansed of sins. from the enemy, and already at communion, the already vacated place includes GOD whose name is LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST. SEE THERE IS NO ENEMY IN YOUR HEART, WHO WILL NOT MAKE YOU IN A BAD MOOD. You see, here is this pill to GOD, GRACE TO GOD through communion, and you need to start eating, but first you need to cleanse your heart FROM SINS. FROM THE ENEMY, through confession and repentance. You see what kind of work is needed. You need to do a general cleaning in your heart, you need to thoroughly understand, and then the next day, and daily prayers will help you get rid of your daily sins. You see, when it happens, if you don't monitor the condition of your heart, THEN THE HEART IS ALREADY GETTING STARTED, then prayers may not help, another stronger medicine is needed, this is the condition of your heart, it seems that you have not constantly led a Christian saving lifestyle, not watched every day the state of their heart, so it turned out that the enemy entered through some sins in the heart, and so far you have not found these sins in your heart, and this is how he attacks you, it is GLORY TO GOD that GOD has fettered the forces of the enemy through the cross , and this is GOD showing you the strength of the enemy, and so you see that the enemy has already accumulated so much strength in the heart, and if it is not found, and if all this crawls out through the diseases of the body, then the enemy already could spoil your mood more abruptly. GLORY TO GOD, GOD, he LOVES you, and does not allow the enemy to use his forces in other areas of your life, therefore GOD LOVE gives you time to start leading a Christian saving lifestyle, and so that you will deal with the state of your heart, if you manage to change the state of your heart, it means the enemy will decrease in your heart and CHRIST will be added to your heart, and GOD being in your heart will give you peace in your heart and joy, and you will already be accompanied by a good mood, you see the cross on your chest, and CHRIST is in your heart, that's when you will be able to be the creator of your own destiny. In the meantime, it turns out that the cross, that is, on you, but there is a big shortage of CHRIST in the heart, therefore it is necessary, in the beginning, to cleanse your heart from sins, from the enemy, at confession and repentance, and you must accept CHRIST into your heart through communion, but for this you need to go to a doctor, to CHRIST, and GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST with his GIFTS is waiting for you in the church, just where you do not want to go. How would you write this === I put on a cross and feel very bad, what should I do? === if you didn’t wear the cross, then the enemy would have attacked you in a different way, and this torment in another would have crawled out, and you would have been even worse than today, but you see, yes, you feel bad, and through this you can see your aching heart, that's why you have to go to church like a hospital, and you need to treat your heart with other medicines. You know, here it is the body, and here they are pains, who is taking medications, but the pains do not end, as it were, they hold, and this says that you already need to go to a specialist, you already need to pass tests in order to figure it out thoroughly, and when you already get to the hospital, then the physicians of the body are already helping to find the disease, and prescribing the necessary medications, and when it already turns out well. You see here it is your malaise, you are taking medicine, here is the cross, and here they are your prayers, and it doesn’t help you, so you need to make the right conclusion, it means your heart is seriously ill, so you already need a specialist, a confessor, a priest who trained, and who is able to help to recognize the cause, will help to deal with the state of the heart, which means it will help to find sins, which means the enemy who torments and upsets you, and also a priest confessor, he will prescribe the necessary medicine to treat the heart, and help change the state of the heart, AS if there is indisposition, there is a disease of the soul, of the heart, then it is already necessary to be observed before treatment from your priest clergyman. As if the malaise itself, but in this there is the strength of the enemy in the heart, which continues, it tells you that self-treatment will not work, you need another treatment and you need a specialist and you need a spiritual hospital, and this is a church.

Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer "Hello Alexander. Actually, you came to church to GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST, this is his EU ..." to the question http: // www .. Can you discuss this answer with you?

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I am a baptized man. I don’t understand what’s the matter. I can't wear a cross. As soon as I put it on myself, physical discomfort arises, and I immediately take it off myself. Explain, please, what is the matter. And so for many years.

Dear Olga, I cannot explain this to you. I am not a perspicacious old man to say what kind of problems you have in connection with wearing the cross. Reasoning in general, we can say that the problems in this case can be of two plans.

First, these are spiritual problems, and then it may be associated with some unconfessed passions, forgotten sins. Then, guided by the advice of the Optina elders, it is possible to recommend to go through the general Confession again before an experienced priest, that is, the Confession for the whole life from adolescence, carefully preparing for it, especially in relation to any old, forgotten or shameful sins that have not been confessed or were not fully confessed or not fully confessed.

Secondly, the problem may be related to your psychosomatic state. This needs to be checked, and if you find it difficult to wear a metal cross, you can buy a wooden or knitted one, as they do in Greece, or from threads, or some other light cross, consecrate and use it. If the problem occurs with the chain, try using a thin lace. But I repeat that if all these replacements do not lead to anything, if a simple piece of jewelry is easily worn, and a cross hung on the same chain suddenly causes some discomfort, then, of course, it is worth thinking about the spiritual nature of this phenomenon.

I was baptized a long time ago, I go to church, but something incomprehensible happens. As soon as I put on a pectoral cross, it becomes bad on a physical level. Feeling of rejection, rejection. I immediately remove the cross from myself. Why is this happening to me?

Dear Vera, I cannot explain this to you. I am not a perspicacious old man to say what kind of problems you have in connection with wearing the cross. Reasoning in general, we can say that the problems in this case can be of two plans.

First, these are spiritual problems, and then it may be associated with some unconfessed passions, forgotten sins. Then, guided by the advice of the Optina elders, one can recommend to go through the general Confession again before an experienced priest, that is, the Confession for the whole life from adolescence, carefully preparing for it, especially in relation to any old, forgotten or shameful sins that have not been confessed or were confessed not quite sincerely or not completely.

Secondly, the problem may be related to your psychosomatic state. This needs to be checked, and if you find it difficult to wear a metal cross, you can buy a wooden or knitted one, as they do in Greece, or from threads, or some other light cross, consecrate and use it. If the problem occurs with the chain, try using a thin lace. But I repeat that if all these replacements do not lead to anything, if a simple piece of jewelry is easily worn, and a cross hung on the same chain suddenly causes some discomfort, then, of course, it is worth thinking about the spiritual nature of this phenomenon.

The cross is an indicator of belonging to the Christian faith. From our article you will find out whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and why it cannot be worn over clothing.

The pectoral cross is the most important attribute of any Christian, therefore it is worth choosing it wisely. If you need to find a suitable cross, then you can find it in the Svyattsy store. There are crosses of various shapes and materials.

The cross, according to the clergy, should always be on a believer. But there are also prohibitions associated with it. Some of them are nothing more than superstitions that a believer should not even think about. These include, for example, the darkening of the cross. But this is far from the only question that a believer may have about his cross.

Can't be worn on a chain

There are absolutely no restrictions on the chain. Here, rather, the question of convenience and habit is more fundamental. If a person wants to wear a pectoral cross on a chain, then he can do it, the church does not prohibit such actions. The most important principle that must be followed in this case is that the cross does not get lost and does not fly off the neck. Both lace and chain are acceptable. Superstitious people, however, assure that, by all accounts, the cross is not lost just like that.

Cannot be worn over clothing

This is an absolutely correct statement. The cross is a symbol of faith and protection. Without wearing a cross outside, a person shows the sincerity of faith, without making it ostentatious. Also, all the warmth and blessing that the priest bestows on the pectoral cross during the consecration, in this case, is transferred only to you.

Can't give

You can always give a cross. Of course, it is great if parents or godparents take care of this as one of the christening gifts. But this does not mean that the other person cannot give you a cross. There is also a tradition where two people exchange body crosses, becoming brothers or sisters in Christ. Usually it is done by close people.

Cannot be lifted if found

A superstition that has absolutely no foundation. Let us also recall that superstitions are completely not recognized by the church and are considered incompatible with the Christian faith. There are people who believe that by lifting the found cross, you can take on the problems of the person who lost or left him. The cross, since it is a shrine, must at least be brought to the temple. Or keep it for yourself and store it in the red corner of the house.

You can not wear someone else's cross

If you got a cross from a parent or someone you know, you can wear it. The church does not establish any prohibition here. Especially if you don't have a cross. Many people believe that things are endowed with the energy of their owner and it can be transferred to a new owner. It can also be argued that by giving up the cross, a person is giving away a piece of his Destiny. Only such beliefs have nothing to do with the Christian faith and relate to the occult worldview.

You can't wear a cross with a crucifix

Another superstition not worth paying attention to. There are people who say that a cross with a crucifix will bring a hard life on a person. This is not at all true, only the speculation of people. Such a cross symbolizes the salvation and sacrifice of Christ, there is nothing wrong with it. But it must be worn correctly: the crucifix must be turned not towards you, but outward.

You can not wear a non-consecrated cross

It is best to consecrate the cross. But as such, there is no prohibition on wearing an unconsecrated pectoral cross. It is believed that the evil spirits bypass even two crossed sticks. Nevertheless, a believer should still sanctify his creed.

You can choose any cross that you like: gold, silver, copper or wood. The material is not very important. It is important to consecrate it and not wear jewelry purchased in a jewelry store as a cross. It is necessary to understand that the Orthodox church cross, which symbolizes faith in God, differs from beautiful, but purely decorative crosses. They do not carry a spiritual load and have nothing to do with faith.

There are also many signs and beliefs associated with the cross. Believe in them or not, depends only on you. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.07.2016 06:16

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