
6 cups and a world of tarot combination. The magic of numbers. The meaning of the card in a broad sense


Six of Cups combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - take care of children.
With the "Magician" card - start to implement long-forgotten plans.
With the card "High Priestess" - the secret of the past.
With the Empress card - profit from past investments.
With the "Emperor" card - taking care of your family or work.
With the card "Hierophant" - values ​​instilled in childhood.
With the card "Lovers" - a relationship with a person from the past or a long-standing passion flared up with renewed vigor.
With the "Chariot" card - not to let the past be erased.
With the "Strength" card - to improve.
With the "Hermit" card - get hung up on the past.
With the card "Wheel of Fortune" - a return to square one.
With the "Justice" card - get rid of idealism.
With the Hanged Man card, the past has turned over today.
With the Death card - say goodbye to the past.
With the card "Moderation" - growing up.
With the "Devil" card - children's fears; a shadow of the past; sins of youth.
With the "Tower" card - the shock experienced in childhood.
With the Zvezda card, you hope that your childhood dream will come true.
With the "Moon" card - delusions of youth.
With the card "Sun" - a happy future.
With the card "Judgment" - the closure of karma; help from the past.
With the World card, a clear picture of how the past affects the future.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - a chance to make an old dream come true.
With the card "Two of Wands" - a difficult stage of growing up; choosing the path of the future.
With the card "Three of Wands" - a long-standing relationship with a successful continuation.
With the card "Four of Wands" - graduation from school or institute.
With the "Five of Wands" card - a long-standing conflict; a conflict with a background in the past.
With the card "Six of Wands" - final exam; wedding.
With the "Seven of Wands" card, there are problems that have been accumulating over the years.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - news from a childhood friend.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - past grievances that haunt.
With the card "Ten of Wands" - parting; to bury long-cherished plans.
With the card "Page of Wands" - a childish hobby; hobby.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - move.
With the "Queen of Wands" card, she is a key member of the family with yin qualities.
With the "King of Wands" card, he is a key member of the family with yang qualities.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Six of cups (bowls) in a straight position with the Major lasso

Magician pr and lane - Disturbed pleasures
Priestess - Transfer of the Gift of Healing from an Elder Relative to a Younger
Empress - Fertility Treatment
Emperor - Love for everything and everyone
Priest - Permanent, happy marriage
Lovers - Land of past memories, romanticism, slight sadness
Chariot - Independence, getting rid of other people's influence
Justice - Powerlessness in the face of circumstances, they are against you
Hermit pr and lane - Sadness, hopelessness, melancholy, sadness
Wheel of Fortune - Ideal self-image
Strength - Brawl, dishonor
Hanged Man - Man from the Past, Meeting
Death - Liberation from addiction, relief of heaviness, oppression
Moderation - Traveling with Big Money
Devil - Toxicology, chemical poisoning
Tower - Lack of pragmatism, wandering in the fog
Star - Romantic nostalgia
Moon - Powerless impulses, vain words and dreams
Sun - Memories of happiness
Judgment - The pursuit of luxury, by any means
World - Senile insanity, falling into childhood
Jester - Walk at night

Six of cups (bowls) in an inverted position with Minor lasso

9 of Swords - Not healing from illness, possibly fatal
4 of Swords - Not healing from illness, possibly fatal

What can the meaning of the Tarot tell us? The Six of Cups can be interpreted in different ways. Initially, the card symbolized old and warm, but forgotten memories that warm the soul of even the most calculating pragmatist. Under the influence of the Six of Cups, the happiest moments associated with certain events come to mind.

Description of the card

In a picturesque garden next to a cozy house, a boy (or a young man) holds out to a girl (or a girl) a cup filled with fresh flowers. Not far from them are the rest of the bowls, which are also filled with flowers. The Aquarius Tarot shows a woman of Balzac's age, who has finally found the long-awaited peace. This card symbolizes a calm and peaceful environment.

In a cozy home atmosphere, where safety is felt, everyone seeks to show their simple and natural emotions - joy, love, warmth and care. This card eloquently testifies that you cannot restrain your impulses - you should show your loved ones all those emotions that are hidden in the soul.

Total value

What is the meaning of Tarot? Six of Cups in a layout is a rather positive card that describes a favorable environment that has developed without any particular effort. Manifestations of generosity, generosity and love, joy of life, well-being and emotional uplift - such a card can mean that an old dream will soon come true.

However, this same Arcanum can symbolize a return to the past, that is, to those romantic moments and memories, people and events that have completely or partially passed away. Everything that seemed lost at the Fives stage returns to the Sixes stages. It only means that the past will soon remind of itself. It can be a meeting, event, person, or place.

General interpretation of the map

What can the meaning of the Tarot symbolize? Six of Cups in the process of fortune telling is interpreted in different ways:

  • Meeting someone from a past life.
  • Peaceful state, inner peace and harmony with oneself.
  • Absolute cloudiness - lack of a rational approach to problem solving.
  • Small profit (small joy).
  • New features in the near future.

Replenishment in the family is another definition carried by the Six of Cups (Tarot). The value of this card is pretty positive in any layout. However, there are special subtleties that broaden the interpretation.

Tarot: Six of Cups in a relationship

As for the relationship between a man and a woman, this lasso symbolizes their immediate beginning, that is, the candy-bouquet period. This is exactly the time when each of the participants is ready to listen to his chosen one with wide eyes, listen to every word and try to surprise with something.

This is a symbol of the most reverent between a man and a woman, when separation seems like an eternity even for an hour, when you want to repeat an evening spent together again and again, when a happy smile appears on your face, and the notorious "butterflies" appear in the abdomen.

Is the meaning of the Tarot so unambiguous? The Six of Cups in the relationship layout may differ from the classic interpretation.

The deep meaning of the card in personal relationships

What else does the meaning of the Tarot say? Six of Cups can have a completely opposite definition. So, the card can symbolize a really matured relationship that has a solid base underneath. And if there is a Wheel of Fortune or Judgment nearby with her, then this is actually a summons from the karmic registry office. The classical understanding of "nostalgic" memories smoothly flows into "old yeast" - a person already has a partner, whose image should be sought in the past.

Oftentimes, the Six of Cups symbolizes memories of past relationships, a chance encounter that will flood memories. This card may hint that soon the relationship with a partner may resume after a long "dead period".

In some cases, the meaning of the Tarot (Six of Cups) is a powerful emotional impulse that describes karmic reunions. It happens that people are meant for each other, but some circumstances breed them. In this case, the drawn Six of Cups (Tarot) card is the meaning in love, which is carefully kept in the heart.

Partner relationship forecast

This card has a favorable meaning if it is necessary to predict the relationship with a partner. The meaning of the Tarot card "Six of Cups" is a good sign for someone who is trying to improve relationships. Arkan means that all attempts of the questioner will be crowned with success, and the relationship will not only become stronger - they will be able to reach a new level, and mutual understanding, patience and respect will appear between partners.

If there are no negative cards next to the Six of Cups, this can symbolize good relations with close relatives, help from them and a deep connection between generations, as well as a reverent attitude towards family traditions.

This card has a favorable meaning for those who are tired of a riotous lifestyle and seek to find peace of mind in family relationships. Six of Cups is good for those who honor family values ​​and a sedentary lifestyle - the card promises a peaceful home environment filled with warm feelings and a welcoming atmosphere.

The value of the card in the financial sector

The resumption of financial expenses, a reminder of past debts and obligations - this is another interpretation of the "Six of Cups" (Tarot) card. The meaning of the Arcana can be interpreted as the restoration of a stable financial situation after a difficult period, as well as a special mutually beneficial cooperation, within which both revenues and costs are equally divided.

The Six of Cups can symbolize a small profit, but without the risk of loss. This is a favorable card for aspiring entrepreneurs. People with an adventurous temperament will be immensely happy when they see this card. The Six of Cups has a positive meaning in solving housing issues, because its classic meaning is a peaceful home environment. It only means that soon it is possible to improve your own home or purchase a long-awaited home.

Inverted card

In the inverted form, the Six of Cups symbolizes aspirations to the future, some new opportunities and horizons that open up ahead. Something important and significant, some new acquaintances or knowledge, an event that will become the beginning of a new stage - all this is the meaning of the Tarot. An inverted Six of Cups can mean changes associated with the past and the future - parting with the previous model of behavior and a step into a new stage in life.

The old interpretation of Arkan says that the life situation requires some adjustment in order to avoid problems and troubles in the future.

An inverted Six of Cups may also indicate that the current situation is not as innocent as it seems at first glance. If there are negative cards next to her, this may indicate violence experienced in childhood or other negative moments in the parental home.

The same old interpretations indicate that the inverted card speaks volumes about the possible inheritance. But the modern interpretation says nothing else but unwillingness to fulfill parental promise, avoiding responsibility and unwillingness to be with the family.

Breaking up with old friends, running away from home, denying the past and wanting to forget it as soon as possible, obscene behavior in the family, the need to rise above one's roots - this is the general meaning of the Six of Cups card upside down. A more detailed definition of the situation can be given by the arcana located nearby.

Combining the Six of Cups with other cards

If a Devil card fell out next to the Cups, this only means that the questioner looms the opportunity to step twice into the same water. The temptation to go over the same rake again can apply to both personal relationships and the field of activity. Sometimes such a combination can symbolize a manifestation of corruption, hiding from the law those who must appear before Themis.

A good sign is the combination of a Six of Cups with a Star. It means the manifestation of love, care and solidarity, expression of will and participation.

The combination of the Six of Cups and the Moon has incredible love power. This speaks of deep feelings, passion and experiences.

Nine of Cups - satisfaction from the current situation.

Ten of Cups - happiness and peace of mind, the feeling of God's kiss.

In combination with the Five of Swords, the Six of Cups symbolizes hostility and cynicism. This is exactly the case when there is child abuse in the family or other problems that haunt even in adulthood.

Located next to the Six of Cups, the Five of Pentacles can symbolize childishness in adulthood, excessive childishness.

Internal state

What is the traditional meaning of Tarot? Six of Cups (straight) is infantilism and childishness, unwillingness to grow up and perceive the environment in an adult way, innocence. In fact, this is a kind of inner child who is devoid of doubts, trusts exclusively everyone and sees only the good around him. Here you can feel the echoes of the "little Prince" - it would seem that in adulthood, a person is overgrown with disappointments, lies and hypocrisy. But no - there is a glimpse in the form of a straight map. The six of cups is the hope that the little inner child is still alive and resurrected.

There is one more meaning that is more characteristic of adulthood - nostalgia for a past life, memories of the past, a feeling of a strong connection with the past. Sometimes this lasso indicates a person for whom there is no future without his past and present. This is a strong spiritual and emotional connection with what came before, a reluctance to let go.

Sometimes this "past" can be directly related to experiences from childhood - the card seeks to psychoanalysis "According to Freud", that is, to those concepts that were firmly entrenched in childhood. There can be both positive and negative values. However, most often it is romantic nostalgia for those distant times, and even a desire to return to the past, to live those events and experiences.

The modern interpretation of the personal state is somewhat different. What can the Six of Cups (Tarot) tell about? Significance in relationships with oneself - emotional uplift, a sense of inner balance and harmony, a positive attitude towards others and towards life in general. Favorable neighboring cards only enhance the meaning of the Six - they symbolize a feeling of complete happiness, a willingness to love, help and support in every possible way.

In fact, the Six of Cups is the absolute opposite of the previous lasso (Five of Cups), which means a self-confident person who is ready to translate his ideas into reality and at the same time control emotions.


The drawn card (Six of Cups) can be a piece of advice for the future. So, one of the tips is a parting word: the confidence that everything will be fine in the future. You should indulge your nostalgic memories, cherish and cherish them in your soul, since it is they that give strength for further achievements.

It is necessary to assess the current situation, weigh all the achievements and take stock, assess the losses and profits - this is another interpretation of the card. Six of Cups (Tarot) can have a good value in relationships with loved ones - the card means that this little child lives inside, who is optimistic, in every possible way prevents an adult from settling with all his difficulties. This card advises to establish relationships with loved ones, return to childhood for a while, give only positive emotions to your family and in every possible way protect them from negative reflections.

The Six of Cups also warns against going to extremes and living with only one past. One should receive emotions “here and now”, not run away from reality, but learn to see positive traits and qualities in it.

Professional relationships

As for work, the Six of Cups means absolutely transparent cooperation - a harmonious balance of losses and profits. A clean deal, enjoyment of the job and the field of activity, getting little help, or moving up the career ladder are the professional meaning of the Tarot. Six of Cups (the description of the card was presented earlier) can portend various circumstances - it all depends on those arcana that are located nearby. So, in some cases, interpreters call the Six of Cups a card of absolute "remakes" - the meaning has a direct and figurative meaning. In the same professional field of activity, the inverted Six symbolizes a return to those projects that were never completed, to plans that never materialized.

At the very beginning of a career, the Six can push you towards the direction of professional activity. For a young man or girl who has just graduated from the institute, the lasso that fell suggests that it is worthwhile to connect your life with charity, children or the elderly, because this card is a kind of symbol of mutual aid and altruism.

Six of Cups and love

What does the meaning of the Tarot say about personal relationships? Six of Cups in love was described earlier, but it is worth saying a few more words that will help you understand the deeper meaning of this arcana. So, in the old interpretation it is said that the Six of Cups may indicate an imminent addition to the family, engagement or christening. It is not for nothing that she is a kind of symbol of family reunification, the return of a certain member of it - it may also be a new person who is directly related to the past.

Sometimes this card can indicate adoption or guardianship, which is interpreted as replenishment in the family, a manifestation of care and love for another person.

What remains to add? Only that the Six of Cups as a whole has a positive meaning. A questioning person should not worry about his past - he should accept it and let it go, step into a bright future boldly and not scare away the finally small person who lives inside and gives hope that this world is not yet as bad as it seems at first glance.

You can use your memories to re-learn how to be happy and enjoy every little thing. The card symbolizes inner harmony, the roots of which are directly related to the past.

Tarot cards are the path to understanding the secret and unknown. This is a way to touch the secrets of fate and get an answer to an exciting question. Today anyone can use the ancient fortune-telling. It is enough to know how to interpret the cards. But you need to understand not only the major arcana, but also the "deck of small secrets." For example, Six Tarot Cups, the meaning of which depends entirely on the theme of the layout.

Suit of Tarot Cups

The entire Tarot deck is conventionally divided into two groups. The first includes trump cards, which are also called senior lasso. The second group includes small cards, divided into four suits. Just like in a playing deck, each suit consists of a number row and several court symbols.

Cards of any suit symbolize a person's life path. Also, each of the four suits is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. So, for example, clubs are responsible for the immaterial world, thoughts and aspirations of a person. And the suit of the bowls symbolizes feelings and desires, emotions and love.

If we draw a parallel with a playing deck, then cups correspond to the suit of hearts. In the zodiac row, they symbolize the triad of Water. These are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs are sensitive and emotional, like the suit itself. She personifies intuition, temperament and refers to the feminine principle.

All cup cards have their own interpretation. In any case, it concerns the emotional sphere, feelings and sensations. The Six of Tarot Cups has an interesting interpretation, the meaning of which changes dramatically depending on the question asked by the querent.

Arcanum Six of Chalices

The card depicts a scene involving two children. The boy gives the girl a golden cup with flowers planted in it. The girl is surprised to accept the gift. Next to the guy there are five more such bowls, in which flowers also grow.

Children are in the garden by the old house. On some versions of the deck, an elderly couple is watching the guys, embracing, with affection. The image on the map is quite symbolic.

Six of Tarot bowls, the meaning of which refers to thoughts and feelings, personifies peace and tranquility. Children are safe in a cozy home... They are where the expression of the most tender emotions is natural. The boy gives care and attention to the girl. The elderly couple in the background symbolizes pacification and withdrawal from the hustle and bustle. They have already gone through a lot, but everyone also loves each other. Seniors watch young characters who have yet to learn how to express their feelings.

Six of Cups encourages us to share our emotions. She appeals to the feelings of people and insists that you cannot save them. Speak pleasantly, take care and show love. The cups, standing at a distance, symbolize energy that requires application, a supply of inspiration and tender feelings.

The card also represents insignificant profit and no risk. Slow but steady progress is typical for people of "home" temperament.

Interpretation of the minor lasso

In any case, all cards have two positions. Depending on whether the symbol dropped out in the correct or inverted orientation, Tarot's answer will have different interpretations... The same rules apply to the Six of Cups, which can turn to the questioner from either side.

Correct position

In the correct orientation, the Six of Cups has a positive value. She personifies the peace and stability of the emotional sphere.

The meaning of the Six of bowls in the correct position:

In the correct position, the Six of Cups demonstrates harmony in the inner world of a person. He is generous and generous, and his thoughts are pure. The symbol represents wisdom and the ability to act in harmony with your feelings.

Following the Five, which acts as a map of hardships and troubles, the desired calm has come. The six symbolizes a favorable period when it is so useful to make plans for the future, dream and fulfill dreams.

The card embodies the tranquility that a person who has experienced a lot (in the Five) finds. He has already learned to cope with emotions and control his experiences. After going through the problems, he was reborn to a new life.

Of great importance are the cards standing next to them, which will help clarify the Tarot answer. The magician who appears in the layout shows the ability to fulfill what has long been desired. The Strength card indicates that the personality continues to improve and achieves success in this. Her appeasement is a sign of wisdom.

Wrong position

A card received upside down gives a radically different answer. The meaning of the symbol is somewhat distorted, although its interpretation remains more positive than negative.

The main meanings of the inverted Six of bowls:

The inverted Six of Cups symbolizes the desire to escape responsibility. The man is trying to burn the bridges behind him. Something happened that he was not prepared to be held responsible for.

Can such a symbol also demonstrate fears associated with the past. Often they relate to childhood and phobias that stretch into adulthood.

An inverted card speaks of a person's desire to break into the future, leaving the past behind. Experience and past experiences will remain in the past, but it is possible that this will lead to new problems.

The cards next to the lasso will help to clarify such a vague interpretation. For example, the Five of Swords speaks of callousness as a result of the stress experienced. The person no longer listens to emotions. The nine of wands speaks of an unwillingness to reckon with ideals, of a challenge to society.

Six Cups in the Analysis of Consciousness

The six of cups indicates a person who is lost in his past. He again and again returns consciousness to the experienced events, often ignoring the present day. The personality leaves reality, bitterly sorting out the glorious days of the past. The shock experienced may also torment her.

The card does not call to forget the past, but also requires a person to participate in the present. You cannot bury yourself in memory, otherwise today will be covered with the dust of indifference. Give your memories enough space, but don't make them sacred. Otherwise, miss the light that today has prepared for you.

Career, work and finance

It often happens that the Six of Cups falls out in the layout for professional activities. At first glance, the emotional card has nothing to do with work, but Tarot is rarely mistaken when looking at the very heart of the problem.

Correct orientation

The six bowls represent serenity, and in the question of work, symbolizes the enjoyment of activity. A person is in his place, his work satisfies him, he is fully realized. Even if there is a creative crisis at the moment, the querent has every opportunity to overcome it. The boy holding out the goblet calls to seize the chance given by fate.

If the deck is asked for advice, then the Six of Cups calls to do good deeds. Act in good faith, treat others with patience and you will be rewarded. Do not seek material gain in good deeds. She will come on her own, and where you least expect her. Enhances this value of the card with a Star standing nearby.

If the Emperor falls next to the card, Tarot encourages you to show more zeal in your work. Pay attention to business.

Wrong orientation

The inverted six of cups demonstrates a desire to abandon the old rules and go the unbeaten path. Conservatism is alien to you, you crave innovation and strive for novelty.

Maybe such a card also personifies feelings about the past. Some negative experience left an imprint on you that you still cannot get rid of. It will take a long time to forget about what happened.

In any case, the card encourages a person to wake up and take a sober look at the situation. The problem is not as significant as it seems at first glance. Let your mind into your life and listen less to emotional outbursts. You feel too much and think too little.

Personal relationships and love

Often, in divination for love, the querent receives the symbol of 6 Tarot cups. The meaning in the relationship of this sign is most often positive, regardless of its position.

Correct card position

Very often, such a card symbolizes a random event that will evoke violent memories. This can be a meeting with an old friend, a former lover, or a new acquaintance that will give references to a past relationship.

The card indicates karmic ties, where the acquaintance and relationship of two people are predetermined by fate itself. These are strong harmonious alliances based on sexual and spiritual attraction. Relationships promise happiness to both partners. The lasso Court reinforces this meaning, as well as the Wheel of Fortune, which stands nearby. The Moon also has a positive influence, which indicates love that has gone through all adversity.

Incorrect card position

6 cups inverted speaks of a truce achieved through a difficult path. A symbol can also denote a situation that is much more complicated than it seems.

The wrong position speaks of parting with something old. You may break strong ties, lose friends, or quarrel in a relationship. In any case, the card does not carry a cardinally negative interpretation. It only warns of possible problems.

Fortune telling about the state of health

The card indicates possible health problems that you inherited. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for example, aortic disease, are not excluded. Tarot also warns of the need to protect the nervous system. Neuroses and insomnia are possible.

The symbol warns of possible relapse of the disease. Often the ailment seems to be defeated, but over time it can remind of itself. Be careful.

If you decide to read Tarot cards, you need to not only trust them, but also properly prepare to communicate with them. The cards are very moody and do not tolerate the smell of tobacco, alcohol, they will not tell the truth if you ate a heavy meal before fortune telling or feel sarcasm about them.

It is advisable to guess in a dark room with candles or a lamp, you can light incense there before the process - this will help to tune in the right mood.

Before fortune-telling, you need to do the following:

  • If you are wondering for yourself, it is good to drink herbal tea, if for another - coffee.
  • Retire in a room where no one will disturb you, turn off your phone.
  • Tune in to energy cards, look at the drawings on them, hold them in your hands.
  • Get out of your head all the thoughts that distract you, ask the cards a question.
  • In the process of fortune telling, distance yourself from everything and try not to feel emotions.

If you do everything as expected, higher forces will give you an answer through the cards, and you will be able to understand both the situation and its causes, origins and inner meaning. There are many simple layouts for love, relationships, work, and so on.

The main thing is to correctly interpret what has fallen to you. To do this, you need to carefully look at each card, study what is drawn on it, turn on imagination and intuition and, of course, read about the meaning of the Arcana.

If you got the Six of Cups, familiarize yourself with its inner meaning and meaning and, based on this, draw conclusions about what you wanted tell you tarot.

Identifying the Six of Cups (Cups)

Many decks of this card show children surrounded by goblets full of flowers. This card has a positive meaning, it speaks of prosperity and success.

The lasso symbolizes generosity, love, generosity and harmony, exaltation and joy of life. if this card is the last in the layout, it usually says that your cherished dream, which you have even forgotten, will soon come true.

But sometimes the Six of Cups means nostalgia, a return to the past, thoughts about those people who no longer exist in our life. she awakens forgotten dreams, reminds of plans that once were, but were never realized. This card is associated with karmic memory... She says that the best does not come to us, but comes back - you feel not just good, but good, as in childhood.

This card says that something - an event or a person - will make you open your eyes again and notice all the good things that are happening around you. Sadness from the present leads to nostalgia for the past, makes you remember the love that was once.

But then it is transformed into the knowledge that happiness exists at all, that you have already experienced it, which means you can again ... Arkan says that the questioner will soon be able to be happy again, if other cards in the layout do not refute this. Something from the past - energy, experience - will help change the present.

Six of Cups can symbolize the house, and not the one in which the questioner lives, but the one in his heart - perhaps this is the place where he spent his childhood, the Motherland. In some cases, the card says that the life of the questioner is now influenced by problems from childhood, complexes and fears of the past.

If in the layout there is Six of Swords, it definitely speaks of generic problems. The Six of Cups can predict family gatherings or meetings with childhood friends or distant relatives.

This card often says that everything that happens now is in some way connected with the past, perhaps it is a payback or a reward, or maybe you are doing this because of problems that you experienced before. Bad value cards around Six of Cups talk about childhood traumas or generally about unhealed wounds from the past.

But if the alignment was made for the future, this Arkan predicts a good completion of affairs, the achievement of a goal and sometimes symbolizes the fact that real happiness will come into your life. Sometimes he predicts a trip to the Motherland, to those places that you associate with childhood and joy.

Meaning in relationships

In the layout of the relationship this card has two polarly different meanings. One of them is flirting, easy relationship without obligation, flirtation. The second is a mature and strong relationship built on a solid foundation. If there are Judgment or Wheel of Fortune cards nearby in the layout, this indicates that you are karmically connected with your partner.

The connection of the card with the past in this case is transformed into a foundation and a solid base that was laid in the past. The interpretation of the situation will help to more specifically describe the situation. the rest of the Arcana in the alignment.

Sometimes this card speaks of nostalgia for a past relationship, predicts the return of someone from the past, perhaps this is a former partner, or maybe an old friend with whom you had a fight. It could be rekindling a relationship that seemed hopeless.

Something will come to you from the past that will play a big role in the future, nostalgia can nourish and support you in the present.

Sometimes Arkan says about fateful, karmic connections, the exchange of energies. Perhaps you will meet a person whom you forgot to think about, but then, in the past, you met him precisely in order for him to play a role in your future.

The card has a positive meaning, it speaks of sincere feelings and direct intentions, about the experience of the past, which was experienced together and now unites. People together feel good and calm, they know each other, their connection is strong, they can trust each other. Perhaps it there will be reconciliation with someone.

The card speaks of tenderness, sexual attraction, kind attitude and playfulness. It will be easy and good for you with someone who comes to you from the past.

Sixes of any suit usually speak positively about relationships, they symbolize prosperity. This card speaks of a beautiful relationship, tenderness and trepidation. There is no vulgar jealousy, cynicism or admixtures of something black and negative in them. This is a space of warmth, peace and trust.

The map predicts fulfillment of desires, one of its meanings is a wedding, the creation of a family. She will delight you if you dream of a family idyll and are tired of a noisy and passionate life. She promises home, warmth and comfort, love and naturalness, tenderness and kindness.

Six of Cups can also denote courtship, bouquet and candy period in a relationship, generosity and gifts brought from the heart. Sometimes the card symbolizes an old friend whom you know completely and completely and with whom it is easy to communicate.

If you have wondered about a relationship with your loved one, this card is a very good sign. She says that all your aspirations will come true, you will achieve what you dream of, and the relationship will only become stronger.

Sometimes card says about good relations with relatives - both your own and your partner, that you will have a big family, and there will be mutual understanding between generations. Or, perhaps, it is already in your life, and it needs to be appreciated.

Sometimes Arkan says that some kind of ancestral connection will be restored, perhaps you will find a long-lost relative. Maybe your family will grow, you or your relatives will have a child. In some cases, the card speaks of adoption. If there are bad Arcana around her, she describes bad relationships with her family, quarrels with her parents and teenage riots.

In love

In an upright position the card says that kindness and warmth awaits you from a loved one, that his feelings are sincere, and you should trust him. She can talk about falling in love, or about the memories of what once was.

This Arcanum is very poetic, it has the sweetness of genuine feelings and the tenderness of first love. You will be happy, and your relationship with loved ones will only get stronger. Perhaps you will have an affair with someone from the past.

In an inverted position the card predicts the world after a quarrel with someone, although experience and a sober mind will advise you not to put up with this person. He has already brought a lot of grief and, perhaps, will cause just as much trouble in the future. If you were wondering about a new love, the inverted Six of Cups says that, alas, this is a hopeless relationship.

In work

Arcanum means pure thoughts and cooperation built on trust. You can rest assured of the honesty of your partners. It symbolizes creativity, great ability, work that you will enjoy.

Perhaps it will be work related to helping people or with children or the elderly. It can also be a profession that has a connection with history - an architect, historian, museum worker.

If the alignment was made for some projects, then profit is possible, but not very large, but without risk. Old projects will resume, you will return to what you already discussed earlier.

The card speaks of the return of debts or a reminder of some past obligations. She talks about recovery from the crisis and about cooperation, in which everything will be fair and equal.

The map predicts good prospects for novice businessmen, it speaks of security and success. It is favorable for solving issues related to buying a home, says that you will improve your standard of living.


The card may indicate children or the elderly. She speaks of an insufficient amount of strength, about the return of past diseases. In an upright position, she portends recovery, but they can diseases appear from childhood, maybe the complications associated with them.

In an inverted position in the hands of health, it directly warns of relapses and return past pains... It can talk about diseases of the cardiovascular system and infections.

Yes or no

Traditionally, in divination by Tarot cards, in which a question is asked, which can only be answered positively or negatively, a card in an upright position means the answer "yes", and inverted - no.

But in the case of the Six of Cups, the meaning is more interesting: in an inverted position, it says that something from the past will interfere with the achievement of your goal, perhaps complexes or fears, or maybe even old enemies.

In a straight position card says that the past, on the contrary, will take on a positive meaning for you. Previous knowledge, people with whom you once were friends, or the experience of past years can help you. Maybe you can restore something that you thought you lost, or your old dream will come true.

"Eternal Femininity leads us forward!"


This card is considered one of the nicest in the deck. Minor lasso Tarot card Six of Cups (Cups) is an innocent situation, success in a favorable environment, without making any effort. In this article, we will consider the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

Six of Cups is a card of nostalgia, memories of the past, including love feelings.

Description of the card

The Six of Cups depicts a florist, more like a jester, who gives a flower to a young lady with a smile on his face. The tablecloth of the counter is lined with the St.Andrew's Cross of Sympathy. The job of a salesperson marks the origins of Scorpio - the passion for wealth. However, white flowers symbolize the return of the emotional state to its primary sources.

Thus, purified emotions are presented in the form of a flower to a child who is in great need of it, and the dangerous nature of Scorpio is transformed into love and understanding. The jester's clothes are interpreted as a certain image of the game that the seller has created for himself, but this does not prevent him from showing feelings of love and compassion for people.

Another symbol depicted on the card - "the enchanting garden of family joys" - has a traditional interpretation: imminent marriage.

The overall value of the Six of Cups card

The card expresses generosity, respect and love, joy of life and inner harmony, as well as prosperity and emotional uplift. If the Six of Tarot Cups fell out as the resulting card, it means the embodiment of some long-forgotten dream into reality.

This Arcanum serves as a vector going into the Past. He points to past events that we have almost completely forgotten, people who have left the social circle, forgotten habits and things. All that the Fives considered lost, the Sixes regained.

With its presence in the alignment, the Six of Cups brings about the awakening of forgotten desires, plans and aspirations. Perhaps some event will remind you of people, places, meetings from the past. In addition to the usual one, which does not go beyond one life, there is also karmic memory in the conduct of this card.

Six of Tarot Cups, the meaning of the card according to the old interpreters: "that which has not disappeared", however, it cannot disappear.

The return of better times, not their immediate arrival. The presence of the card in the hand ensures that someone or something will make you believe in good things. This card complements the Five of Cups. Difficulties in life, problems, longing for lost happiness and departed love give reason to think about the fact that there were once happy times.

And the most significant thing that the Six of Cups gives is a feeling inside that there will definitely be happy times, and perhaps they have already come, because once you were already happy, which means that it may well happen again. In a successful scenario, the card guarantees that a person will find happiness again.

The card evokes a feeling of spirituality, the desire for new stages and achievements. The experience of the past provides a solid foundation for the implementation of the main goals, and the knowledge gained from experience gives strength to change life for the better.

The Six of Cups can show, just like the Ten of Cups, the house of the questioner, or rather, not so much the place of residence itself, as his homeland, ancestors and origin. If the Six of Cups falls out in the same alignment with the Six of Swords, it may indicate the cause of problems that are associated with childhood or serious situations that left a deep impression. Also, this card speaks of the proximity of solemn events, holidays, anniversaries, and possibly a meeting with old acquaintances.

Unambiguously, the loss of the Six of Cups in the layout informs the questioner that the present situation has developed due to some circumstances that have occurred earlier. However, the overwhelming majority of interpretations of this card agree that the appearance of this card in the layout portends good times, fulfillment of desires, imminent happiness and love.

Personality description

Six of Cups, the meaning of the card is interpreted as the image of an innocent child with all the qualities inherent in this early age, devoid of internal problems and anxieties of a mature person. Becoming adults, we lose our naivety, infantilism, and the Six of Cups will certainly return us to this state. The traditional interpretation indicates the return of a person to his I - the inner child.

There is also a completely opposite meaning - an internal state inherent in people in their declining years. This is due to nostalgic feelings for the young years, with notes of sentimental memories. Sometimes the card indicates a person for whom the past plays a big role and is still inextricably linked with the present, since a tremendous experience was obtained from past events.

In most cases, the past refers to impressions and experiences received in childhood, which may relate to Freudian psychoanalysis. But one way or another, the main meaning of the card is the sentimental mood of a person who is ready to live in the past. For him, memories are valuable, which do not allow him to live in peace in the present, but returns him in romantic dreams to past events.

Positive features

When favorable cards fall out in the layout, the Six of Cups describes a person's finding in harmony, finding inner balance and tranquility. The person is filled with vitality, ready to work and help other people. This card personifies an internally calm personality, devoid of empty experiences, worry and anxiety, keeping all your actions and emotions under control.

At a deeper level

The Six of Cups refers to the karmic knots created in past incarnations. The description of the card emphasizes the fullness of harmony and tranquility of inner strength. The card characterizes a person who is able to renew his inner "I" by returning to the original authentic state. Crowley associates this ability with the ability to find your center, to find a creative source. The Six of Cups connects emotional desires and creativity as one emerging from the other.

Other Tarot specialists (for example, Banzhaf and Akron) believe that the Six of Cups directly indicates a connection with the feminine principle and, in a narrower sense, with motherhood. From this, the following interpretation arises: finding Scorpio in the second decade makes it possible to realize the hidden processes of the collective unconscious.

Thus, a person, studying life mechanisms and understanding their essence, is able to control his actions, which gives him great advantages over others. The sun, governing this decade, controls both the heart and self-consciousness of a person.

In some cases, Uranus or Neptune takes the leading positions, which means the predominance of reason over feelings. But the main point lies not in immersion in past lives, but in the ability to enjoy the present, using both the rational attitude and the attitude of your inner child.

The meaning of the Six of Cups in different layouts

For a career and work

The Six of Cups expresses the favorable conclusion of clean deals, successful cooperation. The map also assumes the emergence of situations in which you want to return to the original goals outlined in the formation of a career.

The person of this card is endowed with creative abilities, and also hard work is inherent in him. The work of such a person is usually associated with helping people, it can be a therapy with the elderly or children. Perhaps it has something to do with the study or teaching of history.

For finance and property

Six of Cups, the value of the card reminds of late payments, which will certainly be paid. If there was a period of unstable financial situation, then in the near future the normal regime will be restored. In work, when making transactions, collective cooperation, all obligations, as well as material goods, are divided equally. Guaranteed stable, honest, but not big earnings, the card favors novice entrepreneurs.

When it comes to housing, the Six of Cups is a good sign for improving the quality of life, renovating or renovating a home. Her area of ​​responsibility is the protection and peace of the whole family, a retro-style house, a family nest.

For love and relationships

Six of Cups, meaning in a relationship can be twofold. The first is associated with innocent flirting, playful relationships that are not serious. The second meaning is not just a serious relationship, but proven over the years and the vicissitudes of fate.

Six of Cups is a light coming from the past.

The loss of this card may also indicate the appearance in the life of a person from the past, with whom there were close love relationships and with whom they no longer hoped to meet. It can also be a reunion after a period of stagnation in a relationship. The card gives hope for finding quick happiness and sincere love, stable and long-term relationships built on past feelings and experiences.

The Six of Cups presupposes the reunification of partners according to the karmic principle, the acquisition of full of emotional excitement and feelings, attraction to each other in an intimate sense. In relationships, there is complete harmony, mutual understanding, communication is rich in the exchange of sexual and spiritual energy.

The past experience, on which the relationship is now being built, brings trust, empathy, mutual understanding and real sincere feelings, full of love and tenderness for each other. Partners enjoy wonderful moments, which they relive together, learn to love each other again.

Thus, the Six of Cups (especially in the case of Twos and Tens) creates a harmonious, creative atmosphere in relationships, saturated with sincerity and good intentions. This is significantly different from the meaning of Fours, Sevens and Nines, which speak of the destruction of relationships and the onset of loneliness.

Often this card shows first love - very tender and quivering feelings, without any secret intentions. In such a relationship, violence, anger, tyranny, jealousy are completely absent, and only complete mutual understanding, trust and respect reign.

Many Tarot experts associate the Six of Cups with the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, since it is rich in manifestations of love and generosity. The most terrible and bad events fade into the background, allowing you to fully taste all the delights of real life.

For the most part, the card indicates a family hearth, peace and familiar life, namely the union of people who are tired of the hustle and bustle and strive for a quiet life. Only at home can such a person fully reveal himself and his emotions, give free rein to feelings and enjoy every moment of the past years.

The Six of Cups also speaks of the onset of the "candy-bouquet period" in romantic relationships, upcoming dates, perhaps, the indecision of both partners in the manifestation of mutual feelings.

The loss of this card in the layout promises not only the fulfillment of the intended goals, but also the development of relations. The absence of negative cards will only emphasize the formation of trusting relationships with relatives, mutual assistance between generations, and respect for family structures and values.

The Six of Cups symbolizes the renewal of lost contacts with distant relatives, family reunification. Possibly childbirth, custody or adoption. Some interpreters would point to the mystical component of the map: a kind of reincarnation of the relatives of the older generations who have gone into the world in another world in a newly born child.

The presence of negative cards surrounded by the Six of Cups indicates the emergence of unpleasant situations, problems with children, difficult relationships with parents, depending on the opinion of elders in the family.

For health status

Childhood or old age, wilting. One way or another, but a person is limited in doing business because of his age.

It is necessary to carry out the planned deeds with confidence, to embody the past ideas. Draw conclusions from the experience gained, think about the results obtained, remember the original desires and compare with what has been fulfilled in the present.

Enjoy life in every corner of your soul. It is possible to imagine yourself as a child, to sink into his inner state, when there were no worries and problems. Pay attention to loved ones, give them more attention, remind them of how dear they are. Do not forget that sincerity in the manifestation of feelings is more valuable than any wealth.

You do not need to go deeply into the past, let it displace the present, because you need to enjoy what you have now, and not what once was. Leave worrying about what you cannot return. Also, do not burden yourself with attachment to traditional ways, this will significantly interfere with the necessary changes on the path of life.

Reverse card meaning

Inverted Six of Cups speaks of events in the near future. These can be new goals, aspirations, dreams, very significant events in life. A person expands his outlook, horizons, grows and develops, gaining new knowledge and new people around him.

Metaphorically, a person letting go of the past, moves away from past problems and empty worries that previously seemed significant. It can also be a banal disposal of old junk in the house, unnecessary old things, which symbolizes the onset of new good times.

Old interpreters give additional meaning that in the near future it is necessary to reflect on the current state of affairs and to correct the "correct course". Therefore, the inverted Six of Cups is not at all as harmless as it seems at first glance.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards, its meaning is associated with events that occurred in the parental home in childhood: a rude attitude towards children, the use of violence.

There is another meaning for the upside-down card - this is the receipt of an inheritance, a small one, although a more significant one was expected. Some experts talk about the unwillingness to live in the father's house, to observe family responsibilities, which entails running away from home or leaving the family.

A person tries to forget the problems of childhood, gives himself completely to future events, aspirations and plans. The past seems completely alien to him. Perhaps this is due to strict upbringing, excessive influence on the child, violent actions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to understand the mistakes of the past, accept them, understand their reasons and not allow them in the future.

Combined with other cards

How the Six of Cups is interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Devil - to perform any action again, to enter the same river twice. May indicate offenses related to concealment of criminals or corruption.
  • With the Star - a favorable combination, goodwill, love, participation;
  • With the Moon - the greatest manifestation of love feelings;
  • With the Nine of Wands - negative relationship, pessimistic mindset;