
What a disclaimer to read on the beer rune. Runes of protection. Uruz in reverse position

Rune Uruz

Uruz is the rune of Power. The ancients treated this rune very respectfully. They loved and at the same time feared the Deities associated with Uruz. Yin and yang, female and male forces are merged in it. Uruz gives masculinity to men and femininity to women.

It is very difficult to get a live sensation of Uruz at this time. Civilization did everything to deprive people of the connection with this Force, drove them into cities, thrust them into artificial dwellings, cut off everything that is natural for human nature with concrete and asphalt. It is not easy to feel it also because this Power is very deep. It does not rumble, does not smoke, but it exists and very actively interferes in people's lives.

Symbolic field

Perseverance, perseverance, strong-willed power, challenge, courage, readiness, health and initiative. The power of Uruz heals through transformation and restores health through deep transformation of a person. Lack of Strength brings weakness, lack of will, inability to focus effort and, as a result, illness.

The vitality of Uruz is symbolized by the wild tour. It is not at all a peaceful, affectionate, power ready to cooperate with people. This Power is opposed to heavenly influence. It is a will that is in opposition to love. But a person is between them, he cannot choose will, giving up love, or love, giving up will.

The power of Uruz was sung by the great Nietzsche. It is this Power that is lacking for those people who want to do something and do not do it. It can be called very simply - the Great Power of the Earth. She can't pray. It makes sense to be afraid of her. But it is even more foolish not to take it into account or to avoid it, because without this Power, the movement of life will cease. This power is symbolized not only by the wild tour, but also by the horse that was carried, and the offended bison, and the bear, which was awakened in the den in winter.

Direct Uruz destroys obsolete forms. It comes as a sign of transformation.

Uruz corresponds to Proserpine, not a good or evil Deity. It is just strong and is not used to paying attention to people who do not take into account her presence on Earth. This Deity takes revenge on inattentive people, but can be used by cultured and orderly people. The greatness of man lies in the fact that he is able to assimilate the energies of the universe. No matter how great Uruz is, it is also subject to human will, rooted in the knowledge of the goal, in the knowledge of the idea, for the sake of which it is worth sacrificing the old forms. If a person is not afraid of the powerful, indomitable influence of the Uruz rune, he is able not only to resist it, but also to master it.

It is simply impossible to hinder the action of Uruz. The Great Power of the Earth bursts into what is frozen and covered with a rotten coating. Uruz calls to leave the old form, not to cling to it, in the words of Christ, "pour new wine into new wineskins." It makes a person understand that the new content cannot fit into the old framework. The incoming Power requires respect, reverence, reverence and the willingness of a person to provide it with a proper container.

When the straight Uruz falls out, one must be ready to accept the Force, to awaken the will, and not in the depths of the heart, but the will manifested in a specific situation, in events. Many people are afraid of this Power, because they are used to clinging to old forms, have grown into a comfortable, safe existence. A straight line Uruz calls: “Live dangerously! If you want to live, you have to get used to changing shells and abandoning the obsolete! "

Direct Uruz is a new influx of Power, a new surge. Reverse Uruz can be seen as an indication of wrong actions. Reverse Uruz is just as strong, but indicates the disorganization of the Force, which leads to eventual chaos. Strength is not taken away, but it randomizes a person's life. Remaining as large, the Force begins to destroy what we have tried to mis-build.

Uruz demands respect for the form in which she is invited. A person is obliged to take responsibility for what he does. When violations cross a certain line, the reverse Uruz comes.

People are not used to the Force. They condemn the Power because they do not know how to handle it, do not know how to respectfully and correctly interact with it, honor it, sing its praises and use the gifts that it brings. People are in a certain infantile state: it is warm, light and flies do not bite. However, humanity, people, individuals, deprived of Uruz, sooner or later rot, dry up, fall away.

This power, through a person, ascends to heaven indomitable. And it is in a person that she merges with Love, which shows the way and allows you to build forms. By treating irresponsibly to the living Force acting in oneself, a person undermines the roots of his own existence. He deprives himself of any hope of advancement.

When the sacred knowledge was lost, the rituals of Uruz were lost, then people simply began to close themselves off from any of its manifestations. So a mechanical civilization and ostrich behavior, which is characteristic of most of the human race, arose. But Uruz remains. Nobody canceled it. It manifests itself in volcanic eruptions, climate change, hurricanes and wars. Uruz cannot be erased from life. You can try to hide from her. And you can go to meet her, take into account and learn to master it. At all times, warriors learned to master Uruz. Martial art is the art of working with the Force of Uruz. And when a person came into contact with this Power, which is obviously higher than him, deeper, more majestic, he became a hero, an invincible leader. It was not subdued but orderly willpower that passed through him. It does not exclude love at all. On the contrary, it is impossible to master Uruz without love.

The followers of Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov are engaged in the development of the Power of Uruz. Going to meet her, they receive miraculous healings, receive miraculous protection. Uruz works in people who run marathon. Partly sportsmen work with Uruz, all people engaged in hard physical labor. The Great Power of the Earth is the power of resurrection, rebirth, restoration. She is capable of destroying anything. But she is able to restore everything. This process is not a prerogative of heaven. Heaven with its Love can instruct, indicate, ask. And only the Power of the Earth imperatively makes those transformations in the body and in the soul, to which a person does not consent. And if he is unable to accept these changes, he dies: he falls ill and leaves the earthly plane in complete chaos and disorder. If a person realizes that he is dealing with the power of Persephone and mastering her riches, then the Force turns to face him. Then the direct Uruz comes and naturally all the desired changes take place.

Uruz is neither male nor female. She gives men courage, endurance, courage, decisiveness, and adamant and irresistible. For women, on the other hand, it also gives strength, the strength of fertility, the possibility of having a child, endurance, the ability to endure any hardships, any hardships. Very often men and women are divided according to strength: men are strong and women are weak. This division is fundamentally wrong. Strength is inherent in both masculine and feminine principles. Only the forms of manifestation of this Power are different. Often a woman is more powerful than a man. But very often a woman becomes very weak, flaunting her weaknesses and calling them female.

Uruz is a thirst for fullness of life. Uruz is not an ostentatious, but an intimate secret of the planet. This is the innermost power of Gaia, our planetary body. And you cannot brag about it, boast, demonstrate to others. Uruz does not bring a person external virtues, which he could boast in front of others. But it gives power, power and the ability to accomplish what was planned. Without this Power, there is no love or friendship. Often, relationships between people become sluggish, weak-willed, dull. They don't call us to anything. And we consider this weakness and slenderness to be the norm, an elevated spiritual state. However, without Uruz, a person is not viable.

Pure Uruz is zoologism, however, it is our integral part. Man is a synthesis of power and order, a synthesis of high spiritual aspirations and the ability to realize them in earthly life. But we forget about this, we do not pay attention to the development of our forces and thereby castrate ourselves. There are wise thinkers who are unable to do anything, and strong men who are dumber than a hare. This is a very serious problem. We're torn in half. We are unable to combine our goals and ideas with the power of their implementation. We live on Earth as in a sanatorium for the insane, but not as in our own home. In order for a person to feel himself the master of the Earth, so that he feeds on its juices and can direct its power to equip life, he must at least realize the need for contact with the Force. This contact must by all means be conscious. It is necessary to ask for the Power rationally, at a certain time, under certain circumstances. Then a person will be able at least to grope for signs of the approach of the Force. And sooner or later he will find Uruz, without which there is no group activity, no marriage, no true love, no birth of children. Nothing happens without Uruz. And the more people turn away from her, the more mechanical, puppet and sterile they become.

Symbolic situations of Uruz

Fuel inflow through the pipeline. Discovery of gas fields. It is about discovering a source of energy in yourself. It is very difficult to discover the source. We need to explore, drill. But the one who finds it acquires colossal wealth. He can move into a new quality of existence. The action of Uruz entails a change in the standard of living. Receiving this rune, we must understand that we are becoming different.

Making fateful decisions: to join the war or not to join, to divorce or not to divorce. etc. That is, these decisions fundamentally change the whole life. The power of Uruz is underground, but giving birth. This is not death-bearing Power, but the Power of renewal, the Power of life itself. Uruz does not come calmly. She appears in thunder and flames. Therefore, a new opportunity is perceived as a loss.

Growth of life beyond forms. Often these things are associated with Pluto. Indeed, before the astronomical discovery of Proserpine, all of its qualities (rebirth, resurrection, restoration) were attributed to Pluto. These are not his prerogatives. Pluto is masculine. He can give birth, but not give birth. The birth of a new, the process of its appearance, going beyond the shell - this is the power of Proserpine, when something living, but completely different, appears from the apparent death. Uruz, Persephone, Proserpine controls the pupa on the eve of the appearance of the butterfly. This is the Goddess of Blossom. She goes to the underworld for transformation and brings out new energies from there, helping nature to revive every year.

Very deep transformations are taking place under Uruz. They are deeper than those implied by Pluto. Mythologically Proserpine is the consort of Pluto. The husband is the head, the wife is the neck. Persephone as a spouse rules the husband's actions.

The loss of Uruz is evidence that radical, profound changes will come, which have a purely spiritual significance. Proserpine symbolizes, as it were, the ultimate transforming power of the solar system. Uruz rules Gaia, the fearsome Deity that everyone used to be afraid of. The worship of Gaia dates back to the era of Atlantis, when people had powerful powers to communicate with this Deity through sculptural images.

The changes that Uruz brings are inevitable. We just need to take them into account, somehow connect with them and understand. A person can accept everything if he has an understanding of what is happening. The problem of life is connected from beginning to end with the same thing - a lack of understanding of the nature of the events taking place. with a lack of understanding of their purpose, structure, etc.

The success of mastering the Power depends on the ability to transform. If a person feels that changes have begun, he himself should try to change. He must have time to transform, resolutely abandon many things, be able to outline the goals of internal transformation and swiftly head towards them.

Uruz cannot be afraid. If you run away from the tiger, it will surely tear you to pieces. Uruz is a Force that respects the Force. It repels itself from the Force, like a charge of the same name. And no matter what terrible happens, if a person walks with an open visor, if he is not afraid of changes, if he agreed to what is happening, oddly enough, he comes out victorious from the battle, more majestic, more powerful.

Change is never endless. Moreover, the period of disasters is always short. The most difficult thing is exactly the expectation of shocks. For example, a person for 12 years is afraid of divorce. And then once - and the mountain off the shoulders. The horror was not the divorce procedure itself, but the anticipation of fear, anxiety and dubious hopes. Moreover, if a person stops being afraid at some point, then the divorce will not happen. Divorce is no longer needed, because a person has learned to be free, which makes the mechanical procedure for divorce meaningless.

Plots Uruz

Kascheyevo's egg: until you get to the needle and break it, the goal will not be achieved.

Mowgli in the treasury of the ancient city. He took only what was needed there - a dagger. This is the most important moment when working with Uruz - do not try to capture this Power, do not play with it.

Surfing. He is a symbol of the correct treatment of Uruz. This is balance, and unrestrained courage, and a willingness to get hit on the head, and maybe a willingness to die. But only passing through these states, overcoming them, a person acquires the indescribable bliss of flying on a wave.

Orgiastic fertility rites. Naked girls ran across the freshly plowed field and shouted whatever they wanted. They had the opportunity to fully experience the Earth Force. Without such procedures, a person feels like in prison, squeezed by all sorts of prohibitions: “Ay-ay, don't sin! Otherwise God will punish! " The main sin is not to live: not to be, not to feel, not to think, not to worry.

The golden egg breaks itself: “Grandfather beat. Baba beat. The mouse ran, waved its tail, and the egg broke. " Summoning Uruz is almost impossible. She opens up when the hour comes when she wants it. In ancient times, the invocation of the Uruz Force was taboo, because the priest invoking the Force of Uruz actually questioned the existence of civilization. Because no one knew what the planet Earth would decide on, being awakened from sleep. Therefore, the golden egg breaks itself when the time comes.

Dolmen construction. The ancients controlled fertility, political processes, economic processes, erecting stones in different places in a certain order, and helped in certain places to manifest the Power of Uruz. In fact, the construction of dolmens is the creation of places of Power. On the one hand, this led to the stratification of psychic energy, and on the other, to the fusion of this energy with the Uruz Force.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the cult of the Great Mother. This is an earthly Goddess. Her cults took place underground with a tinge of somberness. Those cults were admitted to people who had undergone special training who could withstand such initiations. Uruz is not a spiritual, but a productive Force. She is instructive but saving. Therefore, the images of the Great Mother were rough, large, powerful, earthly.

The Great Mother is not a kind aunt at all. This is a very wayward and capricious Deity. She never thinks about a person. She cares about the clan, about the people as a whole. The deity that distributes the will, the power of fertility, does not imply the priority of man over the biosphere. If the ancient society violated the rules of ecological behavior, the Goddess punished in the most serious way.

The cults of the Great Mother have always been associated with orgiasticism. They always assumed the deepest change in consciousness, that is, in a sober mind and sound memory, it was simply impossible to get in touch with the power of the great Goddess.

Baba Yaga, a forest sorceress, standing on the edge of the worlds: underground and earthly. All mythological correspondences of Baba Yaga relate to the afterlife. She is symbolically associated with the Scandinavian Hel - the mistress of the underworld, but it is as if on the border between the earth and the underground. And usually her descriptions are associated with the position of the person in the coffin. The Slavic rite of baking children is associated with this creature. The warmth of a heated stove, symbolizing a woman's womb, baked an inferior child. It was about the magical burning of diseases in the mother's womb.

The forest in which Baba Yaga lived was like an underworld - scary, confusing, dark, with many wild animals, monsters and all sorts of troubles. In fairy tales, it was called the far-off kingdom. On the border between the distant kingdom and normal life, Baba Yaga, Persephone, Demeter, initiating and testing Deity ruled. First, it scares, torments, exhausts a person, checks him for "lice", and then, if a person has passed the test, patronizes him. This is the great symbol of Uruz: "If a person is not lost before the action of the Force and has resisted, he receives this power at his disposal and can act directly like a hero." This motto symbolizes the transfer of new objects to the hero by Baba Yaga - new qualities, new abilities.

It was impossible to come to an agreement with Baba Yaga. This is an unforgiving Goddess, it is useless to ask her. You can only fight with her. And if the hero was persistent and selfless enough, she sent a gift commensurate with the tasks of the hero.

Uruz Characters

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Not a very gentle hostess, but really a hostess.

Almighty Pan.

Keeper of underground treasures (the same cobra from Kipling's stories about Mowgli).

A dowser who knows how to find underground waters, underground treasures.

The mantic meanings of the straight Uruz

Situation: change of the guiding principle, transition to a new level of vision and action.

Challenge: finding new sources of energy.

Caution: you cannot increase the intensity of the usual methods of action, that is, you cannot work in the same direction.

Direction: Learn to work thinner.

Tip: Look among that which turns to ash.

Consolation: Your discovery will certainly amaze you.

Mantic values ​​of reverse Uruz

Situation: waterlogging and decay, that is, the channel is incorrectly designated, the Force is incorrectly directed.

Call: learn to hear the alarm.

Caution: Your Power is turning against you.

Hint: Look for a way out.

Advice: overcome the clichés of vision and thinking, try to understand what you especially do not want to understand.

Consolation: The one who hears the alarm avoids major shocks.

Rune Nautiz

Symbolic field: constraint, necessity, pain, need, lack, lethargy, impossibility of advancement, labor, difficulties, acceptance of restrictions.

Nautiz is a Saturnian rune. The first law to follow when it falls out: slow down so that your tires don't burn out!

Nautiz implies the ability to cope with the need. Any difficulty, any obstacle should be considered as a specific work assignment. Nautiz is an unpleasant, but multifunctional rune. Regardless of how it falls out - in a straight or inverted form - very serious grinding processes take place in a person, which allow you to cut the character and polish the psyche. It is these shackles imposed on a person that nurture tactical ingenuity.

Nautiz has a wonderful motto: crossing the abyss under a sail of patience. Such situations are naturally perceived as unpleasant. But the pressure in the chest builds up energy - the principle of a cauldron with a tightly sealed lid. The outer shell (restrictions) allows forging internal stresses and increasing the pressure in the system, concentrating energy. Concentration is one of the keywords of Saturn. Concentration means focusing attention on a specific problem, collecting consciousness at one point, in a very narrow space.

Unfortunately, very often this one direction is mistaken for miserable poverty, for a person is used to having a range of opportunities. Nautiz narrows the field of the possible to one single thing, while still providing complete freedom to act in this direction. Moreover, it implies such an action. It channels the energy, as it were, directs it in a certain direction. This channel is always unambiguously presented to the doer. But for some reason people tend to perceive such a narrowing of opportunities negatively, as deprivation, instead of accepting freedom of action in a completely specific direction.

In a sense, Nautiz is painful. But on the other hand, Nautiz makes a decision for a person what to do, where to beat, which road to take. It not only compels, it shapes the movement, which with the usual scattering of a person is naturally perceived as a limitation and lack. Modern civilization values ​​the choice of likely actions more than the gift of moving in a certain direction. We generally prefer projections to deeds. Nautiz just implies not only patience, but also an act performed within specific limits.

This rune is crystalline. It does not allow to remain amorphous, scattered. It collects a person, focuses, focuses, directs. But it depends only on the person whether he will move along the evolutionary channel. Most often, people stop and begin to complain, although there are no situations in life in which creative action is impossible. Working with nautical situations, a person learns to discipline energy. And the more specifically he uses it, the more he respects himself. He feels in a good way a winner over himself, because there is nothing more difficult than overcoming the boredom and emptiness that accompany the action of the Nautiz rune, direct and reverse. But in order to act this way, you first need to dis-identify with the situation, that is, look from the outside, remove negative emotional attachment to an unpleasant environment. Such an attitude helps to perceive the only necessary path of action that Nautiz implies, and, accordingly, to change the direction of consciousness and the application of efforts.

When Nautiz falls out, it is necessary to try to analyze the psychological cause of the inconvenience. Oppression or restriction causes an inadequate reaction in us - resistance. We are more upset about what happened than it deserves. Nautiz teaches, firstly, to explore your emotional state under the motto: “Why are you pounding? There is a case. Create it! " Secondly, considering the psychological cause allows us to remove the inner block and use the will that we have left.

A. Podvodny has a wonderful expression concerning the Gray Beast (it is ruled by Saturn): “You have to work, create and love even in very rainy weather”. It is not external circumstances that give rise to unpleasant emotions. Illusory expectations, when not satisfied, cause a storm of discontent.

If we fixate on an unpleasant situation, if we are turned outward, that is, we stupidly look at the limits that limit us, we lose energy, we skid. Only when we look inside ourselves and say that everything is fine with us, everything is in order, but simply not as rosy as we would like, then we have a reserve of will. Turning inward, we understand that the key to changing the state is in us: in thoughts, plans, desires.

Nautiz has some differences from Saturn. Saturn brings coldness and prostration. Nautiz is accompanied by extreme emotional tension. Runa advises to stay in failure to the last, do not give up. This rune calls for the consolidation of will and the preservation of strength. Like any other rune, Nautiz is not eternal. But if a person gives up, lets things go by themselves, he loses the energy necessary for a further breakthrough and exit into another space.

Nautiz declares the following maxim: real needs often contradict our desires. Man's desire is Jupiter. Needs are Saturn. When Nautiz comes, it turns out that everything you need, in general, is already there. That is why the mark of Nautiz vaguely resembles a cross, inspiring with the motto: God does not give a person a cross beyond his strength.

Nautiz is never too hard. She's just heavy. And it is never unbearable - you can always endure it. Nautiz's situations are designed to train a person's strength. Although, with a frivolous attitude towards Nautiz, the situation can drag on for a long time. The more seriously we take the instructions of the runes, the more consistently we do what they urge us to do, the more often the runes change the indications, and accordingly the internal and external situations. Runes exist in order for a person to fulfill their requirements. Therefore, if you take note of Nautiz and follow her advice, she will soon leave.

Nautiz requires conscious positive motivation, which is not typical for other runes. Under Nautiz, a person has no right to get upset. This deprives him of the strength and ability to act. The disorder is a failure to follow the rune instructions.

Only positive motivation, the search for good in the current situation, helps to make changes in it. Pulling out Nautiz, you know that you should be at least in a good mood. With all the constraining, limiting conditions, Nautiz requires, albeit tortured, but optimism, because falling into pessimism under this rune makes her action extremely negative. This is a rather tough Deity that crushes those who bend. The man decides to fall, and the rune gently finishes him. As a result, a person can be exhausted to the limit. The gray Saturnian beast in the Underwater Seven is the most terrifying. It can de-energize a person to the limit. And no one from the outside is able to raise his spirit. This can only be done by himself. That is why when pulling out the Nautiz, the mood should be as upbeat as possible.

This rune has an interesting motto: be able to overcome poverty in energies, in decisions, and in methods of action. Another motto of the rune: future protection is earned by persistence. A person can count on overcoming Saturn and going out, for example, to Jupiter or Uranus, only by perseverance and patience. Then circumstances are in his favor, and in the future he experiences the support of fate. Nautiz tests a person for "lice" through patience, stamina, endurance. And if he passes the test, then there are positive circumstances.

Nautiz requires restraint in appearance. It implies great accuracy in words and deeds, maintaining a readiness to go forward, no matter how difficult the road is, no matter how unfavorable the situation is. This rune interferes with external growth, but implies internal growth. This is a very important point. Development actually never stops, under any circumstances, but we are used to evaluating it by external signs: environment, people, things, energies, finances, etc. Nautiz blocks them, slows down. The energy of a person is directed towards inner searches. And sometimes he discovers in himself such reserves of patience and perseverance that he did not even suspect.

1. Uruz

The meaning of the Uruz rune in the first position is favorable circumstances, potential opportunities. Appearing in the forecast, Uruz symbolizes the time of prosperity and changes for the better. The feeling of strength, beauty, sensuality, attractiveness, desire for creativity, new promising opportunities - this is not a complete list of changes that are now entering the life of the questioner. The lucky chance that is now being given has enormous potential, the correct application of which usually leads to well-being and prosperity.

Uruz in reverse position

The meaning of the inverted Uruz rune in the first position is laziness, weakness of character, missed opportunities. In this position, Uruz is an indicator of coasting, no brakes. The process has gotten out of control, and now the time has come for the situation to change in a completely different direction from which it was originally intended. Apparently, excessive daydreaming, weakness of character or laziness allowed him to miss a chance or advantage. Listen to your feelings, what images are filling your consciousness now? These images are the reason for not so expected changes. Sometimes it serves as a sign of events that happen at the wrong time - either early or late. However, with positive runes, it indicates a change for the better.

2. Nauthiz

In the second position - do what you must and be what will be. You should get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. Sometimes during a storm, in order to keep their ship afloat, sailors threw overboard many useful things that have lost their value in the face of the need to survive the ship. Being the rune of beer, Naut in this case is translated as thirst, requires an awareness of the need for what you really need now, because needs do not always coincide with desires. Advises to be patient in any situation. Explore what inside of you attracts trouble into your life. Using this rune with a positive intention, applying knowledge and wisdom, you can change your destiny through the rejection of other people's or unnecessary desires.

Nautiz in reverse position

In the second position - controlled stupidity, fooling around. You should realize how much your desires are really yours. Find out the reason for your suffering and take the events that are happening as deliverance and goodbye. If the subsequent rune is positive, you should "let the genie out of the bottle" - give free rein to your emotions.

3. Berkano

In the third position, it portends a favorable outcome in any matter. In matters of relationships, in combination with Jeroy, it indicates pregnancy, a visit by a lady, perhaps with a child, the arrival of a mother.

Berkano in reverse

In the third position, it is a sign of failure, failure. At best, it denotes a long wandering, a protracted and difficult path to the goal.

Sometimes old springs, full of warmth and smells, bloom about us again. And we carry them through the winter, warming them on our chests. And then the day comes, and they save us from the cold, when we find ourselves on the other side of the window, where frost is not only a pattern on the glass.

Milorad Pavic

The first rune of beer. It mainly manifests itself on an instinctive level and therefore is practically uncontrollable. This is the power of development and awakening from sleep, the energy of spring, natural magnetism, which cannot be resisted. Uruz is the force of attraction, thanks to which men are drawn to women, women to men, trees and plants are drawn to the Sun at the time of Spring ... This is an uncontrollable force, the cosmic Thirst for Life.

Strength, perspective, nature, man and woman.

The person is a bull, a strong, confident and calm person, whom, however, it is better not to anger.

Quality is blooming, luxurious, strong.

Place - flower garden, greenhouse, pasture, garden, vineyard, picnic area.

Family, property and personal life are favorable circumstances for growth and prosperity, the joy of communicating with each other.

Goals and intentions - the union of a man and a woman, pleasure, perspective.

Enemies - Your enemy may be your own strength.

Health - the state of health is excellent. Loss - will be found if you continue to search.

Evil Spirit - No evil spirit bothers you now.

Spiritual practice - there are no obstacles to practice, joint practice, tantric sex, communication with the spirits of nature are recommended.

Business is a promising business, especially when working with a person of the opposite sex. This business has great potential for growth and can, with the right organization and timely action, bring real wealth. Don't expect quick results, everything has its time. Now very close cooperation is recommended to you, so that the partnership is not just business, but downright kindred or loving. Don't miss this lucky chance. Try to get the most out of this project.

Virtue is perspective, foresight, attractiveness.

Vice is uncontrollable strength, dullness.

Advice - think ahead, on a grand scale. Use the vitality of nature and your strengths.

Application - used in healing to increase vitality, to attract the opposite sex and to positively change your life.

Others - animal magnetism, lucky chance, sensuality.

In the first position- favorable circumstances, potential opportunities. Appearing in the forecast, Uruz symbolizes the time of prosperity and changes for the better. Feeling of strength, beauty, sensuality, attractiveness, desire for creativity, new promising opportunities - this is not a complete list of changes that are now entering the life of the questioner. The lucky chance that is now being given has enormous potential, the correct application of which usually leads to well-being and prosperity.

In the second position- you are required to show the strengths of your character. Being the rune of beer, it recommends not to stop there. Obstacles should not be a hindrance for you, do not notice them in your movement towards the goal. Now a positive attitude and faith in the best are important for you. Saturate your life with wonderful, joyful things, change your perception of the world to a positive one. The main thing is that your actions are filled with creative power. Like trees waking up from their winter sleep in spring and blooming young leaves and flowers, drop old attachments in order to open up to the blossoming of a new one.

In third position- auspicious sign. Change for the better awaits you. If the question is about health, it indicates recovery.

Inverted position

He thought as a tree drops its leaves, his thoughts one after another separated from their branches and fell; he watched them until they fell to the bottom of their autumn forever.

Milorad Pavic

Change, transcendental experience, weakness.

The persona is a lazy person, a dreamer, a person who is led by his weaknesses.

Quality is weirdness, cunning.

The place is a lost place, a swamp.

Family, property and personal life are an interesting life experience, changes are not for the better.

Goals and intentions - laziness, downhill movement. Most likely, you will change your goals and intentions under the influence of external forces.

Enemies - Your enemies are laziness. And your enemies are too lazy to do nasty things to you.

Health is a sluggish disease. Weakness of character, indulging in bad habits are the cause of your poor health.

Loss - will be found when there is no longer a need for it.

Evil Spirit - You are worried about the evil spirit of the place.

Spiritual practice - most likely, the practice will have to be postponed. The obstacle lies in the slipping of consciousness into difficult-to-control states.

Business - business has no future, at best it will be postponed. This unpromising enterprise now has a serious energy potential. However, this advantage is not valid at the moment. Changes have come, and the relevance of the project has greatly decreased. You need to either wait or not take up this business at all.

Virtue is transcendence, the ability to meditate.

Vice - lethargy, "myopia", indulgence, fantasy.

Advice is a trick. Use your instincts.

Application - Occasionally used to create disposable dream talismans.

Others - an altered state of consciousness, laziness, cunning.

In the first position- laziness, weakness of character, missed opportunities. In this position, Uruz is an indicator of coasting, no brakes. The process has gotten out of control, and now the time has come for the situation to change in a completely different direction from which it was originally intended. Apparently, excessive daydreaming, weakness of character or laziness allowed him to miss a chance or advantage. Listen to your feelings, what images are filling your consciousness now? These images are the reason for not so expected changes. Sometimes it serves as a sign of events that happen at the wrong time - either early or late. However, with positive runes, it indicates a change for the better.

In the second position- trick. Try to change your perception of the current situation in such a way as to see or find some weak link in it, by strengthening or breaking which, you will make it possible to change the course of events in your life. Now you should not think big or make incredible efforts, you need to return to the source of events and try to replay the situation, at least in your imagination.

In third position- change, transcendental experience, change in perception. It is an indicator of the withering of relationships and the loss of priority in business. It also indicates a change in the situation, a turn of events in a slightly different direction.

Beer Runes are a type of rune stave that is used for two purposes. The first is to protect yourself from negative magical effects (damage, evil eye). The second is to win, win, gain superiority over the enemy or rival.

The most important thing that you get when using a protective amulet is peace and tranquility. You don't have to waste energy on arguing and defending your point of view, you just go about your business while intruders are intriguing and spoiling their lives.

The composition of the protective stave

Not all runes can be used to create such a powerful protective talisman. Here is the "recipe" for the correct position:

  1. - a symbol of great self-discipline. Grants its owner the ability to find a way out of any, even the most difficult and critical situation. It allows you to streamline life, eliminate chaos from it, bring everything into a system. Also directs and unites the energy of other symbols of the stave
  2. - the personification of a huge, powerful, concentrated pure power. It is used to enlist the help and support of the Higher Forces in all endeavors, to get a lot of energy for the realization of life goals
  3. - a rune that balances the properties of the rest of the symbols of the stav. Sign of creation, inspiration, creativity. Helps its owner develop creative thinking, see new ideas everywhere, find their purpose and comprehend the meaning of life

The combination of these three symbols is a real energy bomb. They provide the strongest protection a rune can provide. Fills with tremendous vitality and develops creativity.

To arm yourself with the power of ancient magical signs, becoming you need to either depict on the left wrist or embroider on the headdress that you wear constantly. You can get a tattoo if you want a stronger bond.

Protection, creativity, strength are three factors that make a person successful. Therefore, this stave also has a second property - it helps to win in any situations. For example, when choosing between you and a colleague, your boss will appoint you to a lucrative position.

Victory rune group

The runes of victory are a group of certain symbols endowed with a special meaning. These symbols are used in cases when it is very important for you to win, to win some kind of duel, to become the first. Correctly composed combinations of runes - staves will help achieve this goal.

The victory rune group includes the following symbols:

  1. - the most monetary rune. First of all, it is aimed at getting money, gaining financial independence and material well-being. But in the context of the "victorious" stav, its meaning changes slightly. - a sign of the beginning, spiritual rebirth, development, which leads to success and gives superiority over the enemy
  2. - the most destructive rune. The classic interpretation of a symbol is rebirth, the completion of some important life stage, the termination of the cycle of actions. But this meaning is not negative, because as a result of liberation from the past, he gains access to a happier present. In the context of the stav - the successful completion of the duel with the enemy, winning, attracting good luck
  3. - the most "warlike" rune. Without it, victorious becoming will never work. It is thanks to Teivaz that a person acquires the qualities without which victory is impossible. This is courage and courage, courage and fortitude, cunning, resourcefulness, the ability to defend one's interests and making the right decisions.

Watch an introductory lecture on the meaning and application of runes:

Why Beer?

Many are wondering why this powerful became named after an alcoholic beverage. After all, white magic and "green serpent" are completely incompatible. The secret lies in two historical facts:

  1. In Scandinavia, beer was not just a relaxing drink - it was used in all kinds of rituals and ceremonies. Beer was believed to improve contact with the subconscious.
  2. In an ancient Scandinavian legend, a wooden mug shattered in a warrior's hands. There was poisoned beer inside, and a mug broke due to the fact that it was depicted as a protective rune stance. Thus, the runes of Beer helped the warrior to avoid mortal danger.

You can create personal talismans, amulets and charms with these staves. But there is an important condition - runic magic works only for people with pure intentions. Ancient symbols do not tolerate evil and self-interest. Therefore, strive to use them for their intended purpose.