
How to calculate magical abilities by date of birth. Determine magical abilities by date of birth. Hints from above are subtle and not very

And yet, a little about Initiation.

Hello my dear readers and students. Many people are worried about the question - how can you find out whether a person has the ability to magic and how they can be developed? This is what I will tell you today. In general, as I explained in the Secrets of Mastery section, magical abilities there is initially every person, but not everyone is given to develop them.

Modern science has calculated that a person uses only seven percent of the capabilities of his brain, and the remaining 93 are simply disabled. Humanity has been thinking for centuries how to activate them, but there is no need to invent a bicycle, it is the “inclusion” of non-working sections that is carried out at a special ceremony, Initiation.

However, there are few real Initiated witches, more often people acquire unusual abilities by more accessible means. Where do ordinary people get their magical abilities from?

  • Learning. Learning from a Master enables almost anyone to independently reach the first stage of the Initiation-Witchcraft. For most, this is enough.
  • Injury-disconnection of the brain. After clinical death or a lightning strike, the brain sometimes turns on single "blocked" abilities.
  • Indirect inheritance. If there were people in your family with magical abilities who did not pass them on to you, then some of them (abilities) may appear even after several generations.
  • Direct inheritance by Family. If the great-great-grandmothers were Initiated Witches and your training began at the age of 5-9 years. In this case, your life will be enough to pass All the degrees of Initiation, if, of course, you want to take the risk, you will be ready and there will be good teachers.
  • Deliberate rejection of the worldly. This includes seclusion, fasting, vows of celibacy, silence, foolishness. In return, such people sometimes receive the ability to clairvoyance or healing.

Here, perhaps, are all the ways to comprehend the Great Knowledge. If you are an ordinary person, but you feel that you are ready to devote your whole life to magic, start training right now, it takes years and years of work to achieve at least some skills. Now I will tell you how these abilities manifest themselves. If everything is clear with training, the Teacher puts knowledge in your head, and it is only from your faith in him and the exact fulfillment of all the rules that it will "reach" you or not, then you need to deal with other methods separately.

  • Injuries. People who received magical abilities in this way often suffer a lot without understanding what is happening to them and how to live with it, because seeing, for example, spirits or sick human organs is a test that threatens to insanity. A good master can help this function to "turn off", develop such abilities are undesirable, because they "turned on" by mistake and can pose a threat to life and health.

Indirect inheritance occurs most often and gives, as a rule, several related abilities. If you start teaching such a person, it will be useful. I want to say right away that those who hear voices and feel the otherworldly presence in the house do not have anything unusual at all, this is most often not a Gift but “ infection with "entities" and requires urgent deliverance, and not the development of this supposedly Gift ... Abilities are actually manifested in dreams.

These can be bright short flashes or flights to other worlds, such dreams are very unusual and even the smell and taste of everything seen is remembered. The distinctive features of a witch can also appear, in this case dreams are similar to a real Initiation, i.e. in a dream you are like- If you play a learning game, you see the aura and energies, you can control them, fly or leave the body. You are given the opportunity to try in a dream everything that then needs to be realized in reality. This is the so-called Reverse Initiation.

Why the opposite? Because the usual Initiation takes place only after all that is needed for this Degree has already been learned and exams have been passed, after which the senior Masters, with the help of special spells and potions, introduce the student into a state that looks like a coma. Only the pulse and breathing remain. A student can stay in this state for up to several weeks, living in another world and seeing everything that has been erased from the memory of mankind, receiving confirmation of his skills.

In the case of the reverse Initiation, knowledge comes chaotically, in fragments, in unusual fantastic dreams, often, upon waking up, a person wants to sketch what he saw, or describe in verse, or music is born. For example, this is one of my poems written after such a "dream".

I saw the heavenly worlds, I gathered handfuls of crystal water,

Those who left us long ago, they greeted me, the Dugout as a guest ...

In that very garden I wandered, every leaf there is a delight for the soul ...

There are birdsong, there is bliss and peace, around flowers and bunches of grapes ...

Yes, I know that I will not be in paradise ... so He decided, which means that it should be so ...

That's just the key that I carry with me, from all the gates, from heaven and from hell ...

I saw the underground worlds, my soles burned with flames ...

Everything there is not what you think ... but it would be better if we did not meet with you there ...

Of course, this rarely happens, only if one of your ancestors has passed at least four Initiations. If something like this happens to you, or your dreams resemble at least a little what is described above, then you have received your part of the Knowledge. about Initiation you can

  • Transmission by gender is the least common and this is the most complete Knowledge received under the supervision of the Teachers.
  • Refusal from worldly life is practiced in many religions in order to get closer to God, that is, to get a piece of Knowledge (more in Secrets of Mastery). Usually these people take monastic vows and devote their whole lives to service. Some people succeed, mainly, to heal.

That's all for now. If everything written above is about you, then welcome! I will teach to the best of my ability and your desire. If you have any questions, I will answer with pleasure. Health to you and love.

Your Svetlana is from the Vasiliev family.

Traditionally, it is believed that magical abilities are inherited. This belief has a completely logical justification: for what is called magic, you need to have a special structure of the energy body. Like our physical body, it is largely inherited from ancestors, therefore the probability of transferring the ability to magic is high, but, of course, it does not work in 100% of cases.

How do you recognize these abilities? So, what you say most often comes true? Do you have premonitions? Do you hear strange sounds, see hallucinations? Congratulations, you most likely have no magical abilities. All this has long and simply been explained by psychology: most of humanity experiences this, but people who do not believe in the paranormal ignore what the interested brain will necessarily catch on to.

But if you feel sick from talking on a mobile phone, a microwave oven causes headaches, you feel a slight burning sensation, or just interesting sensations from using any electrical appliances, and it is almost impossible for you to be near power lines, - yes, most likely you are the right person that can become a true magician. It may seem strange, but it is a person who is able to "see" (feel) an electric field, waves, and is a true magician. At the same time, without receiving proper training, you may never know about it.

So, I explain why it is the sensation of electric fields that is important for the magician. The nervous system is a complex vessel in which electricity circulates. For example, memory is an electrical impulse that is closed in a chain of neurons, rotating there. The magician feels the totality of these currents with his whole body, his nervous system. It is like a second human body, I feel it as a huge lump of pulsating and trembling threads, sticky like static electricity, and thin like a spider web. The totality of these flows can be called in different ways: an aura, an internal (subtle) body, with chakras located on it, or an energy cocoon, with a so-called "assemblage point", even just a soul. The essence remains the same.

The existence of this energy has long been proven by science, it is seen by various devices, such types of alternative medicine as "acupuncture" have long been working with it, affecting the points of the body where this energy flows, (they are also proven by science, and are visible on specialized devices) blocking unnecessary flows, stimulating and redirecting the necessary ones, restoring interrupted ones, interrupting congested sections.

These are true magicians, people who are able to accurately sense the energy body of any living creature, and also to exert almost any (depending on the available supply of forces) influence on it. However, this is not the only way; there are a number of more and less effective, more and less dangerous practices that allow you to achieve the same result. But only at first glance: a person who does not see the energy body, but tries to work with it, acts rudely, largely at random, can do harm.

It is also worth mentioning the belief in conspiracies, all kinds of rituals that the Internet is replete with. It is simply naive to think that reading the "spell" will give you something. This only makes sense as a "placebo effect": when a person believes in something and directs all his will to achieve the goal, belief in the magical power of the conspiracy will help him, and the desire can come true. True, this is often a simple coincidence.

Incredible facts

Have you ever wondered what you might havesome kind of superpowers or could you have if you learn to develop them? Among the signs of the Zodiac, as it turned out, there are those who can more easily become a MAG and develop unusual abilities in themselves, and those who find magic with difficulty.

It is believed that each person has the ability to various unusual things for everyday life, but most simply does not know how or does not want to develop and use them... Everyone has intuition or premonitions that often do not let us down, but which we do not always trust.

Of course, not everyone can read other people's thoughts, move objects or get what they want with the help of magical rituals, but some signs of the zodiac can develop such abilities more often than others. Here are the 3 most "magical" signs of the zodiac, and people born under them often become MAGAMI.

Also, do not forget that the magical abilities of a person can give other indicators of the horoscope, which an astrologer can see and tell you.

Magic abilities by date of birth

Top 3 main MAGA Zodiac


This zodiac sign boasts the strongest abilities to magic and other unusual talents that are given to him from birth. Possessors of the most powerful intuition, they are rarely wrong in assessing any situation. It is very difficult and almost impossible to hide something from Scorpio, especially if you are his close person, and he feels and knows you very well.

Scorpios, often without realizing themselves, can affect the psyche other people. For example, they are the best manipulators and, if they use manipulations for selfish purposes, they can bring a lot of harm to another person.

However, not all Scorpios are like that! Sometimes their everyday "magic" simply boils down to convincing another person of something, inspire him with something of his own and get what you want.

Scorpio magicians know how to use evil spirits to your advantage. They have a very powerful energy that is capable of keeping any evil forces under control. If a Scorpio wants, it is easiest for him to develop the gift of clairvoyance, prediction and hypnosis. Scorpios are good at fighting damage, evil eye, curses and other negative energy. If you are under the magical protection of a Scorpio - this is the best protection!

Sometimes it is enough for Scorpio to listen to himself and analyze his inner feelings, which are always closed from the world around him.

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Aquarians are quite inquisitive and are often interested in everything secret, unusual, and fascinating. Compared to Scorpios, who are able to control any evil spirits and influence people, Aquarius more often work not with such dark energies and forces, but prefer white magic. They are able to analyze situations logically and foresee the future well.

Sometimes Aquarius is even called people of the future: they may have some kind of brilliant idea, which will only be widely used in the future. Aquarians are good at using tools such as astrology and numerology, some are also good at fortune-telling on tarot cards. Also, Aquarius often dreams of what will happen in the future.

How to develop superpowers? Aquarians are airy people, so the direct participation of other people is very important for them. Aquarians can develop their abilities with the help of other people they trust. They learn easily in a group of like-minded people, without feeling jealous or competitive if someone does something better. If their predictions are believed and their advice is listened to, Aquarius's abilities for magic will only grow.

© Arman Zhenikeyev


Cancer is another water sign that learns magic well and is able to use it to help not only themselves and their loved ones, but also other people. Cancer's intuition is also at its best, and degree of protection from negative influences is quite high.

However, unlike Scorpios, who can use any kind of magic, Cancers will not associate with black magic, they are more suited to work with pure energies where necessary apply your intuition... For example, they can use different types of divination - on cards, runes, coffee, and so on.

How to develop superpowers? It is easy for Cancers to develop intuition, which is given to them from birth, through the analysis of dreams and feelings after them. It is good to write down your dreams or analyze them immediately after waking up, because it is in vivid and memorable dreams that the answers to some questions that interest Cancers are often hidden. Cancers should also share their feelings after dreams with loved ones. Perhaps native people will help to understand the hidden meaning that lies in the dream, thereby strengthening Cancer's confidence that he has superpowers.

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These three signs of the zodiac can achieve the greatest heights, developing their superpowers, but other signs can alsobecome MAGAMI , although not so often:


In order to become a seer and MAGO, Aries often lacks patience. Although its fiery energy is quite strong, Aries can ignore your talent for magic, not paying any attention to him, because he simply cannot stop running and think. Aries are always busy, and if you need to stop and listen to something, they usually do it not too long. A new plan, new achievements, new ideas are ripening in their heads.

If Aries has chosen the occult path for himself, he can achieve a lot, even if it requires a lot of patience. If Aries has decided to become a MAGO for himself, rest assured, he will become one! The main thing here is not to get angry and direct forces in the right direction, to find a good teacher who will help.

Aries is able to easily share his energy (fortunately, he has enough of it) and also quickly restores strength... Aries are even able to give their energy to things, amulets, charge them. Tarot cards can also listen well to them - they are fiery in their energy.

© Fernando Cortes


Streltsov has the strongest thirst for knowledge from all other signs, so if the goal of Sagittarius is to obtain occult, magical knowledge, he may well become a good MAGUE. However, he does not use his magical abilities in practice very often. Sagittarius is much interested in the learning process itself, but the use is secondary.

If Sagittarius still uses his magical knowledge, he is good at working with human energy, is able to heal people, heal wounds, make diagnoses. Without using any means at hand!

The magical properties of your zodiac sign


Virgo is an earth sign, mundane and material, but Virgo can make good MAGIs who no longer work with some light airy energy, but use specific tools, like Tarot cards, Book of Changes or runes... They can also be good at palmistry.

Virgos use every little thing to get to the point and get a specific answer to the question posed. If you need to get just such an answer, you can safely go for a consultation with the representatives of the Virgo sign.

Virgos often use methods alternative medicine are versed in plants and stones. In order to develop some magical abilities, they should start with these things: study methods of non-traditional treatment, study the magic of stones, etc.

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The game is the main "magic" of any Leo. Representatives of this sign love themselves and strive to achieve what they want through their own charm and through play. They get what they want in love relationship and they know how to lead people if they become the head of some business.

However, Lions usually do not want to develop their superpowers, since for this they need to move away from own Ego, and this is very difficult! If Leo has strong energy and talents to do something with his hands, he may well become the creator of talismans and amulets. Like Aries, he is able to charge things with his fiery energy.

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Libra is focused on partnership, they always have a need to interact with other people. Representatives of this sign can become MAGAMI if they have a desire to help others, but basically, they are still focused on working with white magic and positive energies.

Libra is able to learn how to heal other people, and their words can affect a person hypnotically. That is why Libra also has talents for hypnosis, memorizes many spells and conspiracies, that work in their mouths.


Representatives of this sign are not very strong in magic, because they do not always know how to cope with other people's energy. They are quite weak and easy succumb to someone else's influence... They are very sensitive, gullible and are often victims of scammers and swindlers. It is difficult for them to learn how to manage everything that is happening in their souls, and it is difficult for them to control other people's energies.

Pisces often have strange and confusing dreams, are able to learn to lucid dreaming and know how to anticipate trouble.

Pisces has a strong need to learn something mysterious and to learn the unknown, so sometimes they still study magic rituals, learn to guess. Thanks to their natural intuition, they become excellent fortune-tellers and consultants in the field of the occult. They can also learn to prepare magical potions and love potions.

© VeraPetruk / Getty Images

The magical abilities of a person


Taurus rarely become magicians, as their talents are more connected with something material. Some are down to earth enough and take care of their daily bread more than they think about lofty matters and do not want to take responsibility for other people.

However, if a Taurus wants, he can succeed in developing his abilities aimed at achieving material well-being. With their external and internal work, Taurus are able to attract lucrative offers like a magnet.

In magic, Taurus is good at working with some specific objects - amulets, stones, and they can also be well versed in feng shui in order to adjust harmony in their home or other premises through material objects.

© Aleksandr Kichigin

♊ Gemini

Representatives of this sign especially have no talent for magic and clairvoyance, they are often windy, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing and it is difficult to accumulate energy.

However, sometimes Gemini can use their eloquence in order to get what you want. They can skillfully speak the interlocutor, forcing him to draw those conclusions that are pleasing to the Gemini. Although, this is not so much magic as psychology.

There are no reliable ready-made methods by which you can independently determine the presence or absence of abilities, because everyone has abilities, they can simply be undisclosed. A specialist can determine a predisposition to some areas after diagnosis, but this will be a subjective opinion.

The most reliable way is to focus on your own interest and try.
If you have an interest in the development of clairvoyance, for example, you can conduct an elementary test with playing cards: take a deck, shuffle it face down on the table, move one card to you in turn and try to determine without looking whether it is black or red. How you will determine - at your choice.

You can bring your palm and try to feel through it according to the hot / cold principle; you can apply a shirt to the area between the eyebrows (third eye) and be guided by the first thought that comes to your head; you can just look at the map in front of you and try to guess. Thus, you need to decompose the entire deck into two equal piles.

When done, check the number of correct hits. If it is higher than 50%, then the ability for clairvoyance and extrasensory perception is already open, you can develop.
If below - do not be discouraged and try to repeat the experiment several times on other days. You cannot do this on one day in a row, because the results are unlikely to be successful and you will use up too much energy.

If you are specifically interested in magical abilities, then the following are considered to be the main signs of their presence:

  1. Frequent luck
  2. You can disrupt the operation of electronic devices, i.e. when you approach, interference appears in the electronics, or vice versa disappears.
  3. You often see in your dreams answers to important questions for yourself, various prompts, you have prophetic dreams
  4. You may be good at distinguishing or feeling other people's feelings.
  5. You can relieve pain or heal with your hands
  6. You sense and react to danger even before it occurs
  7. You can often anticipate events
  8. Animals and small children react to you unusually
  9. If a person hurts you, then soon he will have some kind of trouble.
  10. There were people with magical or psychic abilities among your relatives
  11. An open door annoys you
  12. Your watch often fails (wrist, room or phone)
  13. People can feel warmth coming from your hands.
  14. Your wishes often come true.

If you have more than one trait from this list, then you also have the ability to magic.


All adults sometimes want to have superpowers, but, having caught ourselves on such an infantile thought, we immediately renounce it, arguing that we are no longer children. But the truth of magical ability has never been so close to us. You have a unique opportunity not only to believe in a miracle, but also to know your magical talent. Based on the date of birth, each of us harbors certain abilities.

Today, the most effective way to find out if you have magical abilities is to take the Zener test, developed according to a unique author's method. He is able to recognize 2 fundamental signs of magical abilities - clairvoyance and telepathy. He acts in this way:

  • You should have at least 25 cards in your arsenal with the following signs: a circle, three vertical wavy lines, a square, a five-pointed star and a plus sign. Such simple pictures can be easily made at home.
  • You can pass the clairvoyance test yourself, for this put a deck of cards face down in front of you and try to guess the top card.
  • Keep guessing the cards until the deck runs out.
  • Set aside the guessed figures, and then count them.
  • If you guessed 10 cards or more, this indicates that you have clairvoyance abilities.

Before taking the test, isolate yourself from external stimuli: turn off your phone, TV, and all sources of noise in your home. Take this experiment seriously. Get into a comfortable position and give yourself some time to tune in.

  • The telepathic test requires 2 people. One will look at the map and mentally repeat the figure to the "experimental".
  • Also put aside the guessing cards to count them later.
  • 10 or more guessed cards should be said about your telepathic abilities.

The test of the famous psychologist Karl Zener was invented back in 1930, but it still has not lost its relevance. Such a technique is able to determine in you the makings of magical abilities, which, if desired, can be developed to psychic skills. You can also take the Zener test on the Internet!

Magic abilities by date of birth

Surely you will be interested to know what your date of birth can tell about the presence of one or another magical talent. You may have noticed that there are people who have a predisposition to subtly feel the other world and vice versa, those who are not given to know the mystery of magic. So wouldn't it be logical to assume that a person is already born with a certain set of talents?

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and turn to the art of numerology. It looks something like this:

  • Let's take a random date of birth. Let it be 07/19/1975.
  • Now you need to add all the numbers: 1 + 9 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 39
  • We align our result again: 3 + 9 = 12
  • And again we smoothen the result to units: 1 + 2 = 3
  • Thus, the magical ability by the date of birth of this person is hidden under the number 3.

To find out if you have certain mystical abilities, look for the number that hides under your date of birth in the list below:

  • Unit. A person who has a hidden unit in his date of birth has an innate oratorical talent. Such people can be more than convincing in their arguments. As a rule, they are subject to the techniques of hypnosis, so it makes sense to move in this direction.
  • Deuce. You are excellent conductors of energy, which gives you many advantages and directions in development. Your magic can be in séances and communication with the dead, or the ability to heal with hands, conspiracies, etc. Also, you are great at charging water and various objects. Perhaps it would be useful for you to start making amulets and charms.
  • Troika Is the number of luck. You were born with a valuable gift of communication with the universe. You are always very lucky, and your thoughts quickly become reality. But you need to be careful with such a strong connection with higher powers, so try to control negative emotions and words spoken in the heat.

  • Four. You have excellent patrons in the other world who protect you. It is difficult to jinx or spoil you. Your aura at once sweeps away all the energy attacks of your enemies and envious people. You know how to conserve energy, but sometimes it hurts you. Try to learn how to circulate it so that your channels are always clear. To do this, it is enough at least occasionally to show empathy for other people.
  • Five. You have an innate skill for intuition. Even the most pragmatic atheists sometimes marvel at you. Your gift is very hard to miss and ignore. You have everything you need to discover in yourself the magical abilities of clairvoyance and predictions.
  • Six. You are a very cynical person who is not characterized by infantile naivety. One useful skill you have is to expose your opponents. You just need to look at the person once to create a complete picture of the person in your head. You are not easily deceived or pityed. You are not characterized by deep magical knowledge in the field of magic, but the gift of "seeing through people" is quite enough for you.
  • Seven- this is the most magical number of numerology, therefore, people in whose dates of birth the number 7 is hidden have a very valuable gift - to see prophetic dreams. This gift is easy to develop if given due importance. Try to write down all your dreams and try to interpret them yourself.
  • Eight. You are a born telepath. It often happens that a person did not have time to voice a thought, and you already know what he wants to tell you. You have the inclinations to read people's thoughts, but this gift needs to be developed. Practice silence at least from time to time, so it will be easier for you to tune in to the flow of information of the person who is next to you.

  • Nine. Your date of birth has rewarded you with many talents that you alternately notice in yourself throughout your life. You can turn to the world of the dead for help and communicate with deceased relatives, as well as receive important information from the Universe. You have many talents that need attention.

How to develop magical abilities?

After reading the above sections of our article, you probably found some kind of undisclosed talent in yourself. Now it's up to you to develop the inherent skills that you possess. There are several exercises that, if repeated regularly, should help you, and we will gladly tell you about them. If you are anxious to learn how to develop your magical abilities, check out the list below:

  • Energy connection... While on public transport or in the queue at the doctor's office, try to find yourself a "guinea", it could be anyone. Your task: try to mentally penetrate his body. Try to guess what he is thinking or if he has children. Try to see the world through his eyes. This exercise will help you make an energetic connection, which will be useful in the occult sciences.
  • Lucid dreaming... To develop the gift of prophetic dreams, you need to develop any action to automatism. For example, try looking at your hands several times during the day and be aware of (where you are and what you are doing now). Sooner or later, you will remember this habit in a dream and become aware of yourself in it. Thus, you will be able to consciously establish a connection with the entities that come to you in a dream; ask them for help or seek an answer.
  • Sixth Sense... Many people know that we have 5 senses: touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. You've probably heard about such a phenomenon as blind reading. People who are deprived of this or that sense (in this case, vision), in excess, compensate for this by other physiological factors of receiving external information. Thus, you can develop the 6th sense - the mental perception of the world. We recommend that you experiment with your feelings from time to time: walk around the apartment blindfolded or read lips with ear plugs.
  • Trust your intuition. Have you ever wondered why animals are able to predict trouble? There are millions of testimonies that before the death of their owner, dogs howl for several days in a row; and shortly before a fire or other unpleasant event, they behave very restlessly and try to attract attention to themselves or even take the family out of the apartment. Animals are relatively primitive and unconscious creatures. They completely trust their instincts, which is something we should learn from. People tend to feel trouble, but often we ourselves convince ourselves of the absurdity of our thoughts. Trust your intuition!

Everything in our world has its place and time, so do not be discouraged if you fail to get in touch with the dead souls or anticipate the lottery ticket numbers. The main thing in the development of magical abilities is perseverance and self-confidence. Do not give up at the first defeat, this is contrary to all the magical dogmas that you are so eager to learn. It is impossible to learn to ride a bike without breaking your knees in blood. Be persistent on your way, and one day you will know the mystery of magic.

Video: “How to develop magical abilities? Where can I find a magic teacher? "