
Omorochki so that it was in your favor. What are gummies in magic. Eyes will lead him

In Slavic magic, Morok is an evil spirit, the patron saint of deception and illusion, associated with the goddess Mara. Mock can be "induced" with the help of magic and witchcraft, if you need to confuse, deceive, mislead, make him believe in something or suggest something to him. Passions are used in protective and love magic, but more often as a magical attack to disarm the enemy, to bring confusion on those who want to bring evil.

With the help of a gingerbread man, you can silence a person or enter into a state in which he cannot even connect two words. You can also knock a person off the intended path or disrupt his plans.

It is permissible to make and read gimmicks in different ways: following a person, manipulating his clothes, looking at him or his photographic image, etc., but in all cases it is necessary to concentrate your will as much as possible on the subject of influence.

Nodular gingerbread

The knotted gingerbread is used not only to confuse thoughts and plans, but also to confuse the road so that the subject is late somewhere or does not come at all.
To confuse thoughts, it is desirable (but not necessary) to have the victim's hair. One or two hairs are enough.
To tangle the road, it is advisable to have a shoe lace, a piece of the sole or any other fragment.

The recovered hair and other particles belonging to the subject are required in order to weave them into a special thread. If it is impossible to get them, you can limit yourself only to a thread - blue or purple. The length of the thread for obscuring the consciousness is the approximate circumference of the head, and for the devil on the way, you will need a thread two feet long.
Tie seven knots: the first knot is at one end of the thread, the second is at the other end. The third knot is in the center of the thread, the fourth is between the first and third knots. The fifth knot is between the second and third, and the sixth knot is to tie the ends together. All these knots are made as confusing as possible. With the last knot, tie the entire thread tightly in the middle - with an ordinary (not tangled) knot.
During tying, a conspiracy is read on each knot: “Attack the haze on (subject's name) - not seven, but forty. I avert your eyes, roll them with cobwebs, close up my ears, weaken my arms and legs. As mosquitoes and flies stick to the web, so your thoughts and will lull you to sleep. Sleep-sleep, you foolish head, go to sleep. There is a hassle on (subject's name) from every side, every side! Stop a clear mind, freeze your soul. I'm confusing, rolling, twisting, braiding! I twist my head - do as I want!

Eyes in the fog, head in a dope! Mind for Mind! Mind for Mind! Mind for Mind! (Subject name)! "
If possible, then throw the charmed thread into the subject's clothes, shoes and other things, or tie it around his photograph.
When the need for hassle has disappeared, you should untie the knots in the reverse order.

Fish gingerbread

Fish gingerbread is used when it is necessary to confuse the thoughts of the person who prepared the speech or report. Either do not allow someone to say what they have planned out loud, or prevent them from answering the questions asked.

At midnight, boil 3 fish heads and talk with boiling water: “On the sea-ocean lives a mother fish with three heads. Just as these heads are dumb, as if (subject's name) mouth would not open, tongue would not swallow, teeth would not open, saliva would not swallow. The word is a key, a lock in the water! May it be so".
Give the fish heads to the cat, preferably black.

Pour the spoken water under the threshold or sprinkle it in the area where the subject is working.
If negotiations are coming and there is an opportunity to enter the room before they begin, then you can spray under the table or under the chair of the subject with the words: "Moroka to you (subject's name) in the eyes, in the throat and in the drawbar!"

Alternatively, sprinkle the spoken water on the subject's clothes or outerwear.

"Night blindness"

This type of gingerbread is used so that a person does not see what needs to be hidden. A photo of the subject can be used for the chicken, but not required. The effectiveness of the conspiracy increases with personal contact, if you look at the back of the subject's head or in his face - in the region of the nose.

It is necessary to whisper a plot 3 times on bird feathers (the smaller their size, the better) or down, for example, taken from a pillow. Blow on the feather after each time. “Come morOka, from any side! From sunrise and from the west, come, plague, carrion leprosy, powder him (subject's name). As the chicken does not see at night, does not listen, so (the name of the subject) would not see and understand! Eyes will disperse, thoughts will spread jelly. Salt in your eyes - night blindness! May it be so!"

Throw spellbound feathers in the place where the hidden object is. If he is not material, then feathers can be thrown into the clothes of a defiled person or on his way so that he steps over them.

Charm on the charm

To seem to someone or a group of people much more attractive and charming than it really is, dissolve three pinches of salt and seven drops of honey in a glass of water, and say: “You are so glad to me like a red sun! As the color of poppies is bright, as honey is sweet, as salt is needed in food, so I (Name) would be liked by girls and young men, men and women, old people and old women, widowers and widows, rich and poor! My appearance is pleasant, my speech is sweeter than honey! May it be so".
Before going out to people, wash your face with charmed water and wipe with the lower left corner of the towel.

To deceive a person, make him forget himself and follow your will, relatively speaking, is a fool for the enemy. The gimmick given below is done with an appeal to the devil, therefore, a ransom will be needed. The repayment is done, preferably immediately after the ceremony.

gimmick on the enemy - Payoff

The standard ransom to the dark forces is done at an intersection, a pedestrian intersection, in the dark, closer to midnight, and until 3 am. In the case of a gingerbread, it is considered that there are enough coins to be bought, which must be thrown with the right hand over the left shoulder with the words "paid". However, there is an opinion that, for a strong gloom on the enemy, he also does not put a scale of vodka at the mercy. You need to open the bottle, pour vodka into a glass, spill some of the vodka on the ground, put the bottle with the rest next to it.

Omorochka - Programming

This gimmick on the enemy is performed in the dark. A short and clear order can be inserted into the text - what exactly do you want from this person. After the words "so you do my will," and / or after the words "do as I want," "at your will - my any command." Open the window / window, you can light a candle, if it is difficult to imagine the appearance, then take a photo of a person, speak into his eyes.

Said " Lost, your clear mind, for one earthly hour", it is not worth lengthening the term too much. But if there is a meeting time and duration, then they can be specified. Either, for example, say a little differently" Get lost, your clear mind when you start talking to me ", or otherwise, according to the same principle.

To speak a conspiracy of a gingerbread man in a whisper, focusing his will on the subject of influence, presenting him in a web. Or you don't have to imagine, but literally take black threads, pick up cobwebs on a thread and wrap a photo in the process of a conspiracy. Then then burn this photo with threads, be sure, in this case, "As I burn your photo, I will immediately conjure you up"

Gimmick on the enemy - conspiracy

Attack you with sleep and darkness,

not one by one, but all forty.

I avert your eyes

I confuse your mind,

I wrap it in a black web.

Like flies and mosquitoes to cobwebs

stick tightly,

so my words-deeds-views

they put your will to sleep.

Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.

How the earth absorbs water

so you do my will.

We got a hassle on you

on each side and on any side.

Get lost, your clear mind,

For one earthly hour.

I confuse, wrap, twist,

do as i want.

Blindness is in your eyes,

on your arms and legs - numbness,

to your will - my any command.

What is a gingerbread? What are the signs of a gingerbread, how is it made and what is it used for? Omorochka is an ancient Russian word that has many meanings, but we are interested in the meaning of the term "omorochka" in practical black magic. To understand, it is necessary to look into history several centuries ago, when other words were in use, which are now completely forgotten, or have gone out of use.

The first word leading to an understanding of what a gimmick is, like a magic rite, is pestilence - a terrible disease that takes the lives of people, leaving no chance for recovery. This is not the original concept, because it also came from the eponymous god of death, Mora or Mary, a strong demon that has several names and is represented in different cultures, both Slavic and Roman, and in many others.

Determining the exact origin of the word omorochka, one should mention the Slavic deity of lies, deception and illusion named Morok - in the scriptures and chronicles it can be represented in different ways. There is no reliable information about Moroka in the literature, and what has come down to this day looks like myths and stories for high school students. The demon Morok was much more than the deity of deception - the creation of illusions, the suggestion of ideas, the instilling of obsessive thoughts, the manipulation of human consciousness and the complete submission of the will - everything was and is in the power of Morok.

From the above, it becomes clear that the devil is a magical rite that leads to illness and clouding of the mind of a person who has been defiled. Omorochka is used to gain control over a person's mind in order to follow their own interests.

Why do you make a gingerbread and how does a gingerbread work?

They make a gummy to gain complete power over the mind and thinking of a person. To instill beliefs, thoughts, and intentions that will lead to practical action on the part of the defiled. How to use the received power over the spoiled one is the business of the one who ordered the spoiled one. Variations in the use and use of the gingerbread in black magic are different. On the path of life, there are many people who are an obstacle to achieving goals and satisfying interests - the gimmick solves this issue, allowing him to gain power over such a person, which will lead to the fact that his actions will no longer pose obstacles, but, on the contrary, will benefit. Several everyday situations when a gingerbread was made:
- The sufferer longed for a career advancement, to move up the career ladder, which promises him even greater material benefits. It happened so for him that regardless of the indicators of his own work, it is impossible to get a promotion, due to disagreements and conflicts with higher authorities. When the gingerbread was made, the promotion was given a month and a half later.
- Another example was the need to make a certain decision by a specific person. This arises in many areas and issues, ranging from inheritance disputes and ending with the adjudication of court sentences. Having made a scum for a judge or other authorized person, the decision will be in favor of the sufferer.
- Omorochka can also be used in everyday situations, when one person needs something from another and it is not possible to get this by worldly methods. With the help of a gingerbread man, you can force your spouse or “loved one” to donate a car, rewrite an apartment, and so on.

These examples are taken from real life. They allow you to understand the power of the rite and the situation when a gingerbread can be made.

What are the signs of a gingerbread?

Signs of a gingerbread can be different - as well as with other witchcraft effects from black magic. Make sure you are not dealing with phantom effects. With a situation where there are signs of a gingerbread, but the gum itself is absent. This is revealed in the process of diagnostics, similar to phantom corruption and curse. The presence of all of the following signs will not always indicate the presence of a gingerbread.
- A sharp change in point of view on a certain issue. A person adheres to one opinion, but under the influence of a gingerbread man changes it to the opposite, even if it contradicts his beliefs.
- Drowsiness, lethargy, mood swings, passivity in decision-making, lack of appetite and low tone. Such a state may indicate that a gum was made on a person. Sometimes it is not necessary to seek a concrete decision from the spoiled one, if it is enough to exclude it from the decision-making process.
- Gimmick can cause strange visions in a person, like hallucinations and panic attacks. This is characteristic not only of the corrupted, but of anyone under the influence of black magic.
- Clouding of mind, partial or complete loss of adequacy. This can be expressed in different ways - the spoiled one can be both physically healthy and wallow in delirium with intense fever.

Hello, my Pupils and readers who accidentally entered my school. Today I will tell you what a gimmick is, how and in what situations to use it, and of course, I will give working conspiracies on how to make and remove a gingerbread.

What is haze and gimmick

In general, darkness is a clouding of the mind, obsession, an eclipse of consciousness, well, and also Morok is the name of a Slavic god. In magic, a macabre is a conspiracy to influence the mind of a person. A macabre confuses thoughts and consciousness, for example, a person looks at a delicious cutlet and sees a toad or walks around the house and can't find the door))

There are a lot of ways to make a gummy, they are made from enemies, bureaucratic checks, from the court, from thieves and all sorts of evil men, there are also gummies to go unnoticed, a love gum, for a successful theft (usually used for work if you need to steal the desired item), for the sale of a car and apartments and, of course, to force a person to do what you need.

Gloves can be made without using photos, bindings or any other objects. A good Master does not need words at all, enough thoughts. They work from a few minutes to a day.

How to make a strong gingerbread

To make a gingerbread, you need to know the following:

  • The body should not have wounds, eczema, women have menstruation
  • Any day of the week and moon phase
  • You must be able to visualize the image of the victim if you are doing from thieves, for example. They must be presented.
  • When reading directly, you need not just look at a person (between the eyebrows, not in the eyes), you need to look through his head, imagining that it is glass. You can also look at the back of the head.
  • Read barely moving your lips, directing the energy to the sound vibration, and to the gaze.

You should feel how streams of pure energy are streaming from your eyes and, getting into the victim's head, they begin to "seethe" there and boil turning all the thoughts of a person into a mush. To confuse thoughts or roads, this is enough.

How to instill your thoughts

There are more serious gimmicks with the replacement of the victim's thoughts with their own. This already requires Mastery.

This is done this way - after mixing thoughts into a "mess", the gaze is averted, the eyes are closed and after the formulation of the desired behavior or words, they are placed in the person's head as mentioned above, only the energy coming from your eyes should not boil, but slowly fill the skull and settle down , it's like putting smoke into a bottle.

And this energy should no longer be pure as for mixing thoughts. It should be filled with a full chain of information "good specialist - I want to work for me - you are accepted"

A complete chain is a bunch of thoughts, words and actions that must be put into the desired head. The victim must accept these thoughts as their own.

  • First thought (good specialist, or what a wonderful house)
  • Making a decision. I want to. (I want such an employee or I want to stay here)
  • Conclusion (Are you accepted or I'm buying this house)

What I like about this rite is that it is harmless to the victim and you can train in your household to hide, for example, a salt shaker on the table or sneakers in plain sight, and training and entertainment))) true, if there is something in my house - then he cannot find all eyes at once and indignant exclamations turn to me)

How to remove a gingerbread

Usually there are hints in the texts. For example, "for an hour" or for "earthly day" they can be changed to the desired time. In some conspiracies there is also a way of removing, for example, "spit, the haze will go away" or "as I say, remember"

In general, the omorochka quickly disappears by itself, this is for those readers who will immediately rush to write to me with requests to remove the omorochka from them. Your mind was clouded, you achieved your goal, and that's all. Unfortunately, they are often used for deception. I can only put protection against this in the future.

Omorochka on the enemy

Look from the front or better in the back of the head as I wrote above and read up to three times

Attack you with sleep and darkness,
not one by one, but all forty.
I avert your eyes
I confuse your mind,
I wrap it in a black web.
Like flies and mosquitoes to cobwebs
stick tightly,
so my words-deeds-views
they put your will to sleep.
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How the earth absorbs water
so you do my will.
We got a hassle on you
on each side and on any side.
Get lost, your clear mind,
For one earthly hour.
I confuse, wrap, twist,
do as i want.
Blindness is in your eyes,
on your arms and legs - numbness,
to your will - my any command.
How am I blowing on your face,
so at once I will disenchant you.
Brothers-devils, my bonds are on (name of the one you confuse)
throw on, throw on, lay on,
Subordinate his (her) will to my will!
Your eyes are foggy, and your mind-mind is intoxicated.
Your eyes are foggy, and your mind-mind is intoxicated.

After reading, you need to leave the ransom.

Avert my eyes

This gimmick is used to protect a house or apartment from all encroachments. If you have an apartment, go around it from the inside, if the house is outside.

I go, I go, I lead, I lead, I buy the enemy's blood,

Sell ​​it, run it, confuse it

I will wrap it up in my little gingerbread.

I'll get my eyes on, I'll put the confusion on him,

I will go through the eye of a needle, but I will not let you near the house.

I post, I strengthen, I baptize with a nameless finger:

Ana, ala, hey, aliyah!

Century, year, month, week, hour,

Minute, second, here and now!

Hey, ele, oh, uno!

The king of slavery, the spirit of bondage,

I, the servant of God (name), know your formula,

I read it in the name of Adonai,

All approaches and roads for my enemy

God's servant (name), I close.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Pass unnoticed.

I create a rejection, I speak, I read the conspiracy, I slander.

Let the eyes not see the obvious, they will not offend you by passing by.

As the blind eye sees neither explicitly nor implicitly, so also me

every eye will go around and will not see me will not find.

The word is spoken, the deed is blinded, blind eyes be commanded.

The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen

Make you see what you want

I was in the field, I saw the grass.

Where the wind tends the grass,

there her leaf looks.

So would you, servant of God (name),

did what I needed.

According to my words, according to my speeches.

My words are the key, my deeds are the lock.

Fix, God, my words, my deeds.

Now, ever, ever and ever.

In principle, many omorochki are universal and what you want to inspire, you get, so they should not be divided into love, business, etc. Everything is in your hands. Ask questions in the comments.

I wish you health and kindness. Your Svetlana Vasilyeva.

Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and instilling the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subordinate a person to your will, be it an enemy, a lover or a boss.

In the article:

Omorochka - what is it

What haze? This distortion of perception, respectively, a gingerbread is a magical way of distorting a person's perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at making a person, against his will, do something important for you, or refuse to make a decision that can harm the sorcerer.

In addition, the gimmick can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous to you. The victim of such a conspiracy will take actions, thinking that this is happening according to his will, but in fact she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the ceremony.

Sending the right goals and thoughts to the victim can happen in several ways. For example, some of the conspiracies involve the suggestion of witchcraft. Some rituals only imply weakening the will of a person. This means that you personally have to negotiate with him, but getting him to take the desired action will be easy.

In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing the will of a person and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult, in order for the business to be crowned with success, you need extreme concentration and serious magical preparation, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

It is believed that before carrying out such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, rest in a place far from civilization, and meditate. But this is not always possible, situations often happen when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to the study of the occult sciences, but remember that the retribution can be as serious as your goal.

The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Usually these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the influence on the victim to nothing. If long-term exposure is needed, they will have to be repeated very often. The stereotype of nightmarish gimmicks is far from always taking place; parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect the child from bad company.

A gimmick to inspire the right thoughts

In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in the way that suits you, and act as you need, perform a simple ceremony with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

Backwards, everything is the other way around, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything, as I say.

You can put such a dirty trick on the enemy in order to achieve reconciliation or force him to make the wrong decision, at the boss who treats you unfairly in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you want without much effort.

If you do not have a photograph of the object, the next option can be read while in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can also be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

I’m going to edmeditsi yidu, I’m shitty,
And to tebe (name) I swear to the nasty rich
(state the essence of the wish - what a person should do according to your plan)
yidu I charez more, I will put a mac in more
I’ll talk about it - I’m sure it’s so,
I'm up to tebe with an encore pointer,
And you, to mene, be from a kind affection.

Shorts for all occasions

You can use a gumboot not only to inspire the right thoughts. With the help of the following rite, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also paths, and indeed affect any aspect of a person's life. In order to confuse thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road, does not come to any place, it is advisable to take a lace from his shoes. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown tape, you can take a new shoe lace.

The length of the lace is approximately the same as the foot of a person, the thread for the thought and the head is approximately the circumference of the head. It is impossible to measure such threads and ribbons on yourself, you will have to do it "by eye". It is good if the victim has hair - this way witchcraft will work better. If you manage to get hold of a person's hair, they need to be woven into knots.

Simultaneously with any suitable gem or other conspiracy that fits perfectly in the meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or cord. The knots should be tangled, their whole structure should look complicated. But at the same time, in order to remove the witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

With the help of witchcraft, you can make an inveterate brawler bypass you. Popular wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It is worth learning a few of these words in advance, which are spoken in a whisper or to yourself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

Toby salt and water
toad on the plaque, what about me ne mala ti rechi.

Such words will always save the boss from the anger, who will change his mind about scolding you:

I sit on a reptile, I drive a reptile.
I lock the mouths of all my enemies with the golden key.

Omorochka on the enemy

There are gummies for all occasions, including the rituals that may be. If you cannot cope with the enemy without witchcraft, try to take away his mind so that he cannot compete with you.

In order to carry out the ritual, any black berries are required. Cook jelly from them at noon. When it boils, say it in jelly:

I will remember your business with jelly,
Quickly, quickly and boldly.
How Yegori fought, won,
So I will crush the enemy, slave (name),
I will destroy his business.
Kissel, jelly,
Cook all day.
Rise up, boil
Fix my business firmly.
I am the first, the enemy is behind me.
My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.
Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!

When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third should be drunk at sunset, and the rest at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days, and repeat the ceremony. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. The days are counted at night, after the last portion of the jelly is finished.

The enemy can be confused in order to confuse all his thoughts. This conspiracy is similar to the previous one in its action, however, no attributes are needed to read it:

Find it, a hassle, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, avert your eyes 33 times. Mortal leprosy, eat thoughts of purity, give swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

Gimmicks that instantly take away the strength of the enemy

There are special lobsters that take away the forces from the enemy instantly. No need to be scared, this is not a negative impact, but a protective witchcraft. The next conspiracy is used only in those cases when you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies have started some actions, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

You need to read nine times, in the photo of the enemy or with the visualization of his image. A candle should be lit in the room, preferably a black one. But if there is no such candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and time of day:

Spun, grabbed, carried
Through windbreaks, gullies,
Ditches, driftwood
With a roar, whistle,
We laugh with laughter, an eagle scream.
Heavy moans, screams.
It hit my ribs, my heart froth,
Roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,
It swirled, splashed into my eyes a yellow-turbid wave
Burning sparks.
Yellow around, dark around
Fog around, burning around
Light around, no zgi around ...
Saliva fills drunkier than wine,
It burns and chokes, suppresses thoughts.
Moan and cry - do not hide your tears.
Laughter grin - a yellow snake,
Curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,
I pulled my brow with a tight tourniquet,
The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,
My back is cold, my ears are buzzing.
Sleep, fall - there is no way!

This gimmick takes away all the resources of enemies that should be directed against you - energy, a desire to harm and even money, if they do not like you so much that they are ready to spend for the sake of revenge.

Love gingerbread man

A love gimmick for a man or woman is a complex concept. This is not to say that it evokes feelings, like, or passion, like black. Submission to one's will cannot evoke any feelings of love. But it is quite possible to persuade to give gifts or to make you close your eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

Many men do not listen to their wives' words. To correct this situation, braid a braid and do not unravel it for three days. The ceremony, unfortunately, is only suitable for owners of long hair, which can actually be braided. On the fourth day, you need to wake up at three in the morning, unbraid your braid and comb your hair with these words:

Hair on the head
in my hand I have my braid, in my teeth I have my mind.
No matter what I say
thereby she showed her mind.
How people listen to church bells
so let my husband listen to my words all his life.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Women who know this gimmick for their husbands are able to influence the husband and persuade him to any opinion. And even if you talk complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

As mentioned above, haze- this is a change in the perception of people in their favor. Of course, this kind of magic can be used to appear prettier than it really is. The conspiracy is read to oneself, on the way to a place in which there are men:

All women are fools
They have bad manners
All dresses are scarce,
I entered, peacock,
Red maiden.
She took a look -
I gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.

If there is a person in this room whose attention you are especially seeking, add one more line to the conspiracy:

And my beloved (name) is the greatest!

Such conspiracies work great on holidays and corporate parties, in public institutions, but they do not work on the street.

Gimmicks - how to get the victim to do something

It is quite possible to force the victim to do something with the help of a gingerbread man. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain offer, he will try to listen again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not so.

Attack you with sleep and darkness,
not alone, but all 40!
I avert your eyes
I confuse your mind,
I wrap it in a black web!
Like flies and mosquitoes to cobwebs
stick tightly,
so my words-deeds-views
they put your will to sleep!
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How the earth absorbs water
so you do my will!
We got a hassle on you
from every side and from any side!
Lost, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!
I confuse, wrap, twist,
do as i want!
Blindness is in your eyes,
on your arms and legs - numbness,
to your will - my any command!
How am I blowing on your face,
so I will disenchant you at once!
Brothers-devils, put my fetters on (name), throw, put,
Subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind-mind is in a dope!
Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind-mind is in a dope!

How to remove a gingerbread

The question of how to take off the gingerbread is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of a husband to a rival. Before proceeding with the removal of the gingerbread, make sure that it is in it. In addition to completely material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the next method is directed by a rival at her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. It is necessary to condemn food and set the table, even a modest one. For food, before the arrival of a spouse, you need to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only servant of God (name) legal wife. Let our quarrels be forgotten, let the slander of strangers evaporate, and let my husband's eyes open. We live together, and the mistress of witchcraft does not create. Amen.

The spell food is just for you and your husband. Nobody else should eat it. This is done three times. If your spouse is still living with you, it will be much easier to remove the shimmer this way. By the way, this simple rite also removes all the gummies for beauty. If your husband's mistress has used such sorcery, it will be rendered harmless.

If you are wondering how to remove a little thing from your head, that is, one that is aimed at instilling other people's thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a rite. They do it only on the waning moon. It will be good if you manage to guess so that at this time there is a church holiday - Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but large. For the ritual, you only need fish, absolutely any. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

God help me! Heavenly Father, help!
How this scales from a fish flies,
So the gingerbread from the servant of God (name) flies.
As it is impossible to assign a mother land to anyone,
No one can spoil it,
So would the servant of God (name)
Do not ruin anyone,
Not deed, not a word to spoil.
Nobody would dress him up in a gingerbread,
Heart and mind will not be clouded.
And who wants to spoil it,
In deed, in a word to spoil,
That my word will find
He will take peace and happiness to him.
Now, forever, forever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After cleaning, the fish can be cooked and eaten. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone else. You need to do this from three to nine times, from one time the strong globes are not removed. But the results will be noticeable after the first try. The ceremony also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

In general, a gingerbread can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are gimmicks both for misleading someone, and for obeying one's will and even protecting against enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should know how to remove such slander.

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