
Ceremonial ceremonies at home. How to recognize and remove any faucet (cut off the leakage channels). How to get rid of and protect yourself from such exposure

Kradnik, in essence, is a kind of theft with the help of black witchcraft. There are many varieties of this magic. With its help, you can steal absolutely anything you want.

In the article:

Kradnik - what is it

Kradnik is a powerful magical effect, with the help of which anything can be taken from the victim of witchcraft - vitality, wealth, luck, happiness, health and even a happy family life, beauty, and youth. A lot of stories have been put together by witnesses of such events about how old witches grew younger at the expense of girls, impoverished people established their affairs, and their donors lost everything they had acquired.

It is not too difficult to make a kradnik according to the method of our grandmothers. With its help, you can find everything that another person has. You shouldn't worry too much about him. People with strong energy always restore what was stolen from them. At the same time, the impression is created as if a bucket of water was collected from the sea. But the magician who stole someone else's luck is far from always able to direct it in the right direction.

If your victim turned out to be a sorcerer or is simply a more powerful person energetically than the initiator of the witchcraft, the magic of the stealer will not work. Sometimes, before you appropriate someone else's, you should remove the protection from the person. Kradniki act very quickly, literally in a few days you can already see the result.

An important point - the correct selection of the victim... Almost any person in mind has a couple of ill-wishers who want to do nasty things. But here it all depends on what you are going to steal. If it is money, the victim should be rich, if it is luck, there should be legends about its luck. The youth and health of a woman is taken away from a younger and healthier girl, men - from a guy. Simply put, do not forget that what you need to steal, the victim really should have. If your enemy has nothing to take, consider other ways of revenge. But it is not necessary to know the name at all.

Money and good luck stealers

Money and luck steals allow you to steal luck even from a random person on the street. It doesn't really matter if you know him or not. The only thing you really need to be sure of is that this person is really rich and occupies a significant position in society. You need to have a five kopeck coin in your pocket. Follow the victim and read in his back:

Go, go, good-hearted, but follow the trail of the dog, and along the edge of the wolf, across the field as a reaper, through life with a cross, and on him as a merchant. Bargaining is fast, but bargaining is black. I don't say it in a word, but I paid in a penny, but I point to it, but I drag everything I want onto myself, I bite with a wolf, I cut it with a knife, I cut it with a scythe, but I tear all the good on myself. We walked one way, but yours was divided. Amen.

Now stop, turn around and throw a coin over your shoulder with the words:

Paid. Amen.

Now go home without turning around or talking to anyone until you get home.

It is difficult to find a person who would not know that it is not only possible to study in the church. For example, on any church holiday, you can make money and luck in the church. Go to church and choose the right person. It is not difficult to assess the level of material wealth in appearance.

Wait for the chosen person to light a candle for health. So that he does not notice this, take his candle with your left hand, after extinguishing it with the fingers of your left hand. Put your candle in its place, but upside down. After that, silently and without turning around, go home. At home, roll the candle into a ball and say it nine times:

As wax rolls in my hands, so silver breaks away from the merchant and rolls to my chests in my pockets. Amen!

The ball must be carried with you at all times until it stops working. Does not last long, about two weeks maximum. Money can come from the most unexpected sources. It is quite possible with the help of such rituals.

Kradnik - magic for youth and beauty

In esotericism, kradniki are also used to make money at someone else's expense. To do this, you need to choose a victim. If you are an older woman, go for a young girl. You need to observe this for her and find out what object the girl often uses. You need to make or buy the same and replace the item. Clothes or jewelry work best. Put the victim's thing on yourself and say ten times:

She gave the name for forty years to the chain-link, and took it for a dozen and a half. I have become a vigorous woman, and she is a rotten hag. I greet every peasant and young man with my appearance, and caress their eyes. Her cheeks are blush, her hair is thick, her body is vigorous, her business is young, but she is rotting around the village like a driftwood, grabs her sides, curses her fate. Yes, it will be so!

This faucet is only done on the waxing moon. The result will be noticeable very quickly, however, the effect does not last long, from time to time the ritual must be repeated. Your age and the age of the victim in the text of the conspiracy can be changed.

You can also get youth at the expense of a pregnant woman, or rather, her child. Find a pregnant woman who is due to give birth soon, at least in a month. Get a coin from her under any pretext. When you take it, say this to yourself:

I do not take a penny, but I will take away the young destiny. The child will be born, and his youth will roll down to me like a penny. I bloom, a child to grow. Nima!

You should always carry the coin with you.

Stealing through the mirror and other ways to steal any good

You can pull any benefit for yourself right on the street. The main thing is that the target is suitable. Knowing his name is not necessary, the main thing is that you understand whether this person is right for you in order to pull what you need. You need to follow the victim, and so as to become this person. Copy his walk, repeat all the movements of a walking person. Looking at the back somewhere between the shoulder blades, read this:

There was a woman (or a man, if you take something from a man) with a sack and an empty pot. The bag is full of goods, but there is a hole in the bag. Behind her is the devil imp. Good falls into the hole, the devil picks it up. To hell with a full sack, an empty pot for a woman (peasant). So, I'm a damn sister) (or brother, if you are a man) (your name) for you, the devil knows your name, I'm going, yours (name what you take) I take. I fix it with the first step, pick it up with the second, and lock it with the third. Step by step, pinch by pinch. Me (your name) (what you take) a bag, you, the devil knows your name, an empty pot. To me (your name) (for example: getting prettier and younger; prospering and getting rich; getting healthy, etc.), the devil knows your name, (for example: withering and withering; going broke and getting poor; getting sick, etc.). Henceforth and forever and ever. Men was - the devil was a witness to that, but this contract was confirmed. Amen.

After reading, spit after the person in front of you. Trample with your left foot and go home. You cannot turn around and talk to someone. You need to leave in the opposite direction. After such rituals, it is customary to leave a ransom - coins and vodka at the crossroads for devils.

The steal through the mirror is aimed at making a magic mirror that will help steal anything, at any time, from any person. The mirror should be small, easy to fit in your pocket. It should be closed, for example, a powder box without powder works great. The mirror should not be double, that is, commercially available closing double mirrors are not suitable. There should be only one mirror.

You need to buy a mirror on a full moon. From the first day of the waning moon, carry it with you. As soon as you see something that you would also like to have, catch the reflection of this object or person with the quality you need and read the conspiracy into the reflection three times. Keep in mind that you cannot be reflected in the mirror yourself until the time specified below. The text is like this:

I liked it
The devil was noticed!
Damn my brother
Come out of the mirror
What I say - take it away
Take it with you
Save for me
Take it, Damn (we stipulate that)
Through the smooth surface
Take me to the maelstrom
Yes there, protect, take care!

It is not necessary to stipulate what you are taking too literally. If you want to take away wealth, reflect expensive cars and other things with a magic mirror. Need beauty - pay attention to young and beautiful people of the same gender. During one lunar cycle, only one can be reflected in this mirror. You started with wealth, continue to take only it, if you need health - focus only on it. You do not need to engage in magical theft every day, do it from time to time, but always have a mirror with you. You cannot give it into the wrong hands.

You can take what you need "into the damn piggy bank" until the third day of the growing moon. After this, the next rite is performed, which should begin at midnight. Place two black natural wax candles on the altar. Place a mirror between them and open it. Looking at your reflection, read thirteen times:

Damn-Devil, come out of the mirror
What have you collected, bring me!
(What you took away) Give.
Give me the last crumb!
May it pass to me
Yes it will stick to me
It will grow together with me, it will merge,
Yes, forever and ever to (we say, depending on what we have collected - "to the house", if wealth, "to the face", if appearance, etc.) will be nailed to mine.
The Devil himself is fastened!

The mirror should stand on the altar until morning, let the candles burn out completely. After the ceremony, bear the mercy of the devils. There is no need to be greedy, then the help of evil spirits will be noticeable. When making the offering, say:

Damn-Devil, he helped me, collected for me, take a gift for work!

In the morning, move the mirror somewhere in your room, you can even leave it with a reflective surface towards yourself or the place where you often spend time. But make sure that nobody picks up the mirror. So the mirror should stand or lie for three days. After that, it needs to be washed with salt water. Only after that it can be further used for magical theft, now it is possible to change direction. For example, if before that wealth was stolen, after the ceremony, ransom and purification of the object, you can take away youth or health - still one thing, until the next ceremony with candles and a mirror.


Becoming "Kradnik"

In the classical Scandinavian theory, as magic symbols intended for specific purposes were used staves, most of the information about which reached thanks to galdrastavam- ritual signs that warriors applied to themselves in order to gain victory in battle. But not only military signs were widespread, but also others - everyday ones, including stavi-kradniki. Unfortunately, most of the information about drawing up the correct staves without using runes was almost completely lost, and even the most experienced Scandinavian scholars are not sure of the correctness of magic non-runic signs.

Nevertheless, the power of the runes in conjunction with the deciphered principles of drawing up staves allows you to achieve impressive results from the kradniki composed in this way. A distinctive feature of such witchcraft is the combination of ancient traditions in a new form - there was no real historical evidence of the creation of staves-kradniks with the help of runes, however, they have already established themselves among magicians specializing in Scandinavian rune magic.

The main principle by which kradniki runes are created is to draw a correctly selected combination of runes on the victim's image (photograph, portrait). But you should create such staves wisely, without knowing the exact meaning of each rune you used and the correct selection of its position in the sink, it is not worth taking up the use of such powerful magic, since the ready-made staves published by some magicians are nothing more than sinkers, on the contrary - they give energy to the creator of the formula from the person who will try to use it. At best, such an anti-steal will draw out the luck, beauty, or wealth of the person who will be depicted in the photo, and at worst, your own.

Odal Fehu Laguz Gebo

However, the basic rules will allow you to determine the correctness of the cradle created. So, most often, the lower part of the runic mine is the Odal rune, symbolizing the hearth. Pennants for wealth necessarily include the use of the Fehu rune, for beauty - Laguz or Berk, for love - Gebo.

Another important feature by which the runes of kradniki are created is the complete absence of the need to carry out any rituals, in addition to directly inscribing the runic formula on the image of the victim - the runes are symbols that work directly through the universe and do not require any accomplishments. This also ensures the efficiency of their work, as well as the inevitability of the onset of consequences in the event of an error. Most often, the image of the victim with the inflicted kradnik is worn with oneself, preferably if it is as close as possible to the point on which it should act. That is, a beauty faucet should be worn closer to the body, and a wealth faucet will work best while in your wallet.

What does a faucet look like on castings

Many people who fear for their well-being are worried about how a sink looks like on castings. Anyone can diagnose the presence of damage or the evil eye with ordinary wax, it is easy to do it yourself at home. But the interpretation of the shapes and figures that wax shows is a difficult matter that requires careful study. Each type of negative magical effect looks completely different during wax casting.

If the magician has not taken care to hide the traces of his activity, during the diagnosis with wax, the sink will look like bundles or threads that go beyond the main wax figure. You can see similar cords and threads if you make a casting to a person who successfully uses black magic.

In order for no one to know about your theft with the help of witchcraft and not to interfere with your actions, you need to learn to hide your activities. There are many ways to put protection on your actions in relation to the victim of the ceremony, as well as to hide them from prying eyes.

In general, a kradnik can be useful for any person. With its help, you can solve many problems without receiving any rollback in return, if you follow all the rules of black magic.

In contact with

Black magic is a mysterious, varied and full of temptation world. It has many ways to quietly harm enemies. A black magician or a person who decides to use the means of black magic for this purpose can only choose whether it will be money and good luck stealers, or other means from the arsenal that the dark side of magical actions offers.

Black magic is a mysterious, diverse and tempting world that offers many ways to deal with enemies

After using the kradnik, the victim begins to fade away before our eyes, failures become his faithful companion, but the energy body remains unharmed, which makes kradniki such an attractive tool for dark magicians.

More about the essence of kradnikov

There are known cases when the diagnosis of a certain energy program carrying a negative charge and destructive influence becomes much more complicated. As a result, only that mystic, whose practice is quite long, can recognize such a program and then shoot it. The conspiracy, called the kradnik, refers precisely to such imperceptible techniques of influence.

The essence of the kradnik is a negative impact on the victim that occurs from the outside. After the spell is cast on the victim, the energy of this person is redirected to the one who read the conspiracies. As a result, the magician can achieve a complete substitution of the fate of his victim, since the stolen does not return to its original owner.

In the case of using faucets as a tool of influence, ordinary cleaning will be completely useless, since there is nothing to clean. And only an experienced healer will be able to recognize that the cause of the impact is in the outer space and then remove it. It is almost impossible to shoot the kradniki on your own, so you should not be shy or afraid to seek help from specialists by substituting fate with the use of a kradnik.

Sneakers made from the victim's belongings

A flue made from the personal belongings of the person chosen by the victim are the most powerful. It is for this reason that practitioners do not recommend giving their things to those people whom you do not know or know a little. After all, the likelihood that after this you will have to go through the loss of something from life is quite high. What can be cradles. For which a personal item of a victim of black magic is required?

The first place in popularity is taken by fortune and money kradniki. Its effect lies in the fact that the victim begins to lose money in all possible manifestations of the substitution of wealth for need, namely:

  • a person's wages were reduced;
  • he lost his wallet;
  • ran into customers or suppliers who showed bad faith;
  • there were unforeseen expenses.

The impact of stealing money is that the victim often has unforeseen expenses

At the same time, a person who decides to enrich himself through such a substitution begins to receive money practically out of thin air. This is precisely the essence of the impact that the kradnik has on money and the fence of luck.

Equally popular among people who want to get benefits without working on themselves are beauty and health benefits. After all, each person would like not only to receive wealth, but also to live longer than fate allotted for him, regardless of the possible consequences and the high price.

How Kradnik works

What is the effect of the sinker to deprive the victim of beauty and health manifests itself? The person on whom the spell is imposed begins to change before our eyes - he may have age spots, hair dull, and his figure may change. But the initiator of the substitution becomes younger and more beautiful, pulling the energy of his victim onto himself.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon can often occur among people who are related by blood ties. An older person casts a spell on a younger relative, and at his expense prolongs the duration of his life. By the same principle, you can steal the health of another person.

With the help of a stopper made using the victim's personal belongings, you can steal not only health or wealth, but also well-being in family life. While the thief is successfully building his personal and family life, the following changes begin to occur in the victim's family:

  • adultery;
  • frequent quarrels;
  • infertility;
  • a break up.

The action of the kradnik can lead to infertility in the victim's family

For this reason, happy couples should be careful not only with new acquaintances, but even with old friends. After all, a kradnik that can destroy a family can be brought into the house by presenting it to the owners.

In fact, through a stopper made from the victim's personal belongings, you can steal whatever you want. Naturally, there is a price to pay for this, but the magic won't work otherwise. It is better to show the strange things found in oneself to a specialist so as not to aggravate the situation and not to delay the elimination of the problem with extraneous influence.

Runic sinkers

Another opportunity, with the help of black magic, to replace fate, to improve your life, taking something away from another. The rune finder is less effective, but no less dangerous. In order for the rune finder to begin its work, a person just needs to approach the victim and whisper the words of the spell three times.

And also there is a variant of the rune mine, in which any image is spoken. Then it is necessary to transfer the bewitched thing to the victim. To protect yourself from this, it is important not to take anything from people you do not know, and if you did, then contact a specialist for advice immediately.

Rite of passage "Traveler"

This conspiracy will help the magician to steal from a person who is guilty of something before him, the material wealth of the victim.

When a person who wants to steal wealth saw a rich man walking in front of him, the following conspiracy is read in his back:

"Go, go, good-hearted, but follow the trail of the dog,

Yes, along the edge by a wolf, across the field by a reaper

In life, a cross, but a merchant for him

Bargaining is fast, but bargaining is black

It is not said in a word, but it was paid with a nickel

Yes, I point to him, yes everything I want

I pull on myself, bite like a wolf

I cut with a knife, an oblique mow

Yes, I tear all the good on myself

We walked one way, but yours was divided

The spell to activate the cradle is cast three times. As soon as all the necessary words are voiced, the tugger throws a coin of any denomination on the ground with the words "Paid". At the end of the ritual, you need to leave without looking back.

There is another case in which there is a chance of using this conspiracy. This is done when the sorcerer is eager to teach a lesson to the one who is used to taking from another, and to show what can happen if you do not stop doing it.

However, before using the proposed kradnik, think about whether it is worth punishing the one to whom fate will reward as it deserves. It is not worth the risk if the person is not sure that the game is worth the candle.

Before using the faucet, you should carefully consider whether it is worth doing

How to get rid of and protect yourself from such exposure

You can get rid of the kradnik only with the help of an experienced healer with many years of experience, who will be able to correctly identify the cause of the negative impact. Therefore, many people are worried about the question of whether there is protection from kradnikov, how to remove the negative. If we remove the cradle, we need to cleanse our aura from the effects of witchcraft.

After all, a properly built defense helps prevent the loss of your well-being. Alena Wormwood is a high-level practitioner magician who says that the best protection against kradnikov is amulets. Yeslena offers to clear the discovered mines of her energy.

Alena Wormwood warns that cleaning with runes is not always a panacea. First try to prevent a magic blow, so that you do not suffer later. First of all, don't take anything from people you don't know.

Particularly strong should be protection against kradniki in women who are carrying a child. This is due to the fact that it is the life of an unborn child that can become the subject of theft of that rascal who wants to extend his life. And also Alena Polyn advises that it is worth paying special attention to the protection of infants, individuals who have not reached puberty and have not known carnal pleasures, that is, virgins.

Alena Wormwood tells how to get rid of a kradnik. First of all, you need to properly diagnose it. But in the process of diagnostics, one may encounter a certain difficulty, which greatly complicates the task at hand. A black magician who uses kradniki always closes the channel through which he works. Also, the black practitioner constantly changes his victims.

But sometimes it happens that the channel of influence remains open. In this case, the task of the healer is to destroy the channel. This action will allow you to return everything that was stolen. And the thief will get what he deserves for what he did.

According to the practitioner magician Alena Wormwood, there is one more possible protection from the kradnikov - these are staves. They are used in order to protect from negative impact that area of ​​the victim's life, which is the most vulnerable and accessible to the actions of strangers. In order for the staves to work and provide protection, magical practitioners use runes that cancel the effect of magic that was imposed, and help to strengthen the protective forces of the victim's energy field.


With the help of the influences offered by black magic, the magician can steal whatever he wants from a randomly selected victim, be it wealth, happiness in the family or health. The main thing is to correctly read the conspiracy called the kradnik.

You can talk about both the victim's personal belongings and objects that will then be presented to the victim. That is why it is not recommended to accept gifts or treats from unfamiliar people or not at all acquaintances.

Remember: don't accept gifts from strangers

And also there are rune-diggers, which are not as popular as conspiracies for things, but they pose no less danger to those who are chosen by the victim.

Elena Wormwood claims that protection from kradnikov is a necessity that is relevant for everyone, since there is no guarantee that the victim of a sorcerer who decides to hunt for other people's goods will not fall on you.

You can protect yourself from negativity with the help of a stave, for which runes are used. Pregnant women and mothers of children who have not reached puberty need to be especially careful.

Getting rid of kradnikov is not very easy. Simple cleaning will not do any good. Therefore, in order to save yourself from the destructive effects of the kradnik, it is worth contacting a healer with many years of experience.

And most importantly, it is worth remembering that any negative impact has its price, and the substitution of events and fate will make you pay a high price. This is worth remembering when thinking about how to improve your life at the expense of someone else's.

People are very well aware that magic is divided into two poles: white and black. White magic carries a positive and is designed to help people. Black magic is negative, it also helps, but with the help of dark forces. But the energy of black magic is aimed at harming another. One of these rituals is the kradnik.

Kradnik - a secret conspiracy

Refers to the rituals of black magic. It aims to poach welfare. It is believed that a person is a kind of energy store. In the body of everyone there are certain channels and zones of accumulation through which the informational biofield flows and accumulates. In this way, all information about a particular individual is recorded. Moreover, the accumulation comes not only from this life, but also from past incarnations.

It is known that it is possible to penetrate into the human biofield when carrying out certain manipulations. And not only to take root, but also to influence with the help of rituals. The impacts are different. This one is aimed precisely at stealing positive information. There is a redirection of positive energy in order to obtain the most successful resources.

What is most often stolen?

Of course, no one will just climb into the biofield. Each kidnapper needs something of his own, the most desirable. Someone needs money, someone needs luck. But more often than not, these things are related to each other, and therefore they go away together. However, each energy resource has its own ritual.

It is characterized by the fact that things fail, they do not even help. Whatever the victim undertakes, the result is one - failure. Successful entrepreneurs lose business, people cannot start their own business, careers are not built, even children cannot really get on their feet. In general, whatever the victim undertakes, the plans go to hell.

A conspiracy for money is done with the aim of stealing financial well-being and wealth. The one who gets under the influence starts to lose money absolutely everywhere. And this happens not just by the banal loss of the wallet, but also in more inconspicuous ways. For example, unexpected expenses that are of a force majeure nature. Disruption of some purchases for which funds have already been paid, such as purchasing an apartment from a developer with a shared participation. Financial losses may not be global in nature - money leaves imperceptibly. Typically, victims describe this as "slipping through their fingers." It seems that they do not spend on all sorts of nonsense, and they calculate correctly, but the money does not hold. A vivid example: some live quietly on one salary and even manage to relax in resorts, while others, for the same amount, barely make ends meet. The financial channel is likely to close.

A fountain of happiness

Guidance is manifested by the disappearance of happiness in life. Divorces, the inability to create a couple, the loss of loved ones, an endless stream of failures. These are signs of magical effects on happiness. As a rule, he drags along with him not only good luck, but also financial well-being, and health, and love. Basically, they do it when they don't know what exactly they want. After all, such a concept as "happiness" is too multifaceted to highlight any key points.

Beauty caddy

Beauty is not given to many. This is a kind of reward of nature. Most people have a sympathetic, harmonious appearance. But true beauty is rare. When beauty is stolen, the inner light disappears. The look becomes dull, the skin becomes flabby and poor color, flaws appear: acne, wrinkles, age spots. In especially severe cases, injuries occur that cause significant damage to the appearance, without the possibility of restoring natural data.

Kradnik of youth

Many women have probably noticed that no matter how they take care of themselves, the aging of the skin begins very early and quickly. Typically, victims complain that they are given much more years than they actually are. In addition, health is deteriorating. Diseases characteristic of a much older age are on the verge of being. Especially such phenomena are clearly visible in the photo. The fact is that photography stops the flow of energy, captures it. And then the departure of what is not visible in everyday life becomes noticeable: beauty and youth.


It aims to completely steal away all that is good. Often, such a strong kradnik leads to very negative consequences. This is an extremely dangerous form of magical influence.

Health fountain

It is very often confused with the evil eye or. Disease just haunts. Moreover, the problem is that the condition is practically impossible to diagnose: the indicators are normal, the analyzes are ideal, the daily routine is normal, the mode of work and rest is observed, the food is also flawless. But the victim wastes away just before our eyes.

You need to know the enemy by sight

To determine what kind of impact was done, you need to contact a specialist. It is worth saying that it is very difficult to diagnose, because there is a thorough disguise under a lot of other rituals and has similar symptoms with damage and the evil eye. If the specialist made a mistake and carried out the wrong cleaning, then, of course, there will be no harm, but also no benefit.

The main symptoms: everything falls out of hand, nothing works, health falls, money seems to flow away, the victim is wasting away before our eyes. They say about such a state that "a black streak has come in life."

But there is good news as well. The point is that the theft is not done by absolutely strangers. Those who practice this know perfectly well that you can take not only luck, but also troubles. So the ill-wisher will never perform the ritual on strangers. Therefore, you will have to search among your surroundings. These can be relatives, friends, neighbors. It manifests itself very simply. The one who stole suddenly starts rolling like cheese in butter. Problems go away, the impudent blooms and smells, life becomes just chocolate. Although, just recently, it was very bad. If this happened, there is no doubt - the sinister was found! It is required to carry out a diagnosis using wax. More on this later.

How to get rid of the kradnik?

To neutralize magic, it is better to consult a specialist. To begin with, he will determine: what exactly has been done, since for each ritual its own conspiracy is applied. If you put a haze with a lining, you will have to thoroughly clean up the house in order to find the thrown object. Sometimes you don't even have to look: many things can be trivial gifts.

When the nature of the channel is determined, the specialist selects the correct conspiracy. It can be either runic becoming, or casting. If it is impossible to contact a specialist for some reason, then you can try to return the haze yourself.

Runic becoming

For this you need Scandinavian or Slavic runes. In principle, it is sufficient to use only the image of signs. Then you need yourself. An image is applied to it that is responsible for what is happening: money, luck, prosperity, etc. That is, with the image of what was stolen from you.

The ritual should be performed at sunset. At a time when the sun is about to go away. The best reference point: the edge of the sun touches the horizon. If the ritual is carried out in the city, then you can focus on the roofs of houses. The secret words will have to be learned by heart:

“Like the sun at sunset, so the thief on the lining brought sorrow into the house. I will roll troubles along with the clear sun into the earthly land. As that uninvited guest came, he will disappear and will take his lining ”.

You need to read it three times. The sun sets quickly, so you can't hesitate. The lining is wrapped in white cloth, tied with red thread and buried at the side of the road. As soon as the thread decays, everything will end. Therefore, it is important to understand that problems will not be solved in one day: the thief will definitely call, write, ask for a visit. These intrusions should be ignored, since in this way there is an attempt to restore the channel. And you will have to try to remain as calm as possible: emotional outbursts also interfere with the closure of the channels.

Wax casting

Casting with wax is the most common and safest option for getting rid of magical effects, in contrast to the runic stave. The fact is that it is very difficult to choose the right image: the slightest mistake in drawing a picture, incorrect location, can lead to zero, if not sad. Only a specialist can work with the staff. But the ebb with wax, on the contrary, is available to the common man in the street.

So, for casting you will need:

  • two photos (victim and tatya),
  • wax,
  • cold water,
  • two bowls for water,
  • a bowl for melting a candle.

The materials must be prepared: pour water into bowls and put them on the photograph. Place candles around. There should be 12 of them, according to the number of months in a year. It is better to take thick, tall church candles, as they will have to burn for a long time. They leave free space in front of them so as not to get burned inadvertently. Each hassle has its own set of texts.

Diagnosing the kidnapper

In the photo, bowls of water are placed in the center of the candle circle. The melted wax is poured into the water along the blade of a knife. The text is read:

“A night thief walks in the thicket of the forest. Bit hungry, itching cold. He wants to take someone else's in order to be full. I look at it, bring it out into the light. I will find out the secret, I will punish the evil one. "

The same manipulation is carried out over the sufferer's bowl. Then the resulting wax influx is interpreted. If hooks appear on the wax cake, then you can be sure of an error and proceed to removal.

A conspiracy to remove the theft of luck, finances, and other material wealth.

“The wax is pouring with a hot tear, in that tear the trouble (name) goes away. That (the reason is inserted: health, money, love, etc.) locks, knot locks, ropes-chains, I remove it on wax, pour it into the water. It will be locked in a wax tear, buried in the damp earth, forgotten by people. As the earth-mother melts the wax, so the vow will go to waste - it will disappear. What the thief took back will return. "

Casting is carried out 3 times a day: in the morning at sunrise, the sky will begin to brighten a little, at noon, when there is no shadow, in the evening, when the sun touches the edge of the earth. Each time after cleansing, it is necessary to take a shower, and take the casting outside and bury it at the intersection of roads.

Words on the removal of the channel of health, beauty, love

To remove the rite, which is aimed at stealing health, beauty, youth or love, wax and runes are not needed. You need to prepare:

  • Thursday salt
  • milk,
  • cereals.

If there is no Thursday salt, you can use regular salt consecrated in the church. Groats are needed to remove age spots, acne and other minor skin flaws. Groats are needed such that birds will peck, for example, millet.

Water is drawn into the bathroom. If there is no bathroom, then a tub or basin in a bath will do. In general, the bathroom is a modern option. The best way would be a steam bath after all. Quarter salt is poured into the water, a little, as much as the palm grasps, the victim sits in the water and pours himself from the top of the head and says:

“Mother water, wash away the ailment from (name), take it to the ground. As salt eats away a wound, so now it dissolves the road to old age and disease. As salt preserves freshness, so also locks youth-beauty. The rivers of milk strengthen, wash away all the sadness. "

To remove skin imperfections, wash with milk above the pelvis to retain fluid, saying:

“Milk, sweet, the foam is smooth, it flows down (name )’s face, brings beauty. The color returns, the filth washes away. "

Then this milk is filtered through the cereal, which should be given to the birds. The drink itself is given to the cat or dog.

Ablution is carried out several times: at sunrise and sunset for 7 days. During this time, it is necessary to soak all clothes that are in salt water and rinse thoroughly, preferably in river water.

How to protect yourself from any kradnik?

Since most often acquaintances who enter the house steal, it is necessary to be able to defend your home from attack. Golden rules of protection:

  • Do not accept used clothing as a gift,
  • Don't give your clothes away. It is better to take your belongings to the church or to the reception centers,
  • Do not take or give away salt or bread,
  • Periodically clean the house with church candles,
  • Strange trinkets that served as a gift, sprinkle with holy water,
  • After each visit to the house by guests, in the purity of intentions of which you are not sure, it is imperative to clean not only wet, but also energetic (cleaning).

You can protect the house with a rune stave. For this, a specialist is invited who knows where and what runes need to be placed. It is better not to do such things yourself, since a mistake in the choice of images will be expensive. Applying the stave to the walls of the house is laborious. The error can only be removed by a magical way, so you can't just draw something and then just erase it. So it is better not to meddle in runic becoming if there is no good knowledge.

As for the conspiracy, here you can handle it yourself.

It is necessary to attach needles to the corners of the door jamb according to the number of people living in the house. Direct the tips of the needles to the entrance. Put a sprig of wormwood under the entrance mat. Making these manipulations read:

“The needles are sharp, the needles are smooth, like hitting a thief with arrows. Let him hook his plans at your ends, let him leave his black soul behind the threshold. You, wormwood-grass, burn the trail with a bitter spirit, but close the way to this house for him. "

If the thief does appear, then entering the house will no longer make a lining or transfer. And the thing will try to leave through the threshold. Usually in such cases they say: "Oh, I will not go in, I have no time, here you go." You can take the thing, but outside the door. That, bringing it into the house, she fell under the influence of needles. Interestingly, the thief will try to stay on the bare ground, he simply will not step on the entrance mat.

How to return the sink?

It is undesirable to resort to a return. After all, what is a return? This is a kind of revenge. In this case, the victim becomes the same thief, only in a multiple size. Yes, magic tends to work in the opposite direction to return the loss, but it is very difficult to stop it and there is a possibility of returning it with interest. Whether it is good or bad is up to the victim. But you need to think about the consequences. But, if it is already on fire, and you really want to punish the offender, so that next time it would be discouraging to touch someone else's, you can carry out the following ritual:

Prepare a feather. It doesn't matter what kind of bird, the main thing is that it should be healthy outwardly: tight, even, clean. You will need cereal, any that the birds will peck. Church candles or any other, but always made of real wax. Photo of the offender or paper with a written name.

A bowl of cereals is placed in the center. Candles are set around and lit. A photo or a name is placed behind the candle circle. The pen is scorched on candles and the plot is read:

“I take the feather of a strong, fast bird, I lead the way to my thief. I say the word is strong, indestructible. As he got into my house, as he brought blackness, so she will return to her creator. He will take with him everything that the thief brought, and return to my house that he took without asking. I don’t share, I don’t give it, I take it back, I return the trouble and grief ”.

Singe the feather to the very end, to the outer tube. Read as many times until the pen is completely burned out. After returning, sprinkle the groats along the road along which the enemy walks. Take the candles to the church and leave them on the doorstep.

How is the theft done?

Kradnik is very simple. The strongest are runic. They can be made by anyone, anytime. Moreover, it is absolutely imperceptible. It is enough to apply the image of the rune in an inconspicuous place and close it or erase it. The strength will remain. You can catch a haze in a tattoo parlor, especially when applying runes as drawings. You should be very careful in choosing a tattoo, especially if a friend or friend insists on a particular image.

Thieves also resort to using a pad or personal belongings. Food ceremonies are very dangerous. Therefore, you cannot accept food from strangers. This is especially true for children who are trying to treat granny neighbors with candy.

To steal someone else's satisfaction, such a ritual is done. You will need a thing for which the plot and candles will be read.

The thing is placed in the center of the candlestick circle, and the following words are read:

“Early in the morning the sun rose, gave it an even light: beauty, love, health and good luck. The evening fell dark, the stars lit up in the sky, everything that was given was gone. I take it into my pocket, all the gifts are shining. I leave emptiness and holes on the doorstep. I will stretch the thread of luck like a river in the sea. Let it flow to me, I will be with wealth in a share.

After that, the candles are extinguished, twisted with a tight bundle and carried to the river bank. There they light up again and it is important to wait until they burn out completely. Do not talk to anyone until the candles have burned out. After that, you can go to the victim and carry a lining or treat, on which the words were read.

It is important to remember that this is not an evil eye, and it is not done only with an envious look. You definitely need some kind of item. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a magical effect, then you need to look in your own home.

One old friend of mine asked for advice on what to do if they caused damage called Kradnik. Naturally, I am not very familiar with these questions, and I was not particularly interested. But it turns out that my friend's life has recently changed dramatically not for the better: a series of minor and major troubles in all spheres of life literally knocked her out of her usual rut.

Sometimes you begin to understand that your life has cracked and everything is crumbling in your destiny right before your eyes. Do not rush to give up and blame yourself for all the sorrows. This, most likely, is not a black streak of failures, but induced damage. Her name is Kradnik.

What is damage - Kradnik?

  1. Sometimes we become witnesses of such a picture, when one person has an extraordinary streak of success and luck, and his acquaintance or acquaintance in one short moment, on the contrary, is deprived of everything at once: a loving person, work, financial well-being, health.
  2. In this case, there is damage, an ancient ritual called Kradnik. The name itself says that this ceremony is based on the following mechanism: one envious person from another, prosperous, simply steals a successful fate, family or youth. To achieve what they want, they carry out special complex rituals from Black magic.
  3. Sorcerers and people who are versed in such matters admit that the rituals that can be found on the Internet or in publicly available books do not often bring the desired result. That is, there is a description of the rituals in the public domain, but their result is short-lived and not very effective.
  4. You should know that no Master will post really serious rituals (their description) on the network. It is forbidden to do this, since the information is serious enough, and can become a dangerous weapon if it is used by an amateur in magic, or just an evil and negative person.

How to determine that Kradnik is imposed?

If something unusually unpleasant and terrible began to happen to your life, and, for example, everything suddenly became fine with your neighbor, then this should alert you. In addition, if your husband left you, and, on the contrary, she has an admirer, then Kradnik is on you. Concomitant symptoms will appear.

  • Diseases continue in succession, treatment does not bring results. The condition worsens for no apparent reason. Unreasonable anxiety, insomnia, irritation and apathy can be observed.
  • Financial affairs are declining and getting worse. Money leaves the family, some completely unexpected losses and losses begin.
  • On the personal front, everything is also very bad. There are scandals in the family, even divorces can take place.
  • An important point: someone from your inner circle (colleague, girlfriend) suddenly becomes very successful, gives birth to a groom, has a blooming appearance, and at the same time asks you how things and life are going. It is the unexpected interest in your person that should lead to the idea that damage has been done - a cracker.
  • It is done most often by people who know you well and are aware of all the events in your life. Strangers are simply afraid to steal something from a stranger, because you can take away the disease at the same time. Although you can make a sink without even knowing the name of the person.
  • You should pay attention to very fast and rapid changes. Each person intuitively begins to understand that something strange, artificially created is happening to him.

How is a kradnik made

There are several ways. Some people throw lining into the house, which over a long period of time draws all the positive energy from the owners.

There is a variant of influence through photography and rune staves. In this way, they try to steal beauty, strength, love and well-being in the family. Lining is made to entice financial well-being.

We remove the kradnik ourselves

There are several rituals that will help get rid of such energetic influence. If you know for sure that you have a sinker, then the first step is to do a general cleaning at your home. Doors and doorways should be especially thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Then walk with a candle across the entire area of ​​the dwelling and clean every corner, while you can read Orthodox prayers. Do not forget to go to church first, take communion, stand at the service, pray.

In addition to such measures, you can carry out several rituals that will cleanse your body and biofield. Of course, what is gone, you will not return, but protect yourself and start life from scratch. When the energy channels are cleaned, then you will immediately feel an extraordinary surge of strength and a desire to live, and later all things will improve.


  1. Perform the ceremony only in the evening, when the sun is about to set over the horizon. Fill the tub with water. Next, dissolve a handful of ordinary table salt and 3-5 drops of wormwood essential oil in it. You can add juniper oil.
  2. Then read such a conspiracy (it is advisable to learn it by heart): “Salt of the earth, and fresh water, and sea water, and earthly grasses, and underwater plants, all pain, all ailments, all troubles from me, dissolves in itself, returns to offenders! My blessing is back to me, all the evil inflicted on my enemies, my troubles on their heads with dirty water - blessing and good luck to me. " Truly!
  3. Then lie down in this water and try to imagine that troubles, illnesses and troubles dissolve in the infusion.
  4. After the bath, rinse off the remnants of negative information under a stream of running warm water, once again speaking the conspiracy.


  • Kradnik is a kind of energy "construction" that steals luck, success and health. A person during such an influence does not feel well, experiences discomfort and anxiety. He begins to have troubles covering all areas of life. The area of ​​financial well-being is most often affected, but it is also done on success in personal life, attractiveness and activity, and well-being.
  • Usually, acquaintances who have a lot of information about you do such damage. There are techniques that allow you to block the channel through which valuable energy flows. However, a truly competent and full-fledged ceremony can only be performed by a Master.

What is a kradnik.

Hello my dear readers and students. Have you ever wondered why some people suddenly fall on their heads with a golden shower, a loving person next to them, and others also suddenly lose everything - money, health, family?

There is in magic one well-known Black ritual-kradnik. With its help you can steal everything you want - health, love, financial well-being and even extra years of life and beauty

I must say right away that freely available kradniki are of course ineffective, the result will be, but weak and short-term, but with their help people manage to take away what they want.

Below I will give a working ritual for cutting off the leakage channels, my students may well do it. Also, at the request of my students, after all a new article was published with a strong (Black) way to rent a kradnik for money and good luck at all and amulets-protection from kradnikov. Be sure to take a look.

Almost all famous personalities whom we see on TV have achieved everything that we admire so much in this particular way. I myself did similar rituals and therefore I know what I am talking about. You can, of course, look 30 at 70 through several dozen operations on the whole body, but this will not achieve a youthful shine in the eyes, grace as in 18 years, money and love of millions ...

The essence of the sink is in replacing one of the energy fields surrounding a person with its own projection. If a good Master does this, it will not work to remove it on your own. You can only cut off the leakage channels on your own, below I will give this method. It is impossible to return stolen goods.

How to understand what's on you.

Everything is simple here. If you suddenly began to get sick and your husband left you, and your neighbor suddenly blossomed and made a fan, and she is sympathetically interested in what happened to you, most likely they put a sink on you. From my own experience I know what they do. most often they are well-known people who know all your ins and outs, because you can mistakenly steal a serious illness from a stranger, for example, although in order to install a faucet, for the most part, you do not even need to know the name.

How to remove a faucet.

In order to cut off the leakage channels you will need

  • 40 candles,
  • larger coin
  • a pack of rock salt purchased on the corresponding half day. Change cannot be taken.
  • candlesticks
  • ritual hoodie (black) or - a new shirt, a long T-shirt without a pattern, preferably black.

This rite is done on the first day after the absolute full moon, when the moon is just beginning to wane and it is not visible to the eye, after sunset. Be sure to read how to make conspiracies correctly, otherwise there will be no sense in your efforts. So,

  • A strict fast is required for three days before the ceremony.
  • On the chosen day, wash the floor at home, thoroughly and with your hands. The bath and toilet do not need to be washed! Take the water from washing outside and pour it on the grass.

When there are three hours left before the ceremony. You can no longer talk, eat and drink at all, until the morning - all this and brush your teeth, wash and pee can only be the next day. Consider this.

Many people have already asked me what to do if he wants to go to the toilet at night, sorry, but I wanted to answer so much - piss in bed), of course, you can get up and go silently, you really can't go to bed)

  • There should be no animals in the room, even fish and parrots.

When the sun is almost hidden behind the horizon, put on a hoodie. Get on your knees and with the words-Lord bless, Lord help, sprinkle a circle with salt around you and put all the candles in this circle

Light it with matches; all the salt should be gone!

Take small candles so that you do not have to read until the morning))) Without fanaticism.

The moon is round decreasing, the thief does not come,

No belly, no goodness, no beauty,

Neither the love of a young man (girl) nor a thick braid.

Not Wednesday (Monday)

Not Friday (Tuesday)

Not Saturday (Thursday)

Not on Sunday.

My business is the key.

In my words, the castle.

Keep the coin in your left hand all this time (if you are left-handed, in your right). Words written in brackets are read if you are a man.

In the morning, sweep the salt and candle stubs onto paper and, along with a broom, take it out of the house and throw it away.

The coin must be tossed in a crowded place on the same day.

The ceremony must be repeated for three moons (months) in a row, and completely stop communicating with whoever you think about, otherwise he will automatically connect to you again.

The rite is a worker and my ancestral rite, i.e. even the Masters will find it hard to steal from you again, not to mention those who have read esotericism and imagine themselves to be sorcerers.
You just need to repeat it periodically, until the thieves get tired of "connecting" to you and get sick from it.

How quickly they will leave you behind depends on the "persistence" of the thief. 4-5 repetitions completely discourage desire.
Severe fever and nausea usually lasts about two weeks, even a home-grown "magician" will understand what it is. for a longer time, but I strongly doubt that.

I repeat, this ritual does not remove the kradnik, but only cuts off the leakage channels. To remove it you absolutely need a good Master. If you think that you will not succeed, you can write.

If you have any questions about the ceremony, I will answer in the comments, if you can help diagnose, please write through the feedback.

I wish you health and well-being.

Sincerely yours Svetlana (Vasilyeva)