
Tarot 1001 night matching cards to fairy tales. Book "Thousand and One Nights"

The Tarot 1001 Night deck is quite unusual. From 1926 to 1929, the French artist Leon Carré (1878-1942) created a series of illustrations for a collection of famous Arab fairy tales, and the Algerian miniaturist Mohammed Ratsim (1896-1975) took over the design in the classical Islamic style. But only in 2004, the drawings made by Carre and Razim were used to create the Tarot Arcana, which formed the basis of "Tarot 1001 Night". This deck is very different from traditional ones, not only because some of its Arcana have different names, but also because of its three unique features: the "narrative" nature of the cards, the beauty of Arab culture and the charm of the old tales that it tells.

Book "Thousand and One Nights"

The Thousand and One Nights is considered one of the most interesting collection of stories in the history of world literature. Written in Persia around the 10th century, these tales gained immense popularity in 18th century Europe, thanks to the translation of the French writer Antoine Galland. They talk about a magical, amazing world in which real adventure and fiction are intertwined. The stories of Shaher-zada seem to follow from one another, and often the heroes of some fairy tales become the storytellers of others.

Among the most famous fairy tales, "Sinbad the Sailor", "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp", as well as "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" are immediately recalled.

Fairy tales and tarot

The Tarot 1001 Night deck is a great way to discover the wonderful world, characters and atmosphere of original fairy tales. The arcana of this deck takes us to another fantastic reality, exotic and sophisticated, alien to European perception. Even just looking at the pictures shown on the cards seems to be a very pleasant and rewarding pastime. But in order to feel the full power of this deck, you certainly need to study it deeper. If the cartomancer wants to learn how to work with “Tarot 1001 Nights”, he should for some time be distracted from all his previous knowledge of the Tarot. Create a diary page for each Arcana and write down the stories that are born in your imagination when looking at the drawings. It is not at all necessary to know the content of the book "A Thousand and One Nights" - it is enough just to give free rein to imagination and, starting from the images themselves, to imagine the characters and events. After carefully examining all the cards, you will definitely notice the richness of the nuances of each picture, as if in front of you are real miniatures. These nuances will open up their own world of various new meanings and interpretations for each kartomant.

Other names for the arcana

Several Arcana from “Tarot 1001 Night” have different names from the traditional ones:

First of all, the “Revered” and “Revered” cards differ from the traditional Arcana: the difference is not only in the name, but also in the absence of a religious connotation in their meaning. Spirituality in these cards lies in wisdom and virtue, and not in belonging to any religious hierarchy. The lasso "Harmony" symbolizes the relationship between peace, beauty and culture - this is what contributes to the harmonious existence of a person in the world.

The image of the card "Courage" is taken from the tale of Sinbad the Sailor and is represented by a man who fights with a force that surpasses him, and in the end wins. “Bound” is an intricate card that as if addresses the Cartomaniac with the question: “Is there a non-violent way to tie a person to someone like him?” (note: there is a man whipping a donkey in the background). And finally, the Arcanum "Danger" emphasizes the defenselessness of man in front of the forces of nature.

How to use Tarot deck 1001 Night


The Tarot 1001 Night deck adapts especially well to the Intuitive Interpretation technique. With experience, having learned to use all the nuances of images in interpretation, you will understand that in fact this deck quite clearly follows the traditional meanings of the Arcana, despite the fact that often its drawings differ from the traditional ones. The beginner is advised to carefully study the details of each miniature, and also try to imagine the situations that they may depict. All miniatures evoke instant intuitive associations, which can change over time and develop into deeper meanings, if the cartomancer learns to analyze the numerous nuances of images.

For master cartomans

In the world of The Thousand and One Nights, fairy tales were not just a pastime: each of them contained a message and moral. The very same narration conveys to us the "flavor" of those distant and unexplored places in which we find ourselves. An experienced professional can take their minds off the intent of interpreting the cards and immerse themselves in the story. Do not try to discern the meanings of the Arcana in their images and give free rein to your imagination.

Tarot 1001 Night is a kind of reader for lovers of oriental fairy tales and exoticism. She is thoroughly imbued with the culture and customs of the East, which will not leave her fans indifferent.

The deck is presented with graceful and well-thought-out images taken from the collection of the same name of well-known fairy tales. Therefore, in the pictures you can see stories and main characters, about which many of you enthusiastically read or listened to in childhood.

Tarot deck structure 1001 Night

The history of the creation of this deck takes us back to the distant times of the French king Louis XIV de Bourbon. It was during this period that the collection of Arabian fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights" was translated into French, especially for the royal court. Much later, illustrations for these stories were created, they also served as the basis for creating this original deck. And only in our time have we witnessed the "birth" of the Tarot 1001 Night. Despite the long history of creation, the colorfulness and originality of this deck, many practitioners consider these cards too "fabulous" and do not correspond to the generally accepted meanings of the Tarot system. The essence of their opinion is that often the maps do not correspond to the history and do not agree with each other, because they are represented by pictures from different, completely unrelated fairy tales. That is, each card is a separate, independent fairy tale, the heroes of which do not affect the subsequent cards in the layout. This makes it difficult to intuitively perceive the deck and interpret the layouts. A striking example is the card of the Ace of Wands, which depicts decorated forest animals leisurely walking along the Sultan's lands. The drawing of the card absolutely does not correspond to the mood and meaning of the Ace of Wands. After all, this lasso is characterized as an impulse, the birth of a new idea, a peak of initiative and enthusiasm. And you can’t tell from the picture. However, there is another opinion based on the fact that this is the main highlight of the cards, which helps to look deeper into individual moments or situations. And the very eastern symbolism helps to look at some things differently. Be that as it may, the fact that this deck is beautiful, original and charming for many remains a fact.

How to work with a deck

Many people ask themselves the question, in what situations do these cards answer more fully and reveal the whole essence of what is happening? The answer to this question is hidden in the “soul of the east”. As you know, the east is a delicate matter, respectively, and the Tarot "1001 Nights" will become the most informative in delicate situations that require special attention or approach. Therefore, if you regularly become a participant in this kind of events, this deck will be irreplaceable for you.

An example of a layout

The most suitable for this deck in terms of spirit and theme is the layout "Everything is calm in Baghdad" (the layout itself is taken from the Internet, it exists in the public domain and is not copyright). It is also the most common layout for these cards, since it is based on a fairy tale from the collection "A Thousand and One Nights". The layout "Everything is calm in Baghdad" is a story about the mayor of Baghdad, who with his loyal servants (adviser and bodyguard), disguised as beggars, walked around the city and watched how his subjects lived, watched what was happening in the city. Therefore, the mayor himself, his advisor and bodyguard are three positions that show the possibilities and potential of the querent in the current situation. This is followed by three maps that show the dynamics of the development of this situation. According to the history of the alignment, these same cards symbolize and form a spatio-temporal connection, since the Caliph of Baghdad walked around the city only at certain times of the day. This is followed by three cards that show how the querent feels in this situation, what he must understand in it, how he needs to act and what needs to be done. And the last, tenth card is the final result of what is happening, which makes it clear whether it will be calm in Baghdad or not. This layout is intended to clarify incomprehensible and uncertain situations. The layout scheme forms a dome of a mosque and a minaret with a crescent moon: Position value: 1. The personality of the querent himself: his will, desires, aspirations, etc. That is, everything that he is. 2. Personal experience of the querent in this issue or situation: his knowledge, intellectual resources and ability to apply all this in practice. This position is responsible for the intellectual resources of the questioner. 3. Physical and material capabilities of the querent: in this position, all the above indicators will be revealed - from physique and physical capabilities, to the material and financial component of his life.
4. 5. 6. Diagnostics of changes in the current situation: These positions will show how and in what time frame the situation will change for the querent. They reflect the spatio-temporal connection of what is happening and its influence on the questioner. 7. How does the querent feel in this situation: the map will show the current attitude of the questioner to what is happening. Namely - his fears, fears, or, conversely, excessive self-confidence. 8. What the querent should understand in what is happening: this card will show what lesson the questioned person should take out of this situation. About what or towards whom the querent needs to change his attitude. 9. What the questioned person should do: this card will indicate a way out of the current situation, recommend specific actions or a model of behavior. 10. How it will end: this position will show the outcome of the situation, taking into account the fact that the querent learned a lesson and used the recommendations given to him.
The Thousand and One Nights is a collection of fairy tales in Arabic, renowned worldwide for its French translation by Antoine Galland for the royal court of Louis the Sun between 1704-1717. The interest of Europeans in the East at that time was caused by various reasons - both economic and social. Here the commercial and colonial interests of the growing French bourgeoisie converged. But the true atmosphere of the East, a vivid picture of life and manners, was revealed precisely by the series of Arabian fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights", which aroused ardent interest in itself not only because of its novelty, but also because it satisfied the aesthetic tastes of the beginning of the 18th century - East became very fashionable among the aristocratic elite. Galland did not try to make a meticulous translation with the observance of scientific accuracy and linguistic literacy. However, being a brilliant storyteller and, all the more, a researcher, passionate about everything related to the Arab world, he extremely carefully conveyed the atmosphere of mystery and magic of the East, without violating its aesthetic originality. At the same time, Galland managed to make the texts of fairy tales easily accessible and attractive by their exoticism for the readers of that time. Some of the stories were cleared of poetic lengths, often inserted into prose, others were spared from naturalistic details that could shock the reader or conflict with the principles of Christian morality. In any case, thanks to Antoine Galland, the heroes of Arab fairy tales - Shahrazada, Alla-din, Sinbad the Sailor and Ali Baba - came to life in our imagination as full-fledged historical characters.

Much later, in 1949, in Italy, the writer Francesco Gabrieli created a complete translation of "1001 Nights", the primary source of which was the Arabic texts. The question of the origin and development of the collection of stories is still not fully understood. An analysis of the texts and historical sketches of everyday life that appear in fairy tales gives enough reason to believe that they were written between the 10th and 17th centuries. But, despite the fact that the stories belong to different countries and were recorded or transmitted orally at different times, they, being popular in the capital of the eastern caliphate, Baghdad, were saturated with a pronounced oriental flavor. This is confirmed by the story framing the collection of fairy tales, which coincides with the frame of "A Thousand and One Nights". Various stories were inserted into a similar frame at different times, and this makes “1001 Nights” similar to such masterpieces of world literature as “The Decameron” by the Italian writer Boccaccio and “The Canterbury Tales” by the 14th century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. By the way, the great Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini in the 70s of the XX century created a "trilogy of life", consisting of the adaptation of just these works - a hymn of the flesh, the harmony of physical beauty with peace and soul.
The framework story that frames the collection of fairy tales is as follows: convinced of female deceit, Sultan Shahriyar, wanting to protect himself from betrayal, marries a new girl every night, who is killed on his orders after the first wedding night. And this continues for three years. “And the people cried out and fled with their daughters, and there was not a single girl left in the city suitable for marriage. And then the king ordered his vizier to bring him, according to custom, a girl, and the vizier went out and began to look, but did not find the girl and went to his home, oppressed and depressed, fearing evil for himself from the king. And the royal vizier had two daughters: the eldest was named Shahrazada, and the youngest was named Dunyazada. The eldest read books, chronicles and lives of ancient kings and legends about bygone nations, and she is said to have collected a thousand chronicle books relating to ancient peoples, former kings and poets. Shahriyar was going to do the same with Shahrazada as well as with the others. " But how beautiful and so wise Shahrazade goes to the trick: under the pretext of saying goodbye to her younger sister, she begins to tell fascinating stories that always stop at the most interesting place at dawn. The Sultan, interested in the continuation, extends the life of the young woman until the next night. And so it goes on for a thousand and one nights. During this time, the wisdom gleaned from instructive stories and legends softens the heart of the Sultan, and, having fallen in love with Shahrazada and the sons she gave birth to him during this time, he leaves her life.

Tarot "Thousand and One Nights"
The amazing general aesthetic stream that permeates all the stories of "1001 Nights" is the best fit for creating a system of traditional Tarot, which was done by the Italian publishing house "Lo Scarabeo".
Both the Major and Minor Arcana put, perhaps, a slightly different meaning, broader and more philosophical, in suggestive images of fairy tales. But they certainly have magical powers that take our imagination to the mysterious world of the East with its characters, culture and traditions.

The meaning of the Arcana
When interpreting, it should be borne in mind that italics indicate the meanings of the Arcana of a negative nature, used if the context of the question implies this: for example, “what prevents to achieve ..?”, Or “what circumstances do not give ..?”. The inverted card has the same negative meaning. In addition, if the card is laid upside down, its negative value is amplified. On the contrary, a straight-lying card increases the positive impact.

0 - Fool (IL MATTO): New beginnings, inspiration, travel, irresponsibility, isolation, slavery.
I - Mar (IL BAGATTO): Cunning, striving for improvement, impartiality, condemnation, insincerity.
II - Revered (LA VENERABILE): Competence, knowledge, protection, mental crisis, selfishness, stupidity.
III Empress (L "IMPERATRICE): Intelligence, control, power, loneliness, difficulty in achieving goals and, indecision.
IV- Emperor (L "IMPERATORE): Obligation, strength, security, mistakes, cruelty.
V - Revered (IL VENERABILE): Modesty, severity, religiosity, envy, vanity, intolerance, irresponsibility.
VI - Lovers (GLIAMANTI): Test, choice, harmonious relationship, indecision, fear of love, infidelity.
VII- The Chariot (IL CARRO): Triumph, joy, celebration, dangerous ambition, sudden loss.
VIII- Harmony (L "ARMONIA): Justice, order, limited freedom, harm, prejudice.
IX - The Hermit (L "EREMITA): Wisdom, meditation, modesty, loneliness, secret enemies, poverty.
X - Wheel (LA RUOTA): Return, start of action, prosperity, love, old enemies, fears, breaking ties.
XI - Courage (IL CORAGGIO): Physical strength, spiritual energy, moral stability, confrontation, danger, unequal struggle.
XII - Bound (L "UOMO LEGATO): Generosity, intuition, sacrifice, suffering, insult.
XIII - Death (LA MORTE): Radical changes, a new cycle in activities, problems at work.
XIV - Moderation (LATEMPERANZA): Respite, ability to analyze, clarity, friction, family tensions, lack of energy.
XV - The Devil (LA DIAVOLO): Desire fulfillment, passion, eroticism, deception, condemnation, refusal, failure.
XVI- Danger (LA PERICOLO): Security, economic independence, confusion, excessive pride, self-deception.
XVII - Stars (LE STELLE): New discoveries, open-mindedness, open-mindedness, dominance, authoritarianism, isolation.
XVIII - Luna (LA LUNA): New goals, birth, healing, criticism, peremptoryness, hidden betrayal.
XIX - Sun (IL SOLE): Successful ideas, sincere friendship, new opportunities, ambiguity, hypocrisy, commercialism, latent motives.
XX - Last Judgment (IL GIUDIZIO): Good health, kindness of others, emotional problems, regrets, illness.
XXI - Peace (IL MONDO): Personal happiness, task completion, sentimentality, delay, obstacles in business.


Bowls (SORRE) - water
1. Ace - Happiness, abundance, new love, find, sudden changes, insecurity.
2. Business ties, falling in love, marriage, the end of a romantic relationship, a dangerous passion.
3. Triumph, cure, disagreement, misunderstanding, worry.
4. Sincere friendship, family harmony, boredom, rejection, problems at work.
5. Protection, clean relationships, news, hiding, unfounded fears, dangerous acquaintances.
6. Pleasant memories, meeting old friends, nostalgia, misunderstanding, torment.
7. Power of imagination, dreams, creative inspiration, disappointment, frustration, nightmares, obsessions.
8. Intelligence, concreteness, chastity, shyness, prohibition, lack of empathy, limitation.
9. Will, satisfaction, insight, contradictions with colleagues, tension.
10. Happiness, harmony, successful marriage, ingratitude, suffering, mental problems.
Page (FANTE DI SORRE) - Exciting message, new ideals, creative take-off, obstacles, mental instability.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI SORRE) - Fruitful search, love at first sight, temptation, infidelity, fleeting love, escape from reality.
Queen (REGINA DI SORRE) - Generous woman, result, charm, shame, false relationships, resentment.
King (RE DI SORRE) - Sponsorship, consolidation, protection, friendship, scandals, corruption, duplicity.

Pentacles (DENARI) - earth
1. Ace - Reward, enrichment, opportunity, illegal gain, greed.
2. Joy / fun, lucky agreement, embarrassment, rejection, failure.
3. Ability, success, recognition, obstacles, inability to assert themselves.
4. Successful investments, thrift, waste, usury, excitement at work.
5. Generosity, wealth, family well-being, poverty, business losses, family conflicts.
6. Profit, kindness, no doubt, stubbornness, loss of money, bankruptcy.
7. New business, travel, broad-mindedness, indecision, fatigue, lack of funds.
8. Raising status, learning, discovery, deception, failure, defeat.
9. Prudence, confidence, sudden wealth, lack of faith, mistakes, unnecessary risk, excessive spending.
10. Security, family stability, support, gambling losses, financial delays.
Page (FANTE DI DENARI) - Abundance, new achievements, need for leadership, loss of money, infantilism.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI DENARI) - Professional recognition, undeniable power, conspiracy, loneliness, deception.
Queen (REGINA DI DENARI) - Inheritance, prudence, security, commercialism, self-will.
King (RE DI DENARI) - Profitable business, wealth, investments, dangerous acquaintances, shameful secrets, enemies.

Wands (BASTONI) - fire
1. Ace - Initiative, road, new achievements, loss of purpose, mental disorder, pressure of family attachments.
2. Balance, stability, healing, illness, uncertainty, lost opportunity.
3. Ingenuity, correct decision, important information, dangerous acquaintance, tragic situation.
4. Agreement, prosperity, unexpected proposal, fatigue, lack of ideas, stagnation.
5. Exam preparation, training, contradictions, dishonesty, failure.
6. Victory, defeat of competitors, efforts, disloyalty, laziness, insurmountable obstacles.
7. Valor, challenge, beneficial union, concern, difficult decision, confrontation,
8. Radical changes, relocation, shift of emphasis, second thoughts, illogicality.
9. Vigilance, effective defense, intuition, disaster, frustration, robbery.
10 / Battle, Competition, Test, Strengthening, Oppression, Lawlessness.
Page (FANTE DIBASTONI) - Companion, friendship, good news, lack of allies, rival in love, bad news, gossip.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI BASTONI) - Traveler, offer, job offer, lack of companion, divorce, unreliable marriage.
Queen (REGINA DI BASTONI) - Friend, close relationship, understanding, jealousy, misunderstanding, perversion.
King (RE DI BASTONI) - Entrepreneur, wisdom, generosity, obedience, strictness, grief.

Swords (SPADE) - air
1. Ace - Triumph, goal achievement, power, loss, humiliation, bondage, fatigue.
2. Balance, winning in battle, testing of strength, dangerous competitor, hypocrisy, family breakdown.
3. Sharpness of mind, awareness, success, loneliness, lack of knowledge, painful loss.
4. New perspectives, clarity, self-criticism, illness, isolation, sadness.
5 Lunch (promise), goal achievement, reward, shame, betrayal, revenge.
6. Dynamism, new acquaintances, love, depression, sadness, heartfelt disappointments.
7. Frankness, carrying out ideas, excuses, conflicts, shady scams.
8. New profits, financial stability, social victories, confrontation, hidden dangers, obstacles.
9. Renewal, intuition, patience, despair, haste, remorse, imprudence.
10. Inner harmony, peace, misfortune, pain, loss of loved ones, mourning.
Page (FANTE DI SPADE) - Study, discovery, listening skills, negligence, hidden enemy, lies.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI SPADE) - Enthusiasm, victory in conflict, glory, heated argument, anger, hatred.
Queen (REGINA DI SPADE) - Strength of character, ability to recover, courage, melancholy, malice, revenge.
King (RE DI SPADE) - Incorruptibility, help, important acquaintances, legal troubles, arrogance, bribes.

Fabulous reality.
Or, the Tarot of Eastern Wisdom.
1001 nights.

For several years now, I have been the proud owner of 1001 nights. But I constantly come across the opinion that the deck is difficult to understand.
Therefore, in the article below, I will try to debunk the myth about the complexity of the legend of these enchanting cards. And the world of oriental flavor, oriental thinking and oriental way of life will help me with this. World of the East ... ...

Oh, East - you never have "mono" tastes.
Oh, the East - you, the variety of obvious and hidden shades and half-tones, in any manifestation of human existence.
Oh, East - you, a way of thinking in which a person learns to understand and accept that not all evil is bad and deserves condemnation, as, and not all good is good and deserves praise.

Dear reader, look at the rich symbolism of the images.
Do not be afraid of the contradictory feelings that it evokes.
Try, together with me, to penetrate beyond the generally accepted classics inherent in this or that lasso ....

Good traveler, enter the glorious city of Baghdad,
You won't believe your eyes.
A cascade of adventures awaits you ahead.
Are you ready? Open up til the season! ....

Trusting the will of chance, my hand pulled out of the deck a knight of staffs jumping in the desert.

Do you see how his unnaturally huge turban, an oriental attribute of significance and status, sways? And indeed, marveling at his headdress, we do not notice the main thing, he does not have a noble, thoroughbred horse, he rides on a donkey.
Oh, yes, of course, the knight of wands, this is the person who is capable of daring to cross the desert. A man of great willpower and determination. And his goals are great and noble.
But .... how often a person overestimates his capabilities!
Apparently, this knight has too high self-esteem, since his turban is so inflated.
This card, with amazing accuracy, shows me in the hands of young men, giving, in a fit of passion or a passion of love of the soul, promises that, in fact, are not able to fulfill ...
.. With half a pound of rags, he stuffed a turban,
I wrapped it with a piece of beautiful fabric.
The turban outside is an example for all turbans,
Inside, she is like a lying hypocrite ... (Rumi)
This knight never gives up. But how often does he use such a noble quality in ignoble deeds. It is easier for him to deceive, to show off, than to admit a mistake or defeat ...

Again, the will of chance, and drawing one card - I take out two ...

Look at the royal couple of denarii. On women who are content to sit at the feet of the king on the bare floor ... And, on the queen forever awaiting her hour ...
The burden of the personification of love triangles fell on the shoulders of a wealthy family.
The wealth of an Eastern man gives him the legal right to have several wives.
And therefore, this king shows us a person who absolutely deliberately made a connection on the side.
Not by chance, but deliberately! Because this is his model of perception of the world.
But the most important thing is that none of the women, be it a wife or a mistress, have a say. And if it occurs to them to replay the format of this relationship and try to become the only one in the harem of this king, the best they will get is a change in the composition of the harem.
However, all this does not negate the security of such an alliance. So, the harem was, is and will be. And women will continue to meekly sit next to their padishah ...

... Arabian night,
Magic east.
Here is enchantment and revenge, courage and honor,
Palaces and sand ... ..

The will of chance and the will of my hand, get out of the deck 11 lasso - Courage.

Yes, like the classic lasso Strength, Courage symbolizes the struggle with the vicissitudes of fate. But the difference is very tangible. The forces are too unequal, it is too inconvenient to fight, standing on a pile of uneven stones. The opposing side is too big. There is no hope of physical or spiritual victory in this power.
Remember fairy tales based on oriental motives. The favorite pastime of padishahs, sultans and sheikhs is to ask a subject a riddle, with the correct answer to which, a poor fellow, they give life. And if you make a mistake, you will be deprived of your life.
And remember how the hero of a fairy tale gets out of the situation. He never acts by force, never hopes for his endurance, he always wins only with the help of cunning and ingenuity.
The 11th lasso of 1001nights is the lasso of rejection of the forceful method of solving a problem, in favor of solving with the help of the power of thought, precisely verified and subtly played out intrigue. Arcanum showing that if you do not untangle the snake tangle of intrigue, you will have to physically part with something important in your life - work, home, family ...

... Oh, wonderful east! Oh fabulous land
Here poison and damask promise death,
Look, don't yawn….

Continuing to draw cards, I immerse myself in new images.
5 swords -

does it sound like a classic defeat. No, everything is much more subtle here. How often a person thinks that he has won, without seeing the open resistance of his opponent. How often, one does not think about the fact that there are people who know how to fight beautifully without using violence. And, as is typical, the people of the East lead the enemy around the finger.
As a result, our hero, finding himself in a fairy garden and not meeting resistance, decides that the owners of the garden have surrendered to his mercy. But how wrong he is ... ..
Blue roses are a symbol of deception and stupefaction, and the net over the garden is a symbol of imprisonment, speak for themselves.
Yes, blood will not be spilled, but there will be no chance to get out of the trap. You voluntarily believed in the failure of the enemy and voluntarily laid down your arms. And you lost ...

Or, for example, 5 cups -

how much the image of this lasso differs from the classics, in which 5 cups - a tormented heart, unbearable mental pain ...
We see nothing of the kind here. Pleasant, relaxed dining environment.
But, the mind of the young man is already clouded with wine, and the old man still offers to fill the glasses again. Along the way, insinuatingly, explaining that man was created in order to taste all the pleasures of life.
The young man tries to resist the temptation, but how good the old man's speeches are, how they caress the soul and how you want to trust this person ...
So, believing the words of the insidious seducer, in the morning, human hearts are broken and hopes are crumbling ...

Though crafty and cruel, the east is beautiful,
Sharpen your blade and go
Let the flying carpet carry you away from worries
To the east, where the tale calls!

Oh yes, dear reader, every card in this deck is inspired by the fairy tales of 1001nights.
And each of this story does not end in a separate lasso, but smoothly flows into the next one, just like with dawn, the fairy tale told by Scheherazade to King Shahriyar did not end, just like this fairy tale was waiting for its continuation with a new sunset ... ...
Well, I can only hope that my excursion will not be in vain. That love for 1001 nights will win new hearts and give new possibilities in the art of divination.