
Double-circuit electric boilers for heating a private house. Electric double-circuit boiler for home heating

The purchase of an electric boiler for a heating system is a rather difficult and responsible decision. If it is necessary to organize a heating system for a private or country house, it must be taken into account that in order for the boiler to work in the most optimal way, it is necessary to bring a stable and reliable source of electricity to it. In addition, it is necessary to take into account what costs will have to be incurred in order to implement it. Maintenance. Dual circuit electric boilers heating have both advantages and disadvantages, which show reviews of such devices.


Double-circuit electric heating boiler will great solution in a situation where it is impossible to connect the house to a centralized heating system. A double-circuit heating boiler will help organize not only the heating system in the house, but also the hot water supply system.

When buying an electric boiler, you need to look not only at its price, but also at its specifications. Only by studying the totality of all its parameters, one can understand whether it would be advisable to purchase one or another floor or wall-mounted electric heating boiler or not. Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of a double-circuit electric boiler, you can make a more informed decision about its purchase.

The advantages of this type of boiler include the following:

  • They have a compact size;
  • Do not create noise during operation;
  • Easy to manage and do not require much effort during installation;
  • Safe with ecological point vision.

Electric boilers for heating an apartment are in rather great demand among owners of country houses or country houses.

Under such conditions, the productivity of such boilers looks more obvious. To install a double-circuit electric boiler for heating a house, you will need to find and prepare for it work surface. The boiler must be installed as close as possible to the power source.

By means of an electric boiler, it is possible to ensure a constant supply of hot water. This is an excellent factor, especially in a situation where it is impossible to connect to the gas main.

During the operating mode, a double-circuit electric boiler does not use the air in the room, and also does not emit any harmful substances.

Compared to other systems, in the case of a heating system powered by an electric boiler, there is no need to look for separate room. In order to install wall-mounted electric heating boilers, you need very little free space. This saves usable area. A wall-mounted electric boiler will take up even less free space.

Features of the operation of electric boilers

For a heating system with an electric double-circuit boiler, there is no need to develop a complex documentary project, and there is no need to install ventilation system or install a chimney. The most economical are wall-mounted electric boilers for heating from German manufacturers. In addition, such devices do not create vibrations or noise during operation.

In addition, such single-phase electric heating boilers have proven to be durable and durable devices. Most important point, which requires special attention, is a reliable and correct connection device to a power source.

Sudden power surges can disrupt the operation of an electric boiler, since if single-phase electric boilers for heating are connected incorrectly, they will be charged heavy loads. Thanks to modern methods diagnosing in the event of a boiler malfunction, it can be quite easily identified. Since such a boiler works without open hearth fire, then repairing it will also be an easy task.

Like a single-circuit, electric double-circuit boiler for heating a house can be wall-mounted and floor-standing. It can be connected to single-phase and three-phase network. At the same time, some models are equipped with two heating elements connection schemes: one for 220 volts, and the other for 380 volts. Switching from one circuit to another is done manually with a special toggle switch. More details about we talked about last time. Today we will only talk about double-circuit units, how they work and why they are so unpopular among the population of our vast country.

The principle of operation of a double-circuit electric boiler

A double-circuit boiler heats the room and supplies the house hot water.

The principle of operation of an electric double-circuit boiler for heating a house is that it can work in several directions at once:

  • coolant heating;
  • domestic water heating (hot water supply).

Let us immediately determine that a double-circuit electric heating boiler is, by definition, only a heating element heater, in which heating is carried out by means of heating elements. In addition, there are induction and electrode boilers, but there cannot be a DHW circuit in them, structurally this is impossible.

In a double-circuit electric heating boiler there are two circulation rings, one of which is closed. They do not intersect with each other at least, as planned, this should not be, but in practice, failures still occur.

It turns out that for each circuit there must be a separate heater that can work independently in its own mode. In addition, the electronic control unit must provide for the possibility of adjusting the liquid heating temperature for each circuit separately.

The heating elements on the high-temperature heating circuit maintain a user-defined temperature in the system itself or in the room. The difference is which sensors are installed and where. The temperature sensor built into the double-circuit electric heating boiler can take readings of the temperature of the coolant or air in the house. Based on these data, the control unit turns the heater on or off. Air temperature control is more convenient, since you can set the same temperature for the entire heating period.

For example, it is necessary that the house was 22 degrees. If on the street hard frost, then the double-circuit electric heating boiler will work more than on warm days. Thus, the temperature of the water in the circuit changes, adjusting to the weather conditions. The DHW circuit works a little differently. When the tap is opened, a sensor is activated, which instantly turns on the heating element. Running water from the tap is heated. Naturally, the unit consumes more electricity when both circuits are involved. The degree of heating is controlled directly in the boiler, while from the heater to the mixer there should be no more than 10 meters.

Why you should not buy a double-circuit electric boiler

If you have a double-circuit electric boiler, then one day you may see something similar.

Double-circuit electric boiler for home heating is not in demand. And there are very few offers for this type of equipment, which also indicates its low popularity, because if there is a demand, the offer will not keep you waiting. Let's start with the fact that double-circuit electric boilers for heating a private house are quite complex and expensive devices. For example, if you buy a single-circuit boiler for heating and a boiler for hot water separately, then your costs will be three times less. Further operation will be more convenient, and electricity bills will be approximately the same.

Any engineer will tell you that the simpler the device, the better and more reliable it is. Everything additional options and bells and whistles lead to more potential faults. It should be understood that the breakdown of any element of the boiler will certainly lead to the fact that its further operation becomes impossible. As life experience shows, you can endure without hot water for a long time, but without heating - in any way.

Double-circuit electric boilers for heating a private house are not recommended to be used in conjunction with antifreeze, especially ethylene glycol.

Coolant admixture in DHW circuit, as we noted earlier, happens often. Therefore, in such systems, you can see blue or green liquid running from the tap. It's antifreeze. Not only is it chemistry, but it also goes down the drain. This means that you will have to make up for losses, and these are waste, and you need to do it in order to .

Let's summarize the disadvantages of double-circuit boilers:

  • very expensive;
  • too complex apparatus, in which there is a lot of things to break;
  • do not use antifreeze as a coolant;
  • hot water taps must not be more than 10 meters away.

Of the advantages, only compactness. Somehow it is not enough for such a price and difficulties with operation in return to get only compactness. To illustrate, let's compare the prices of double-circuit boilers with kit single-circuit unit and boiler.

  • a double-circuit boiler costs about 600 US dollars;
  • a single-circuit electric heating boiler costs from $ 90;
  • for a boiler for heating water with a volume of 80 liters, manufacturers ask from $ 65.

All prices are for cheap models in order to be objective, since any of the devices can be found several times more expensive. As you can see, for a single-circuit heater and boiler, you will pay $ 155, which is almost four times less than one double-circuit unit. Let and a hot water boiler will cost more, but the cost of a few extra fittings and taps is not comparable to such a huge price difference.

Three-circuit electric boilers?

This is a collector. It is placed in a separate box.

Are there three-circuit electric heating boilers? The answer is obvious - no, it doesn't. Although it is technically possible to create several circuits even for the simplest heater. Let's take a look at what the options might be. Let's say we have two-storey house and we want to separately start heating on the first and second floors, as well as a water-heated floor system, which can also be divided for different floors. As a result, we get even four contours.

The collector will separate the circuits from each other. The collector is metal tube with openings for the inlet and return of the coolant. The use of a collector will allow you to turn off one of the circuits independently of the others. This can come in handy when repairs are needed. At the same time, it must be understood that the boiler will heat the coolant equally for all circuits. One supply pipe goes to the collector and one return pipe goes from it to the boiler. The branchings start after the collector.

In a warm floor, the temperature of the coolant should not exceed 35 degrees, otherwise the floor will be too warm, which creates some discomfort. What to do when the boiler raises the water temperature to 65, which is necessary to warm the room. To do this, three-way valves are installed that regulate the degree of heating of the liquid by mixing water from the return.

But in the case of electric boilers, such complex manipulations are simply inappropriate. Optimal option:

  • single-circuit boiler for high-temperature heating system;
  • electric underfloor heating where needed;
  • boiler for hot water supply.

In fact, there will be no difference in power consumption, while all devices will be autonomous, which greatly facilitates their maintenance. In addition, you can buy them gradually, as funds become available. Installation is also easier, no need to invent complex schemes With additional equipment. As for underfloor heating, modern infrared mats can be spread directly under the linoleum. They can be dismantled and moved to another location.

P.S. (postscript)

The purchase of a double-circuit electric boiler for heating an apartment in the future does not bring any benefit to its potential owner. If you buy heaters for the heating system and hot water separately, it will be much cheaper and more convenient. It is generally better to forget about water heated floors powered by an electric boiler. There is an alternative - electric underfloor heating, of which there are several types. The probability of leakage of the coolant is excluded, and even if a breakdown occurs, only some part of the warm floor will cease to function. The newest infrared mats are generally not afraid of damage.

Electricity has long been used as a source of energy for working modern appliances heating for heating both residential and utility rooms. Although the cost of the energy carrier does not always justify the use of an electric boiler as the main source of heat. But what if the homeowner does not have the opportunity to connect to the central gas main? Correct use Alternative option– electric double-circuit boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric heating

Easy to install and use, compact size and aesthetic appeal and, most importantly, the price and safety of a double-circuit wall-mounted boiler simply attract the consumer with a magnet, even despite the consumption of a large amount of electricity by the unit. Although, in order to save money, many heating devices are equipped with step-by-step power control.

Considering that in many major cities nightly electricity tariffs are in effect, the economical homeowner will set the boiler to a more intensive heating program for this period. A properly configured electric boiler can not only create comfort in an apartment, but also will heat the water by the time the tenants in the house wake up. At the same time, thanks to the night tariff, it will be possible to save on hot water supply.

Plus, temperature controllers installed on each radiator in the apartment will help reduce energy costs for heating. Thanks to this simple addition to the electric heating system it becomes possible to set temperature regime in every single room in the house. Besides wall models double-circuit electric boilers have a number of the following advantages:

  • ease of operation;
  • maximum efficiency;
  • quiet operation of the device without vibration;
  • the most automated heating processes;
  • setting a suitable temperature in the room;
  • lack of a chimney or a separate boiler room;
  • ease of care;
  • high fire safety;
  • lack of exhaust gases;
  • ease of installation;
  • relatively low price.

The use of an electric double-circuit boiler is possible both as an independent unit and in combination with gas and solid propellant device or solar system. In this variant electrical unit can be both the main source of heat and a backup device.

But, even considering the many advantages electrical system heating, its use in large rooms impractical because of high price electricity. In multi-storey buildings, it is better to use a multi-fuel heating device.

However, these are not all the disadvantages of electric double-circuit boilers. Frequent interruptions electricity supply and unforeseen voltage drops reduce the efficiency of such a heating system. Especially this problem is noticeable in the suburban area, when in the event of a breakdown of the electrical main, entire areas are left without electricity for a long time, especially if there is bad weather outside the window and the emergency service cannot drive off-road. Though problem can be solved by gasoline generator , but this is not economically advantageous, since the price of gasoline is very high.

Another nuisance that accompanies electrical heating boilers, is an old wiring in a house that can not withstand increased loads. And, as you know, overheating of the wires can lead to a fire.

Design features of the electric boiler

The double-circuit type electric boiler has enough simple design, although it replaces the mini-boiler room. Each circuit of the device can function both separately and in pairs, heating the room and heating water at the same time. In this case, such equipment consists of the following elements:

  • a heat exchanger through which the coolant flows when heated;
  • storage tank for hot water;
  • heating elements for heating the coolant and water;
  • expansion tank for high pressure relief;
  • electric pump to circulate the coolant;
  • air vent to remove air pockets;
  • safety valve to ensure the safety of the device;
  • an automation unit responsible for maintaining the specified modes;
  • control system that allows you to set temperature parameters.

According to external data and design, electric boilers are divided into the following models:

  • wall-mounted electric boiler with compact dimensions;
  • outdoor heating device for heating large rooms.

Based on the name, the first device is mounted on the wall. In turn, the floor electric boiler is installed on the floor in a place specially provided for this. Also, double-circuit boilers can be divided into three groups in accordance with the main heating element:

  • A heating element wall or floor electric boiler inside the tank, of which there are several tubular heaters- has high reliability;
  • electrode device heating of the coolant, in which occurs when current passes through aquatic environment- very economical;
  • an induction unit operating at the expense of an inductor is a new modern heating device.

By power, double-circuit electric boilers are divided according to the parameters of the electricity used:

  • single-phase heating device;
  • three-phase electric boiler.

The choice of power of the device should be based on the calculations of the parameters of the heated room. Wherein exact dimensions not enough, since a number of related factors affect the power of the boiler: building insulation, the number of people living in the house, etc.

Principal features of the operation of the electric boiler

Double-circuit electric heating device for both wall and floor type It works on the principle of converting electricity into heat. This is achieved through heating elements that are responsible for heating the coolant in the heating system and water in the boiler.

The movement of the coolant through the pipeline and radiators is ensured circulation pump or according to the laws of physics in a natural way, under the control of the automation unit. The heating system is equipped with a regulator that sets the temperature regime, upon reaching which the sensor sends the corresponding command to the electric boiler:

  • when the set temperature is reached, the heating element is switched off;
  • when temperatures drop to lower threshold operation, the boiler switches on again.

Modern programmers allow you to control not only internal system boiler, and the temperature in a particular room. Thanks to such devices, an electric double-circuit boiler will work fully automatically without human intervention.

The security of modern electric heating of the premises is provided by a safety system, the price of which does not affect the cost of the boiler, as it is an integral part of it. In the event of water overheating, the pressure in the system increases significantly, which leads to the operation of a valve that releases excess coolant into the expansion tank.

Electric heating boiler with heating elements

The principle of operation of such a heating system is similar to a standard boiler. The heating element of both wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers is a heating element. Moreover, their number depends on the power of the electric dual circuit device. Heating of the coolant in such a unit occurs according to the flow or forced principle, depending on the design of the boiler.

This type heating equipment recently gained maximum popularity among consumers. Heating element boiler has a relatively low price and outwardly attractive design. At the same time, if antifreeze is used as a coolant, then you can not worry about freezing the system in the event of a long absence of electricity in winter period of the year. Modern units are sold complete with automatic knots control, thanks to which it becomes possible to maintain the temperature in a given mode without human intervention.

But such a seemingly perfect heating device has a significant drawback - scale formation on heating elements, which can lead to a sharp drop in boiler efficiency. Therefore, through certain time such a unit needs to be replaced heating elements. To extend the life of the heating element, a water softener is added to the coolant. But this measure does not completely eliminate the problem, but only increases the life of the unit.

Heating with double-circuit electrode boiler

As heating elements in such heating appliances special electrodes are used, which transfer the coolant electricity. In this case, the water is heated by internal resistance last. Under the influence of current, water molecules are split, leading to ionization. The particles, having been charged, begin to move towards the electrode corresponding in polarity, due to which the coolant is instantly heated.

An electrode double-circuit boiler, due to its compactness, often has wall structure while its price is relatively low. In the event of a coolant leak it automatically stops working which ensures its high security. But due to significant shortcomings, such equipment is not widely used:

  • the coolant must be prepared in accordance with characteristic features water ionization;
  • when the speed of movement of the coolant in the system decreases, the boiler will instantly overheat;
  • electrodes wear out quickly and therefore require regular replacement during operation.

Heating system with induction boiler

Convert electricity to thermal energy in induction double-circuit boiler occurs through an inductor. Under the influence of the induction field, energy is transferred between the primary and secondary coils, during which the coolant is heated. Water, circulating in a structurally complex circuit, is heated from the walls of the hermetic housing, in which the induction coil is placed.

The main advantage of such a heating device is no direct contact of the coolant with the heating element, which significantly increases the operational resource of the latter.

The induction boiler is presented in different configurations and the ability to use any coolant, and also has a high electrical safety. But due enough large sizes and the price of the device, it has not found wide application in heating systems.

Equipment selection criteria

In the process of choosing a double-circuit electric boiler floor or wall type first of all pay attention to power ratings, on which the heated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, electricity consumption and the price of the unit depend. It is not advisable to purchase a device that is much more powerful than necessary.

When purchasing an electric heating device, it is important to pay attention to the level of noise it produces. Qualitative double-circuit electric boiler is almost silent except for the sound emitted by the circulation pump.

Consumer market heating systems crowded various models electric boilers, both wall-mounted and floor-standing, produced both abroad and in our country. Their range is huge and it is not always possible to choose the right device on your own. In such situation you can contact the experts in this matter, which will help you choose best option for price and quality.


Double-circuit electric boilers operate on heating elements located in the heat exchanger and heating the coolant. To create a hot water supply system, it is necessary to connect a boiler to them indirect heating. This is due to the fact that heating to required level running water using an electric boiler is not possible. But there are also models with built-in boilers. Most well-known manufacturers double-circuit electric boilers are:

Double-circuit electric boilers for heating a house must be connected through a stabilizer, and the wiring in the house must be of good quality, it may be necessary to bring a separate line.

Advantages and disadvantages

    1. Electric boilers have a number of advantages:
      Ease of installation. Electric boilers do not require permits and those projects gas farms. There is no need to install a chimney.
    2. Quiet operation.
    3. Safety. When working, combustible materials are not used, there are no harmful emissions, open flames.
    4. Environmental friendliness. No emissions to the atmosphere.
    5. Easy to operate. There is no need to supervise the operation of the boiler or periodic maintenance.
    6. Simplicity in management.
    7. High level of efficiency.

Of course, a double-circuit electric boiler also has disadvantages:

  1. In the absence of electricity, the boiler does not perform its functions
  2. High electricity consumption.
  3. Requires separate wiring. Higher power models require a 3-phase connection.
  4. The possibility of scale formation on the heating elements, which disables the boiler.
  5. The need to connect through a voltage stabilizer.


If we talk about the results of a survey and analysis of consumer reviews, they note that if there is a possibility of gas supply, it is better not to install electric boilers, the only thing is that you can use them as alternative device for heating. If there is no other way out, then during installation it is necessary to take into account the quality of the wiring and the stability of the voltage in the network, whether power outages are possible in the area. If the wiring in the house is old, you will need to change it, it is also better to connect the boiler through a stabilizer to avoid jumps.
Users note that even quality models scale formation on heating elements is possible, due to which power is reduced and the boiler may fail. When heating a house with an electric boiler compared to gas, the cost of paying utilities will be significantly higher.